
Volume 1
Issue 29
07-22 - 2010

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Hi and Welcome back!

The weeks go by so quickly that already half the summer has come and gone. This realization got me thinking about all of you and your summer plans. Are the vacations and outdoor parties beginning to play with your head? Are the mind games starting? Is that little voice telling you that it's almost over, so why not indulge a little and just maintain until September? I know how important reaching your goal weight is, and I say, "Don't do it! Don't listen to that darn voice that continually tries to sabotage you!" The time of the year when we collectively gain the greatest amount of weight is looming right ahead of us!  The last few weeks of August are the worst weeks of the year for weight loss because everyone gets into the "wait until September" mindset, ensuring that the cycle of loss and gain will continue. Let's change all of that, and let's do it right now!  Check out this week's "Tea Time," where I have broken my own personal rule and actually planned your menu for seven straight days!  I generally don't do this because I want you to learn to listen to your body and your appetite to determine what, and how much, you should eat.  However, some of you are wavering right about now, and I thought you could use my helping hand.  So here it is, every day for the next seven days.  If you find that some of what I have chosen doesn't float your boat, then substitute a different recipe from the e-zine archive.  

Simply click and explore: http://www.justloseit.com/blog/


Have a great week! 

Tea Time with Berta:
                               Berta cup of tea photo

Want to lose 2 to 4 pounds this week?  This is how!



I get this a lot: "How? How do I lose this weight?"  My answer: "You do it every day, seven days a week!"  That's what I say, that's what I write about, that's what I teach, and that's what I repeat and repeat and repeat.  Every so often, I can't help thinking, "Aren't they tired of hearing me say the same thing, every week, in 100 different ways?  They must be! I know I get tired of hearing myself!" Well, apparently, they don't because they keep coming back!  As for me, I feel compelled to repeat the message as many times and as many ways as I possibly can because it takes only that one time for something to click, and it's different for everyone. Since I don't know which answer will resonate with you, I keep on trying to find the words that will penetrate your consciousness.


The work you are doing is difficult and tiring for you and your family and friends. What? Yes. Your family and friends are tired of hearing perpetual complaints about your body and your health, and the never-ending diet plans that never end your weight problem. But more importantly, aren't you tired of it, too?  Aren't you tired of dreaming about what it would be like to be slim and healthy, yet not really understanding how to do it?


I think today would be a good time to get started. What do you think?  Right now, this moment, on Thursday night or Friday morning, or whenever you are reading this, let's start before the weekend begins!  If your mind instantly filled with excuses as to why right now is not the time, you need to ask yourself why you do this?  Why are you thinking of a million different reasons to prove that this moment is not a good one.  Isn't this one of the things that occupies most of your thoughts throughout the day?  Don't you constantly berate yourself for not looking the way you wish you looked? Don't you dream about finally shedding the weight and starting life as a thin, healthy, happy you?


I can only say that if it is that important, then why won't you start with me right now?  Really, right this minute.  This is what I will do-and I don't tend to do this often-but for you, right now, if you are willing and ready to start losing that weight, (and not just a few pounds, but all of it), I will do this for you.  I will write out what you should eat for an entire week. All you have to do is follow directions.  Think of it as a prescription.  I will write down what you should eat for seven consecutive days: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  If you follow it, I guarantee that you will lose anywhere from two to four pounds, perhaps more.  So, I ask you, once again, "Are you ready to get started?" If you're ready, then read on; if you're not, then save this e-zine for the moment you are finally tired of spinning your wheels, when you are really tired of false promises to yourself, when you are tired of always losing and gaining back the same few pounds.  So, ready? On your mark, get set, go!


Day 1

Please plan ahead for some of these meals, so you have the food and ingredients available to make the week go smoothly.  I will be using recipes from the "My Favorite Foods" e-zine section, so you will have all of the recipes available. Prepare them the night before to make everything easier.


Before you get up, I want you to hang in bed for a minute.  I want you to contemplate your day, and I want you to feel yourself possessing self control.  I want you to feel self-assured that today you are taking your first real steps toward finally doing this.  Let yourself stay with this thought for a few minutes; let it seep into your consciousness that for today, no matter what happens, you know you can stay on track. 


Upon waking, please don't go flying through your daily routine.  Be a bit more mindful so you really think about everything you start to put into your mouth. Be conscious so you don't automatically eat the things you normally, or habitually, eat before you know what has happened.  


Breakfast:  7-9 a.m.

Start this day off with a cup of tea and a bowl of high fiber cereal. I like the Kashi brands mixed with some almond milk (you can use soy, and if you must, some organic nonfat milk) Please add some blueberries or any berry you like.  Make this a nice big bowl, but don't fill it up twice!


I want you to make sure to have your lunch prepared, or at least planned.  You can make most of your lunches the night before, so it won't be a big deal to take it to work or just pull it out of the fridge. 


Plan to drink at least two bottles of water between breakfast and lunch!  No excuses; just do it!


You should have lunch about four or five hours after breakfast, no later!


Lunch should be light and easy. 

For the first day, lets have a nice "Chickpea Salad"

Make sure you drink a bottle of water with your lunch and enjoy every bit of your salad. 


For an afternoon snack, about three hours after eating, only if you need something, please have a pear.  And make sure to drink another three bottles of water before dinner.  The water is key to helping you lose this weight, so please be methodical about this.


Finally, it's time for dinner. Let's have the "Salmon Cilantro with Grilled Veggies!"  If you don't like salmon, you can substitute a small piece of organic chicken.  (Make enough to pack up for lunch tomorrow.)


You should end your meal feeling just fine, not stuffed and not starving, just fine.  Keep your evening meal small, perhaps placing your entire meal on an appetizer plate.  It is really all you need, especially before you go off to bed.


Remember, you have to feel just a little bit hungry right before bed:  that's how you know you're losing.


Have nothing to eat after dinner except another bottle of water or a cup of soothing tea. 


Before you fall asleep tonight, please reflect on this day.  Notice how good and confident, how calm and self-assured you feel. Good night!


Day 2

I want to try to make this as routine as possible, so I do not want to change things up for you too much.



Cup of tea

I would prefer you stick with the same breakfast as yesterday: a nice bowl of high fiber cereal with some berries in it. 


2 bottles of water



I want you to eat  leftovers from dinner.  If not, please have the same chickpea salad as yesterday.  I want your body to get used to eating the same foods this week. 


3 more bottles of water

Handful of baby carrots or celery



"Escarole, Garlic and Cannellini Bean Soup!"  Remember to make enough for lunch tomorrow!


Either a bottle of water or a nice cup of tea


Good night!


Day 3

Hungry yet?  If so, just hang in there, it will pass soon.

I'm keeping this kind of repetitive for a reason!



Cup of tea

Nice high fiber cereal with almond milk (or your choice) and some berries. Mix it up a bit!

3 bottles of water this time! You can do it!



I hope you like that escarole and beans from last night, 'cause that's lunch today!  It will feel filling and satisfying. A  perfect lunch for day 3.


3 more bottles of water

An apple, if needed



"Vegetarian Chili!This should hit the spot tonight.  Please make sure your portions are small and you only go for one serving! No exceptions. Once again, make plenty for tomorrow.


Breakfast for tomorrow is "Chia Seed Pudding!"  Please make it tonight so that it is ready in the morning.


A cup of tea, and off to bed.


Please remember that you should touch base with yourself every evening and morning just to give yourself credit for the great work your are doing and to cheer yourself on.  Yea you!


Day 4

Take that moment before you get up to calm your mind and body.



Cup of tea

If you like, you may have some "Chia Seed Pudding" this morning. I hope you planned ahead! If not, then please have a nice bowl of Kashi cereal and enjoy!


2 bottles of water

A cup of tea if you like



Remember, you should always feel a little bit hungry going into a meal. Eat slowly, and enjoy your food.  Drink plenty of water! 

Not a surprise to find "Vegetarian Chili" on today's menu! This should really hit the spot.  The fourth day is usually the hardest, but if you stay on track, it will pass before you know it.


3 bottles of water!

A banana



"Gazpacho": a medium bowl of this very tasty treat tonight will hit the spot.  Eat it slowly and savor every bite.

Plenty of water


A cup of tea and off to bed.



Day 5

Take this moment to plan and reflect before getting out of bed.  Give thanks for getting this far. You're almost there; just stay steady. 



Back to the bowl of cereal:  Kashi with some berries

Cup of tea


2 bottles of water



Thank goodness you made so much Gazpacho!  Enjoy a bowl of it today.


2 bottles of water

A peach!



"Curried lentils and spinach"!  This has become the favorite meal for many, myself included.


Enjoy a cup of tea before you go to bed.


Day 6 


Cup of tea

Bowl of cereal with berries and almond milk!



That so-very-good Gazpacho!


3 bottles of water

Handful unsalted nuts (no salt, no kidding!) And only one handful!



"Grilled fish (chicken if you don't like fish) bathed in oregano and lemon"

"Edamame Salad"


A cup of tea and off to bed.


Day 7

The last day-at least the last day with me! However, you have the ability to do this on your own.  All you have to do is follow the recipes that I have given you and follow the prescription. Don't get out of bed yet; instead, take a few deep breaths and know that you will stay on course for the full rest of this day. Chances are that you will also get my e-zine today, and that will continue to inspire you to stay the course.



Cup of tea

Bowl of Kashi cereal with berries and almond milk


Cup of tea and one bottle of water



The Edamame Salad from last night


3 bottles of water

A pear



"Black Bean Chili with Cilantro Pesto" (one small bowl of this will keep you happy all night long)


A cup of tea


Well, you made it through your first seven days!  How did you do?  You would have done great if you followed my menu to a tee. 


Now, think to yourself.  The first seven days are the hardest, and you have made it! So, now that you have taken this first step, why not keep on? You can do it!  I would love to know how you progress, so please keep in touch!


And thank you all so much for reading along and sharing your successes and challenges.


Do you know... 


that your body might be mineral deficient?

Mineral deficiencies, due either to not eating the foods that provide them, or not eating the foods that help your body absorb them, can lead to all kinds of problems. Today I will talk about three vital minerals and break down why we need them, where we get them, how we know if we are deficient in them.

Here we go....

Calcium:  99% of the calcium in your body is used to keep your teeth and bones healthy and strong. The rest hangs out in your blood and takes care of things like muscle, nerve, and heart function. You might not realize that calcium helps prevent not only osteoporosis, but also high blood pressure.  How much do we need?  Young children and teens need about 1300 mg daily, and adults up to the age of 50 require about 1000 mg each day. Adults over 50 should get a daily dose of about 1200 mg. 

I have already gone into the enormous fallacy of how we become deficient in calcium in the Do You Know section of my e-zine #19:  Got Osteoporosis?   Please, please,  read it to find out why I don't include dairy products in this following list of high calcium foods.   It is very important to understand what seeps calcium from our bones and why!  You must remember that even if you consume the recommended amount of calcium, your body might not absorb all of it: the amount you absorb is the key to strong bones and teeth.  Remember, also, that you need vitamin D to absorb calcium and magnesium to absorb vitamin D, so if taking a supplement, please be sure to take them in the appropriate combination.

What happens if you are deficient in calcium?

Well, the body then tries to get the calcium from wherever it can, and the first place it looks to is your bones, possibly creating osteoporosis! Calcium deficiency can cause muscle cramps and excessive bruising.

Looking for foods high in calcium?

Calcium fortified soy or rice milk:  8 oz. provides about 500 mg.

Turnip greens: 4 cups provide 396 mg.

Kale, cooked: 4 cups provide 376 mg.

Tofu: � cup provides 204 mg.

Spinach: � cup provides 120 mg.

Potassium:  Potassium helps our muscles contract, sends nerve impulses, releases energy from food and maintains body fluid balances.  Also, it helps regulate our blood pressure.  We should consume about 4700 mg of potassium each day.  Here is an interesting fact: too much salt could lower your potassium levels!

What happens if you are deficient in potassium?

Too little potassium could cause elevated blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, wheezing, dry skin, fatigue, loss of appetite, and asthma. 

Looking for foods high in potassium?

Sweet potato provides 994 mg.

Green beets, cooked: � cup provides 655 mg.

Prune juice: � cup provides 530 mg.

Carrot juice: � cup provides 517 mg.

Halibut: 3 oz.  provides 490 mg.

Soybeans: � cup provides 485 mg.

Banana:  one provides 422 mg.

Peaches, dried:  � cup provides 398 mg.

Cantaloupe: � cup or medium cantaloupe provides 368 mg.

Kidney beans: � cup provides 358 mg.

Orange juice:  � cup provides 355 mg.

Magnesium: We need magnesium for protein, fatty acid, and bone formation.  Magnesium helps the body create new cells, relaxes muscles, aids in blood clotting and helps lower blood pressure.  In addition, it helps prevent muscle spasms, heart attacks and heart disease. It also alleviates the symptoms of asthma.  And, if you didn't know this yet, it really helps keep you regular! It's recommended that you take in about 400 mg daily.

What happens if you are deficient in magnesium?

You could be affected with loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, muscle weakness, twitches, irregular heartbeat, leg cramps, insomnia, and eye twitches. You might also suffer from constipation and headaches.

Looking for foods high in magnesium?

Nuts and seeds

Dark green, leafy vegetables

Grains and legumes

As you can see, deficiencies of these minerals cause symptoms that are very similar to one another, and I'll bet you know quite a few people, if not yourself, who suffer from one or more of these symptoms.  Why don't you take a minute and think about whether or not the foods you are eating provide sufficient quantities of these very important minerals?

Some of the information for this article comes from Eat This and Live, by Don Colbert.

Where to go and what to do to GET STARTED!

If you can say Yes! I am ready to get started!  this is the link to the blog page that will explain how to go about doing it. You don't have to read it all in one sitting! Please take your time, absorb my words, and when you fully understand where I intend to take you, read on.  The journey we will take together might be a long one, but it promises to be unforgettable. The first step is committing to yourself. From there, you will begin the work of finally identifying why you are where you are, and how you got there. The moment you can honestly own your personal truth, you will have reached your goal. The rest is simply a matter of time.  Enjoy the ride!  
 Berta by mantle  
Berta is a respected weight loss counselor who has educated and empowered hundreds of women JUST LIKE YOU to lose the excess weight that prevents them from living their dream and becoming the woman they were meant to be.


Her gift, and the reason her program is SO SUCCESSFUL, is her ability to break down every detail of your weight loss journey so you can be prepared for the challenges and understand the emotional components behind them. 


This on-line program has been designed to bring you the same experience of her methods and common sense explanations that Berta uses in her successful private practice, at a fraction

of the cost.  If you liked today's issue, you'll love her blog and the main site as it is being built, which you can find at JustLoseIt.com.




 Manifest Destiny Limited Liability Company  

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