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News From Your Friends At Compass
May, 2012
Dear Friends of Compass:

New Compass Web Site 

We just launched our new web site last week! Thanks so much to all those who helped us. It took a lot longer than we ever imagined but we're now up and running. 


While we are still adding in all our products, fixing bugs and typos, the new site seems to be hm pgworking well overall. The main purpose was to update the look and feel and make digital downloads possible.


You can still order Steeling the Mind Bible presentations via mail, as always--by phone, fax or from our web site. But now you also have the option of downloading and watching it immediately on your computer... for only half-price!


And for those who read our eNews, we want you to see how well the digital download works. So we're offering a special $3.95 download until July 15 for any of our Apologetics presentations (Defense of the Faith). Just choose a title, check out, type in the discount code "enews"  to receive the $3.95 price. Enjoy!  


Click here to go to Compass Apologetics titles to view the titles you can download and watch for the discounted price of $3.95. Not all the titles are loaded yet, but you can choose from those that are. 


Biblelands Cruise-October 2012
It doesn't get any better than this! Rome, the Egyptian Pyramids, Jerusalem, Galilee, Ephesus, Athens, Corinth and Crete... all from the comfort and convenience of your floating hotel... Royal Caribbean's 5 Star Mariner of the Seas!

You even have the option to arrive early and visit Venice, Florence, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Plus, while at-sea, we've scheduled an in-depth Christian Financial Conference with five top Christian financial speakers! Click here for the details of this amazing two-week cruise! Lot's of Bible, lot's of fun!



Bill Perkins

Executive Director

Compass International, Inc.

Big Bang and the Bible
Big Bang
A scientist once said,

                 "There either is a God, or there is not a God,  
                          and either answer is terrifying."

There is no middle ground. If there is no God, there is no hope. This is all there is.

But on the other hand, if there is a God, then He calls the shots and we are accountable to Him.

Along this line of thinking comes the big question: Did our universe begin with Biblical creation in six literal days or did we evolve over billions of years?

Our public, private and even many "Christian" schools have pushed the god-less "Big Bang" theory for decades and it's taken it's toll.

The percentage of born again Christians who believe evolution and/or the Big Bang plays at least some role in the creation is an uncomfortable 50%! *
The Gap
Many believers reading this today see little problem with God using the Big Bang in some way or shape in creation, often citing the non-scriptural "Gap Theory" as their basis for belief.

The Gap Theory is an attempt to compromise Biblical fact with baseless science by inserting millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. But that violates an even bigger Biblical truth- sin brought death. With the Gap Theory, death comes before sin and Genesis crumbles.

       "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God."                                                                            1 Cor 3:19

The Big Bang theory, with or without the Biblical "Gap," is quite foolish when you think about it. It's hard to believe anyone with two brain cells would put their faith in it. Consider the facts:

The original theory was first loosely proposed by the Belgian George Lemaitre in 1927. In 1948, George Gamow, R.A. Alpher and R. Herman outlined the basic model.

Gamow, a scientist and fiction writer, gave it the name "The Big Bang." Using simple rudimentary visuals (cartoons) he enthusiastically pushed his theory to other scientists (Isaac Asimov, Asimov's New Guide to Science, 1984, p. 43).

Creat vs evol signsGamow's fictional writing must have served him well in explaining the universe's beginnings because only an incredible imagination could have thought up this wholly unscientific theory.

The Big Bang teaches that in the beginning, some 12 to 14 billion years ago, there was "nothingness." Then gravity caused the "nothing" to pack tightly together and a spark caused the "nothing" to explode outwardly as hydrogen and helium.

Therefore, the Big Bang begins with nothing, then gravity appears out of nowhere, followed by a magical spark from nowhere that caused an explosion that somehow CREATED hydrogen (one proton and one electron) and helium (two protons and two electrons) from nothing!

Astonishingly, many of our brightest minds believe that in the beginning there was nothing... and then it exploded! Big Bang supporters have more faith than most Christians!

The theory continues to say that this random explosion caused gases to blast outward through frictionless space


to eventually form stars, galaxies, planets, and moons... and later plants, animals and humans. 
Milky Way
Milky Way, our home galaxy, has billions of stars in a spiral design!

One of the many problems with such
a theory is what we 
we know about "frictionless" space. 


The randomly exploded out-flowing gases from the Big 
Bang cannot stop 
 moving outward, slow down or turn. They would continue to move further apart. 

Yet we find grand design in the galaxies of the universe. Not to mention the intricate design in animals and humans!  
DNA pic
Scientists can now trace DNA back to a single person
And finally, no scientist doubts that DNA, the blueprint from which each of us is made, is an intricate design. There is absolutely nothing random in the DNA all of us contain.

And it is not only a design, but DNA replicates itself (code) and is self-correcting!

Which of course means, if you have a design, you MUST have a designer!

          Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe?  

          Where is the debater of this age? Has not God  

          made foolish the wisdom of the world? 1Cor 1:20


God said he designed each and everyone of us. Our DNA code was in Adam. When Adam sinned, sin infected not only Adam, but all his offspring.


         For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will
         be made alive. 1 Cor 15:22

God also designed the universe. And it is stunning.

            When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your
             fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have  
             ordained; Psa. 8:3  


If you like this kind of apologetics, we have a great Steeling presentation entitled "Big Bang and the Bible" by Mike Riddle.Click here to immediately download and watch or to have it mailed to you.  


Obama vs. Romney

                                Voting for the lesser of two evils?

Romney vs Obama
This November
Christians have a Presidential choice between two candidates- neither of whom would normally be acceptable to "born-again" Believers.

President Obama claims to be a Christian but is vocally anti-Bible, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual rights, pushing devastating fiscal policies and desiring to move the United States away from capitalism and toward one-world government under the United Nations.

Romney lines up better with overall Biblical issues like pro-life and pro-family but is an "Elder" in a bona fide cult. His very admission of the fact he is a member of the Mormon cult is blasphemy to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus is not "a god" but rather the "Only God" and Satan is NOT Jesus' brother ... two of many blasphemous ideas promoted in the Mormon cult. To admit you are a Mormon shows you are blinded by Satan.

So we have the wonderful choice between a fakeRomney Obama face merge christian and a false christian. Take your pick which is which. Obviously not a good choice in this election cycle.

Born Again Believers have no choice but to choose between "the lesser of two evils."  We shouldn't be surprised... after all, in the last 50 years we've kicked God out of our schools and government, murdered 60 million babies and watered down His Word in our churches.

Regardless of who is elected, America's demise will continue until we repent and elect Godly leaders who are unafraid to take a Biblical approach to life.

In the meantime, all we can do is hope to slow the decline.
For this election in particular, it is crucially  important to vote for the candidate who comes closest to overall conservative Biblical values.

If for no other reason, the President controls the appointment of hundreds of federal judges and probably a Supreme Court member or two.

Too many Christians don't realize we are only one Supreme Court vote away from being legislated out of our God-granted, and constitutionally granted, Biblical freedoms.

So we think the best verse to guide our thinking for this critical election is:

            A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but
            the foolish man's heart directs him toward the left.

                                                                           Eccl. 10:2

STM LogoIn the meantime, be wise and don't ignore the facts. On Sept. 21-22, Compass has a Bible Conference in Denver dealing with a lot of critical important Christian issues. We've invited the best and brightest speakers to hammer away on tough Biblical subjects to armor you with truth!
Sinking $
Friday night, September 21st, is our Financial Forum. Great info for protecting your assets. One day we WILL wake up and have a new money in place. Be wise and prepare.

Saturday is a fun day for Believers of all ages. Every hour a new speaker on a new subject.

Scores of book table resources are available to browse. And the room is full
STM booktables
Steeling The Mind Conference-
tons of great resources! 
of Bible Believers from over 100 churches is just an amazing sight! So many Believers from so many different churches investing a day for Biblical armor.

And if you can't make it to Denver, you can watch it live at your home on your computer or big screen TV (adapter needed for TV) or at your church.

We hope you can join us!

Click here for conference info - attending live or via live simulcast.

It's time to armor up!!! Who knows what's ahead!


Awesome DVDs now available from Steeling the Mind Bible Conference-Spokane, Washington!

STM 2011 Den crowd

Steeling the Mind  Spokane  

Now Available!     


Order these awesome new DVDs or CDs today!  

                              Click here to order! 



Lying Signs and Wonders   

gendron banner

Mike Gendron � Proclaiming the Gospel-TX  


The Bible warns that in the last days there will be an exponential increase in deception. As the global deceivers become more and more obvious to Believers, of what should we be aware? Plenty!   




50 Facts That Make Darwin Look Silly!   

Russ Miller  nano beads virticle*  Creation Ministries, AZ  


Evolutionists hate presentations like this. Scientific facts, one after another, showing absolutely without a doubt that Creation, not evolution, is the best theory to explain the history of the earth. From plants, animals, earth, wind and sea, everything points to a Creator. Two pieces of dirt cannot evolve into plants, fish or animals, much less humans! This is fun to watch!!  




Finding Truth in an Age of DeceitLoeffler

John Loeffler  * Steel on Steel Radio, ID


In the not-too-distant past, a subtle but hugely impacting decision was made by our leadership in the public school system to begin training children to think differently/process truth differently than before. John, with more research than you can imagine, traces the implementation of this new system and where it's led us. Dumbfounding!


Nailed to the Cross Cross - Bible

J.B. Hixson  * Not By Works Ministries, TX


The Bible says all our sins were nailed to the cross 2000 years ago. But COUNTLESS Christians think it is possible to lose your salvation or walk away from the faith. J.B. will show in no uncertain terms that your salvation has zero to do with your works, past, present or future. Encouraging! 



God's Color & Numbers in Scripture

Paul VanNoyVan Noy Headshot * Candlelight Ministries, ID


God is perfect in His Word. Every syllable in the Bible is God-breathed and therefore trustworthy . . . including every color and every number. An entirely new world of Biblical insight opens up when you understand the meaning of numbers and color in scripture. You'll never read your Bible the same way again!



What They're Not Telling You About IslamAmadinajab

James Walker  *  Watchman Fellowship, TX


Muslims want the world, including those of us in the United States, to convert to Islam. Although we tend to laugh that off, you won't believe how far they've come in the last few years. In the next 20 years, some European countries will have a majority of Muslims voting. They are winning a war that most don't know we're even engaged in! Learn the facts. Your future is at stake with the decisions you soon must make.




The Future of Our Dollar holder

Tom Cloud  * Christian Financial Consultant, GA


Our national income is about 2 trillion dollars a year, but we are spending 3.5 trillion dollars a year. We borrow 4 billion dollars a day to pay for this shortfall . . . this is not going to end well for every living American--Christian and non-Christian alike. Everyone needs to know and prepare for the probable end of this unrelenting problem.



Walk Through The Old Testament   

Gerald Robinson  blowing shofar* UnveilinGlory Ministries, VA 


Gerald is a former trainer for instructors teaching "Walk Thru the Bible" seminars held around the USA. This is a blast! You'll learn, in order, the entire Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi AND remember what you've learned for the rest of your life! Lots of fun! 




Great Last Days DeceptionsSAcared-Rapture

J.B. Hixson 

Not By Works Ministries, TX 


The Bible is chock full of prophetic predictions about the time in which we live. J.B., a seasoned writer/lecturer on pre-millennial / pre-tribulational doctrines, takes a look at Bible Prophecy through the lens of Satan's deceptive agenda. And boy has Satan been busy!! Eye-opening!!



Order these NEW great Steeling presentations today!


Shipped to you: DVDs $9.95 each / CDs $8.95 each


Download and watch immediately: $4.95 each 


Special discount price $79.95 if ordering all 9 presentations shipped to you! 


What's coming up at Compass:


Creation and the Canyon!

Grand Canyon Tour and Raft Trip
 June 28-July 1 



Steeling the Mind Bible Conference


Mark your calendar

September 21, 22, 2012  


Click Here for Details!




October, 2012  

Biblelands Cruise 2012 to:    

Rome, Venice,

Egyptian Pyramids

Athens, Corinth

Ephesus and 


Click here for details 


Or email for more info  




Awesome Armor 

Steel your mind with 

Steeling the Mind DVDs


As iron sharpens iron,  

so one man sharpens another.

Prov 27:17


Check out over 250 awesome Steeling Speakers at STM Denver Q and Apresentations, by top Bible teachers from around the USA, on tough but relevant Biblical topics... they will steel your mind with Biblical truth!  


Watch 'em and pass 'em around!


     Order Today!


 Click here to view titles and/or order!

We hope you enjoyed this June issue of
Compass eNews!


Bill Perkins


Find Compass International on Facebook!
Send us comments:
Join us for

October, 2012
Mariner ship above
Mariner of the Seas

This is the big one!        
Leaning Tower of Pisa 
Egyptian Pyramids 
Jerusalem (2 days)  

A 14 day  
Cruise of a lifetime 

        Your Bible will come alive as
you visit all the key sites
in the holyland from your
floating hotel-
Royal Caribbean's
Mariner of the Seas.
Mariner inside prom
Mariner of the Seas
Inside promenade
Join us for our best trip ever! 14 days on the ship / 5 countries -1 incredible cruise!

or email Compass:  

Help us spread the Word
and save money too!
Pointe Logo

Click here to learn how to save money and help Compass distribute great DVD Bible studies for free to your friends, family and coworkers! Plus, any and all of your DVD purchases are only $5 for Pointes!

We love Pointes! Click here to learn more!

Steeling Crowd Screens

Join us for
Steeling the Mind

Bible Conference
Marriott, Denver, Colorado
September 21-22

Invest a day,
Reap rewards for a lifetime!

Saturday Speakers & Topics
Twilight's Last Gleaming
Robert Jeffress, Texas
Pastor, Author, TV & Radio Host

The Murder of the Middle Class
Wayne Jett, California
Author & Economist

The Church of the Laodiceans
Paul Van Noy, Idaho
Pastor, Candlelight Ministries

Defending Gen 1 & Rev 22
Dave Reagan, Texas
TV Host, Lamb & Lion Ministries

The One-World Gov't Agenda
Brannon Howse, Tennessee
Author, TV Host, World Weekend

Christians and the Coming Chaos
John Loeffler, Idaho
Radio Host, Steel on Steel Radio

Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Mike Gendron,  Texas
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries

The Shocking Facts Behind the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Agenda
Randy Thomasson, California
Michael Glatze, Colorado
Former Homosexual Activist

Friday Night
Compass Financial Forum
Speakers & Topics

The Coming Financial Squeeze
Part 1 Tom Cloud,  Georgia
Christian Financial Consultant
Part 2 Jerry Robinson, Oklahoma
Christian Financial Consultant 

* Live in Denver  
* Live in your home 
* Live at your church

For more information,
registration, bios, simulcast info, discount hotel info, etc.


Grand Canyon Tour
and Raft Trip!
Grd can
     Join us this summer for
and the  

June 28 - July 1, 2012


WOW! Join us for an awesome tour of Grand Canyon and raft trip down the Colorado River!

The Grand Canyon is America's most recognized landmark. But was it carved out over millions of years or in a few days? Learning creation facts has never been this much fun! We'll spend two fullRuss Teaching- Grd Can days looking at the scientific facts that will embolden
your faith! And the scenery alone will fill up your camera memory sticks!

Join us with host Creationist Russ Miller as he shows why creation is the only scientific explanation for this wonder of the world.

Great for students
and adults alike!

Click here for details!


Compass Travel Logo
Book flights for less and help Compass too!

Click here for details!

Easy to use, great prices and instant bookings!


Awesome Armor!WOW
Over 200 incredible Bible teaching presentations recorded live at Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences (including all the awesome Power Point visuals!). Now only $9.95 per title!!!

Compass Pointes pay
only $5 per title!

Join Our Mailing List

Find us on Facebook

Click Here To
Thanks so much!
Steeling Crowd Screens

Join us for
Steeling the Mind

Bible Conference
Marriott, Denver, Colorado
September 21-22

Invest a day,
Reap rewards for a lifetime!

Saturday Speakers & Topics
Twilight's Last Gleaming
Robert Jeffress, Texas
Pastor, Author, TV & Radio Host

The Murder of the Middle Class
Wayne Jett, California
Author & Economist

The Church of the Laodiceans
Paul Van Noy, Idaho
Pastor, Candlelight Ministries

Defending Gen 1 & Rev 22
Dave Reagan, Texas
TV Host, Lamb & Lion Ministries

The One-World Gov't Agenda
Brannon Howse, Tennessee
Author, TV Host, World Weekend

Christians and the Coming Chaos
John Loeffler, Idaho
Radio Host, Steel on Steel Radio

Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Mike Gendron,  Texas
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries

The Shocking Facts Behind the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Agenda
Randy Thomasson, California
Michael Glatze, Colorado
Former Homosexual Activist

Friday Night
Compass Financial Forum
Speakers & Topics

The Coming Financial Squeeze
Part 1 Tom Cloud,  Georgia
Christian Financial Consultant
Part 2 Jerry Robinson, Oklahoma
Christian Financial Consultant 

Live in Denver
Live in your home
Live at your church 

For more information,
registration, bios, simulcast info, discount hotel info, etc.

Help us spread the Word
and save money too!
Pointe Logo

Click here to learn how to save money and help Compass distribute great DVD Bible studies for free to your friends, family and coworkers! Plus, any and all of your DVD purchases are only $5 for Pointes!

We need Pointes! Click here to learn more!

Join us for

October, 2012
Mariner ship above
Mariner of the Seas

This is the big one!        
Leaning Tower of Pisa 
Egyptian Pyramids 
Jerusalem (2 days)  

A 14 day  
Cruise of a lifetime 

        Your Bible will come alive as
you visit all the key sites
in the holyland from your
floating hotel-
Royal Caribbean's
Mariner of the Seas.
Mariner inside prom
Mariner of the Seas
Inside promenade
Join us for our best trip ever! 14 days on the ship / 5 countries -1 incredible cruise!

or email Compass: 

If you are new to eNews, you can browse through our previous eNews articles:


Click Here to read the past articles below


May, 2012

Agenda 21 & George Soros


April, 2012

Was Jesus Crucified on Friday? 


March, 2012

When Rapture Happens 


February, 2012 

America's Head Demon 


January #2, 2012   

Will Germany and Syria Sleep Together? / Is Repentance Necessary for Salvation?


January #1, 2012    

Blacks in America   


December, 2011 

Why "Asking Jesus Into Your Heart" Won't Save You! 


November #2, 2011  

The Evil End of World Debt  


November #1, 2011    

Iran--What the Bible Says


October, 2011  

Earth--Just Before  

the Rapture 


September #2, 2011  

The Palestine Myth


September #1, 2011
America's God?

August #2, 2011
A Peek Behind the
Name of God

August #1, 2011
The Dwindling Dollar / Mormons

July 2011
Should We Confess Sins
For Forgiveness After Salvation?

June 2011
Tornados, Hurricanes, Tsunamis... From God?

May 2011
Christians and
Birth Control

April 2011
Is Rapture In

March 2011
    The United States
     in Bible Prophecy

    February 2011
    The Egyptian Riots -
What's next?

    January 2011
    Get Ready To Witness!

    December 2010
    "Santa's Claws"

    November 2010
    Petra: Prepared by God?

    October #2 2010
    The Worldwide Muslim Agenda

    October 2010
    Inflation or Deflation?

    September 2010
    Mount Moriah - God's Special Place On Earth!

    August 2010
    The Declining Dollar Dilemma

    July 2010
    Israel-A Burdening Stone for the World

    June 2010
    Obama is Not the Antichrist

Click Here for past articles

Click Here To
Thanks so much!!

Help us spread the Word
and save money too!
Pointe Logo

Click here to learn how to save money and help Compass distribute great DVD Bible studies for free to your friends, family and coworkers! Plus, any and all of your DVD purchases are only $5 for Pointes!

We love Pointes! Click here to learn more!

Save 30%
         SPECIAL June DVD Offer 

The Chair

                 by Frank Peretti                 


 Our most requested title! Several Christian colleges show this DVD to incoming freshmen. Frank opens your eyes to God's truth using humor, fact, and every-day illustrations of a world gone mad. Using only a chair, Frank shows the absurdity of not having a fixed point of reference outside our life, and its ramifications. You'll laugh and cry. A must-see for teens and adults alike. Special price - download only.       


Click Here to Purchase!  


     Special Price: DVD  Video Download and watch!

                        $2.95 ea (Reg $4.95) USE PROMO CODE: "chair95" 


                               Order today!

Offer Expires:
July 15, 2012