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FEB. 2011 - Vol 1, Issue 11
In This Issue
Decoding The Tax Cut Extensions
The Best Approach For Financing Your Equipment
Mazuma Capital Partners
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Decoding The Tax Cut Extensions


Tax Cut Extension- How It Applies To Equipment Leasing

In December 2010 President Obama signed into law a tax bill extending cuts for all Americans. The benefits range from tax cuts for millionaires and the middle class to longer-term help for the unemployed.
Business will benefit from the 100% expensing provision. For investments placed in service after Sept. 8, 2010, and through Dec.31, 2011, the bill provides for 100% bonus depreciation.


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How To Determine The Best Approach For Financing Your Equipment

equipmentIf your company is looking to expand, upgrade or just keep   operations running smoothly, having the right equipment financing solution can affect your overall financial position. Financing is available for all sizes of equipment acquisitions, from technology upgrades to heavy equipment such as mining equipment or yellow iron. When seeking out an equipment financing source,
it's important for businesses to be prepared. 

Mazuma Capital Partners


Mazuma Capital's exclusive partner program is available to for partners seeking funding for $100K- $10MM for qualified middle-market clients.  Through private label financing solutions Mazuma's partners become a turn key service provider and may access our services to reduce turn-around time and streamline processes. 



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