IC&RC Globe
IC&RC Insights
In This Issue
Welcome, New Delegates!
Presidential Leadership Award
Key Votes
New Credentials for Two Boards
Puerto Rico adopted the Prevention Specialist, and Singapore was approved for both Co-Occurring Disorders credentials.
Our best wishes to the administrators who have anniversaries with their boards in March and April:
Johanna Rylands, Rhode Island - 20 years!!
Mariella Barlow, Arkansas - 14 years
 Jessica Hayes, Illinois - 13 years
Nikki Owens, North Dakota - 10 years
Debbie Gilbert, Iowa - 8 years
Melody Piper, DC - 1 year!
 Several boards have "birthdays" this month too:
New York State OASAS - 1967
United Kingdom
Professional Certification Board Of Alcohol and Drug Counsellors - 1999
Prevention Specialist Certification Board of Washington - 2002 
A Loss in Maryland
Condolences to the family and friends of Jim Becker, former Director of the Maryland Addictions Professionals Certification Board.
See You in Arizona! 
The Fall Meeting is scheduled for October 19-22, 2010 in Scottsdale, Arizona.  We're returning to the much-loved Chaparral Suites, which offers a FREE cooked-to-order breakfast each morning and FREE airport shuttle service.
Got News?
Share it!  Announcements, reports, anniversaries, and events can be sent to info@icrcaoda.org
April 19, 2010
From the Executive Director
What an inspiring, productive Spring Meeting! 
About 100 delegates convened, enjoying the gorgeous weather in San Diego. Again, we were graciously hosted by the U.S. Navy at the Admiral Kidd Conference Center. Many thanks to Karen Foster, Ted Judson and Jerry Synold!
So much progress has been made on our Strategic Plan since Columbus, and I'm proud to present this summary of our meeting. In particular, I want to recommend you take a look at Vice President Doug Rosenberry's comments, the update on advocacy from Andrew Kessler, and highlights from my report.
I especially want to thank our guests, including California's NPN Sharon Dais, for joining us.

Mary Jo Mather
Executive Director
Welcome, New Delegates!
Presidential Leadership Award

Stefán Jóhannsson
Stefán Jóhannsson

IC&RC presented its Presidential Leadership Award to Stefán Jóhannsson, in recognition of outstanding contributions and support given to IC&RC and the substance abuse profession. On behalf of the organization, Vice President Doug Rosenberry lauded Jóhannsson as "a man of action, who founded the Icelandic School of Addictions after a long and illustrious career. IC&RC would be poorer without his influences and bulldog persistence." Jóhannsson has promoted IC&RC throughout Europe, at conferences for ICAA, UKESAD, and NORDAN.
Key Votes
A number of important votes took place: 
  • International & Cultural Affairs became a standing committee (with a new name), with the purpose of developing and implementing a strategic plan for the advancement of IC&RC products globally, assisting and supporting groups globally that are interested in joining IC&RC, and assisting the organization's efforts to work effectively across different cultures and jurisdictions.
  • The name of the Products Committee was changed to Credentialing Services, reflecting its focus on credentials and related activities.
  • Revised Mission and Vision Statements were approved.
  • A balanced budget was approved for Fiscal Year 2010-2011.
  • Extensive revisions to the Bylaws and Policies & Procedures were presented by the Business & Operations Committee, then approved by the Board.
IC&RC sets the international minimum standards for competency-based certification programs in addiction counseling, prevention, criminal justice, co-occurring disorders and clinical supervision through testing and credentialing of addiction professionals. Incorporated in 1981, IC&RC represents 73 certifying agencies and more than 40,000 certified professionals.