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Spiritual Connections Newsletter
February 2010

In This Issue
Calendar or Events
Featured Member
Whats New?
Spiritual Journeys
Article on The Year of the Tiger
Calendar Of Events

Shelleys workshops


Sat 6th -       Telos Australia
                     New Lemurian Connection
                     10.30am to 3.30pm Blue Bay  

Mon 8th -     Movie Night- Food Matters 7.15pm.
                   Happy High Herbs Erina

Tues 9th -     Awakening Spirit Coffee Shop Talks
                    Love and Serendipity 11am - 12pm

Tues 9th  -    Womens Circle- 2pm-4pm  and 7.30pm to 9pm
                  - Woongarrah
                  - Mandy for info: 0411 330 816 

Sat 13th -    Spiritual Connections Talks- Shelley Lemaire    
                   St Fiacre Distillery  1pm to 4pm
                   Topic- Conscious Conception

Sun 14th -   Sunday Chill Out at Love and Serendipity

Sun 14th-    Summer Retreat for Digestive System
                   930am to 4.30pm -Avoca Beach-

Mon 15th -  Movie Night- The Marketing of Madness
                  Happy High Herbs Erina 7.15pm.

Fri 19th -      Louise Herman Platform Mediumship
                    Davistown Hall 7.00pm.
Sat 20th -     Healing Day 2pm to 4pm
                    Bamboo Buddha Cafe, Holgate

Friday 26th to Sunday 28th- Eco Shamanism Workshop

Sat 27th -    Life Purpose Workshop -9am
                  Umina Beach

Sat  27th and Sun 28th  - Psychic Expo
                    Love and Serendipity
                    2 DAYS OF LECTURES - HEALINGS -          

Sat 27th -    Spiritual Connections Talks- Shantari
                   St Fiacre Distillery 1pm to 4pm
                   Topic - Soul Code Program

For further information on the above events-
visit the website:
Events will be updated throughout the month.
Details of events are on "Events and workshops" or "groups and meditations" pages.

Ongoing Events


(see Events Page for more info)


10am - Facing Death to Embrace Life-  Gnostic Forest
7pm - Quantum Discussion- Gnostic Forest


10.30am - Beginners Drumming Course - Gnostic Forest
1pm- Recovering -   Gnostic Forest


10am - Wednesday Talks -  Gnostic Forest
1.30pm - Philosophy -  Gnostic Forest


10am -Inner Journeys - Gnostic Forest


2.30pm- Urban Goddess - Gnostic Forest  Woy Woy
10am - Facing Death to Embrace Life-  Gnostic Forest
7pm - Quantum Discussion- Gnostic Forest



1st Sat - Women In Essence -Virginia Ede
2nd Sat - Spiritual Journeys and network meeting- St Fiacre Cafe
3rd Sat - Healing Day -Bamboo Buddha
4th Sat - Spiritual Journeys and social gathering- St Fiacre Cafe


2nd Sun - Shamanic Drum Workshop- Woy Woy CWA Hall- Shaz Butterfly  Ph: 0431 315074- 7.30pm


Each 2nd Tues (fortnightly)- Awakening Spirit Talks, Love and Serendipity.


1st Thurs -  Fears, Phobias and Past Life
Regressions with Brendan - Love and Serendipity
3rd Thurs - Spiritual Cinema
12 noon at Gnostic Forest  Tickets $8.00
7.30pm Cinema P
aradiso Cinema no 5

Groups and Meditations


10am - Facing Death to Embrace Life-  Gnostic Forest

7pm - Quantum Discussion- Gnostic Forest

 7.30pm -  Qi Gong- McMasters SLSC (11Jan to 8 Feb)


10.30am - Beginners Drumming Course - Gnostic Forest

11.30- 12.30- Meditation- Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre- Shaz Butterfly

1pm- Recovering -   Gnostic Forest

7pm- 8.30pm- Meditation with Chrisitine Bannigan - Love and Serendipity

7pm- Intuitive Awareness Classes, Shaz Butterfly, Love ans Serendipity


11am to 12pm- Meditation with Shaz Butterfly at Love and Serendipity

7pm - Meditation-  Gnostic Forest


12pm - Expressive Soul Dance Classes- 8 week courses- for kids and teens.

1pm -Healing Meditation Classes - Gnostic Forest

10am -Inner Journeys - Gnostic Forest

7pm- Intuitive Development Class - Gnostic Forest

7pm to 9m - Food for the Soul- McMasters Beach
                    - starts Jan 7th


2.30pm- Urban Goddess - Gnostic Forest  Woy Woy


Workshops or Meditations - Series/ Set Duration

Expressive Soul Dance classes for kids and Teens
Starting Wed 10th Feb- 8 week course
Kincumber Public School
Contact Elise McCallum

0410 189 534
4340 1441

[email protected]


Featured Member
Introducing Shelley Lemaire
ley Lemaire offers specialist services to support parents to fully receive the soul of the child they are bringing into this world. She works energetically connecting to the soul of the incoming child for healing and alignment to assist at all stages of the childbirth process.  By listening beyond the physical level, Shelley helps women who are pregnant, or trying to conceive, feel the soul presence of their unborn child.  At this level we can listen to the needs of the child's soul and healing can occur to facilitate natural conception, healthy pregnancy and gentle birth.    Some of the benefits of this work include:

healing underlying causes of infertility
natural alternative to IVF
healing and release after miscarriage/loss
preparing the body for pregnancy
conceiving consciously
balancing hormones & pregnancy symptoms
learning to listen to baby's needs in-utero
healing for all stages of pregnancy - mothers health, baby position & development and other
release of fear/ trauma associated with birthing
listening to your body and your baby for a  natural, gentle, sacred arrival into this world

The relationship we have with our children starts long before birth, and even before the time of conception.  The souls wishing to be our children in this life can be with us for years before it is their time to be born. In aligning with our own soul nature it is possible to perceive and communicate with the soul that will someday be our child.   When we build a relationship with the soul we can journey with them hand-in-hand throughout our daily lives as we prepare to become parents.  We can discuss any concerns we have and listen to the needs the soul has of us as they prepare for their new life.  This relationship opens the door to conscious conception in the most exquisite way. Conception becomes less about the mechanics, and more about the miracle of the divine orchestration. In conception ideally, I believe we are aligning with the divine timing and orchestration of the soul of the child to create for them a body held within the energetic matrix of divine love.  From what I have perceived it is a process governed by Spirit, by the soul of the child and those assisting the creation process.  I receive many messages from incoming souls asking their parents to trust in their timing and their choices around their birth.  With awareness, it is possible to recognize the window the soul opens for conception, and in our conscious awareness of this we can reach our hand up and invite them into the physical realm with pure love and intent.  This is the greatest gift to this soul, our child, who will carry the imprint of its conception, as with the moment of birth, energetically through its lifetime.

Shelley's work aims to bring awareness to the level of the soul in conception and help couples to build a conscious relationship with their child-to-be.  Through experience she has found that many fertility issues can be overcome by working at this level.  The presence of a soul implicates the opportunity to birth that soul and sessions focus on releasing all blockages to allow the energetic alignment of mother, father and child.  An important part of this process is the healing of the womb from lost pregnancies and previous birth trauma.
The souls coming in today are of a higher vibration and more sensitive nature and often have specific needs from their parents.  Much of Shelley's work helps parents to experience and understand the unique soul personality coming to them and learn to listen to the needs of their child at this level.   This is especially important, of course, during pregnancy and during the birth of the child.  If we allow it, the soul will guide us through the time of pregnancy, showing us what foods and energies it finds nourishing, supporting our emotional process and preparing us to become parents.   Any issues that arise during pregnancy can be worked with through this connection.  It is a beautiful way to seek answers to our questions by going directly to the source, listening to the unique needs of our child and creating a relationship and deeper connection with our children that supports them to grow into the exquisite beings they came here to be.

Shelley offers sessions for individuals and couples, runs pregnancy support groups and gives talks on the incoming souls.  She is currently running workshops for healers, therapists, midwives, doulas and others who are working with mothers and babies.  She offers specialized teaching focused on perceiving and working with the incoming souls, healing the womb and the feminine and supporting the arrival of today's sensitive children.  These teachings will be offered on Sunday 14th February.

For further information:
Phone: 0466 267 906
Email:[email protected]

You will be able to read further information about Shelley as of the 1st February via the "introducing" Page on the Spiritual Connections website.
What's New??!!

New Pages
The events and workshop page has been divided into two, the second being for ongoing groups or meditations or anything that runs as a series ie/ every Tues for 8 weeks.

New Crystals for Purchase
on the product page.

Find us on Facebook and Twitter
Every update is listed on Facebook and Twitter with the last few tweet (updates) visible on the home page.  This means you can keep up to date with the latest uploads!

New Listings

Spiritual Journeys speakers are now listed for the whole year so you can click on their websites and links at any time to access their knowledge, wisdom and services.
You can also find previous newsletters and featured members by clicking on the link on the homepage.

Service Directory- free webpage!

There have been some changes to the options on the service directory.  Spiritual Connections can now offer access to a free webpage/website to connect to via the service directory.  We can help you set it up for your needs.

Spiritual Connections Art Prints
If you like the artworks displayed on Spiritual Connections Pages, including the background of the website.  These are now available as prints.  Follow the link:
Quick Links...

Have a look at our noticeboard page for current spiritual related community interchange.

Event Listing
If you have events, workshops or services that you would like to add to the list/website, you can click ont he link on the calendar page by the 3rd week of the previous month.  It is still possible to list on the website after this date, but it will miss the newsletter.

Service to Offer?
If you wish to list in the service directory, follow the instruction on the Membership page, you will find a link to this on the home page.
Join Our Mailing List
By joining our mailing list you will receive  monthly newsletters and you can select which other content you wish to receive. and you can select  joining our mailing list

Welcome to February and the start of the Tiger year in chinese astrology.   Spiritual Connections has transformed rather a lot over the the first month of the year with extra pages incorporating Groups and Meditations and easier ways of adding information as well as being accessible via Facebook and Twitter.  

If you haven't already,  you can join the
email list by clicking on the link on the website and
filling in your details.  If you are receiving this email you may already be a member and can amend your membership details to select whether you get monthly newsletters, invitations to events or both.   If you would like to see specific events or services listed on the site or in the newsletter, drop us a line and let us know.
Spiritual Journeys
Shelleys workshopsSpiritual Journeys are a series of talks and interactive gatherings which are held twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Saturday.  The name reflects the nature of speakers who are not only talking about the service they provide or the information they have come to share but also how they journeyed to get there.

The talks offer the opportunity to meet with like minded people and talk about interesting topics, mingling over an organic Coffee in beautiful garden surrounds.  When we express our thoughts and talk about our journeys we expand ourselves and others.
Spiritual Journeys is offered at the gorgeous St Fiacre Distillery, previously called "The Fragrant Gardens", alongside the "Spiritual Visions Gallery".  Organic Sacred Grounds Coffee and food is available prior to the talks which now run from 1pm to 2pm.  Following the talks, there are several hours to mingle over coffee or herbal tea both in the social gathering on the 23rd January or in the more structured networking meeting on the 9th January.

Our next Speaker on the 13th February is Shelley Lemaire


Shelley Lemaire offers specialist services to support parents to fully receive the soul of the child they are birthing. She works energetically connecting to the soul of the incoming child for healing and alignment to assist at all stages of the childbirth process, including:

- developing awareness pre-conception of the soul present
- aligning mother, father and child for ease of conception
(presenting an alternative to assisted fertility)
- releasing the soul and healing after fetal loss
- healing the story of the womb and issues arising during pregnancy
- listening to the body during pregnancy & listening to the needs of the baby
- supporting the natural, sacred arrival of the soul into their physical body

Shelley's work reminds us to listen to the subtle messages of the souls being birthed at this time, so that we, as healers and parents, can support and nurture their arrival. These souls are the ones bringing much light and wisdom to the Earth at this time.

Topic- Conscious Conecption
Shelley will be talking about conscious conception and pregnancy. She will be discussing the energetic process of conception and the journey of the soul into the physical body at birth. Then she will be taking you through some exercises to help you align to your inner knowing which allows you to connect to the soul of your current children and future children.

Workshop 14th Feb-
Keep your Sunday free! Shelley will be offering a full day workshop on this topic on Sunday following the talk.

Email: [email protected]
Ph:0466 267 906

Our speaker on the 27th February is Shantari

About the Speaker- Shantari  BMSc. BASSc.

Tibetan Grand Reiki Master

Theta Healing Teacher

ReConnections Level 3

Radical Inquiry & Breath Practioner

Kriya Yoga


Soul Code Meditation System


 "Shantari is a leading teacher of personal transformation and spiritual consciousness. She is highly trained and well respected amongst communities of advanced healers & she has developed her private practice to an exceptionally high standard. I have great pleasure in recommend her to everyone who is truly committed to the pathway of Conscious Awakening" Jayem- Author & Spiritual Teacher. Alam Cinta Ashram - Bali


"Shantari has been a dear friend and colleague of mine for many years . I have witnessed her wonderful teaching, counseling and healing skills for over 12 years & often refer clients to her for healing & guidance due to her compassion, wisdom & knowledge." Ezio De Angelis - Psychic Medium - TV Success Channel 7 "The One" Sydney

Topic- The Soul Code Program
The Journey to Stillness & the language of the Soul.  The Soul Code Program is a system of sacred principles used to transmit information for spiritual awakening. These principles of truth have been passed on and kept sacred for centuries by spiritually enlightened masters worldwide and are here NOW to be received by every woman and man in the 20th century. This simple yet profound wisdom is available for the rapidly emerging spiritual seekers who are on the verge of knowing the final pure truth. The truth of who you are has nothing to do with a spiritual teaching, a concept, a modality or a belief. It is a simple awareness of the freedom and peace that is available to you always. This self realisation is available through the practice of the Soul Code Program, a gentle unfolding that is attained over a short time, through exploration, experience, reflection and inner inquiry. Additional benefits of the SCProgram is the meeting of new likeminded friends, friends that share and support the same process of growth as you. A rapidly increasing community of committed students and meditators and who come together in open monthly gatherings to celebrate consciousness! Like Eckarte Tolle's most recent book "A New Earth", The Soul Code's purpose is not add newfound information or beliefs nor tries to convince you of anything, but to generate a shift in your consciousness, to awaken. The program consists of a system that integrates three very important attributes to successfully attain the 'most' out of the journey, Philosophy, Meditation , Celebration and Joy. The Soul Code program is the practice of BE ing Consciousness or Presence. It is, without a doubt, the height, the apex, the zenith of spiritual practice and in ages past, only known by a handful of spiritual masters. This once secret practice has now become accessible to all who have a yearning to live, moment by moment, as an awakened spiritual being. Unfortunately, Masters such as Eckarte Tolle cant be here in Australia to facilitate and mentor continual programmes or workshops that help you live the experience from week to week , which is essential to the awakening process. Shantari is qualified Spiritual Teacher with 18 years of disciplined training with Enlightened Masters in Philosophy, Metaphysics, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Transpersonal Counselling, Yoga , Healing, Meditation and Social Science and is available in Australia to guide this process through personal training and ongoing mentoring.

PH: 02 43414200
Email: [email protected]

Look forward to seeing you there!
2010 The Year of the Metal Tiger
The Chinese year of the terrible, tangy Metal Tiger is almost on us.  It begins on February 14th, on the New Moon and Valentines Day.

The New Moon is in Aquarius at  25 degrees, within one degree of the greattriple conjunction point of 2009 (at 26 degrees) when Neptune (the idealist), Chiron (the healer) and Jupiter (the expansionist & optimist) combined to help push along change.   So its going to be a year of changes, some much faster or more surprising then we think at the moment.  The first part of the forecast is below, visit the website to get the full story by clicking below or  putting the address into your search engine.

A Year of the Time to Dispel the Old False Ways
By Richard Giles
Like this image- click here for more
The 2010 Chinese Year begins in mid February on the New Moon of the 14th and is the beginning of the traditional Chinese calendar. The size of the Chinese population probably makes this calendar the most followed in the world. The New Year begins a new Zodiac animal cycle, the Year of the Tiger. Chinese tradition employs both Solar and Lunar calendars. Using the Solar calendar, its the 5th February but the New Moon day of 14th February is the official Lunar New Year celebration day when dragons and fireworks come out into the streets of Chinatown.

2009 was Year of the Earth Ox and what a challenging year it was. Now in the cycle of the twelve comes the passionate king of the animals, the fierce Tiger.  He is undisputed king and loves his role as a leader. The Tiger is loyal and generous and courageous. The Tiger is of the eastern direction and in Chinese astrology he represents protection and is the one who looks after small children protecting them from evil spirits. He is instinctively loyal and very honourable. He bristles with indignation when faced with treachery or falseness. Being born in the year of the Tiger signifies luck and protection and its said that you cannot die through the bad deeds of your enemies.

The Tiger year is going to be the time to attack the most difficult issues you face. You have one of your best chances of achieving a breakthrough. If you still run into stiff opposition, you would do well to consider postponing your attempt to a later time as the same force that propels you forward is also with those opposing your efforts.

The Chinese story of the Tiger is a useful tool for finding insights into this year ahead. When the Buddha called the 12 animals together to rule the years, the Tiger was the second one to come forward. He came forward with the grace and full force of his primal energy. The quality of Tiger year is like this. The Tiger will draw energies to it and is alert to people's moods,  changes and emotions.

Tiger people always give the impression they are fully present and ready to move. They are  like a coiled spring, but lying gracefully at ease. Their principle qualities are loyalty and enthusiasm. They can also be impulsive, tough, excessive and selfish. Their approach to their work is usually brilliant and to be at their best they need to be in charge. Their finest role is as a saviour for their country or as a monarch or president. They must be in charge. With money they can be spendthrifts but are always ready to take risks because they feel lucky with money. The Tiger is also predisposed to danger and so has a tendency to want to take risks, both moral and physical. The life of a Tiger person is often adventurous and sometimes dangerous and probably never really calm. Tigers are active and prowl through their lives. They are open minded, tolerant and generous. They can be hard on themselves and too demanding on their friends, and it can be tough as they always seem so admirable. To control their passions is the most important thing for a Tiger. If they can do this they are capable of giving wise and sensible advice.

A Tiger finds pleasure in the unpredictable, and while others prefer not to make a backward step, the Tiger is not afraid to explore the unusual. What Tigers really need is first hand experience. They are usually open and frank, but if they withdraw can be aggressive when trapped. As soon as the Tiger person has regained their sense of security the confidence also returns, enabling them to set out again. They trust their instincts, though there is also another side to their personality which assesses situations thoughtfully before launching into any action.

Tigers need space to express themselves and a Tiger locked up will mean all their best qualities are reduced down to little. They can then become aggressive, quarrelsome and suffer tension - becoming stubborn they then blame the rest of the world for their problems.

Impetuous and passionate they are likely to test out their powers of seduction from a very early age. Since they don't enjoy the authoritarian roles in the family they are eager to escape as they grow up. This can mean they seek out marriage at an early age so as to escape the family routines and look for new adventure. Tigers can become easily bored and if their love is not returned passionately they tend to want to seek another passion elsewhere. They are capable of great love, but they may also become too intense about it. Sometimes they become territorial and possessive. If your friend or partner is a Tiger and wants you to take their side you best do it. As lovers, Tiger people are romantic, but the real challenge for them is to grasp the true meaning of moderation.

Tigers are often attracted by people with an independent character, but its important to remember that even if you are stimulated by a Tiger's company and admire their energy, you can still manage without them. The Tiger person needs a partner who remains steady and constant and quietly pursues their own plans. In the family, naturally the Tiger will consider it normal to be in charge. Male Tigers prefer a partner who can manger the household calmly and well. Female Tigers will either pursue a career for personal success and independence or play the role of exemplary spouse and perfect housekeeper. As parents Tigers will teach their children prudence, reflection and reason but seriously they don't believe it and don't do it  themselves. A disciplined Tiger, however, can be a great influence on their children and lead them on an exciting life.

What type of occupations suit the Tiger person? They'd be good at the following - entrepreneur, military officer, politician, musician, writer, poet, designer, theatre director, stockbroker, athlete, film star, trade union leader, company director, stunt person, explorer, or teacher.

Famous people born in the Year of the Tiger:-   Musicians and composers: Beethoven, Paganini;
Politicians and leaders: Charles De Gaulle, Pres. Eisenhower, Queen Elizabeth II, Ho Chi Minh, Louis XIV, Mary Stuart, Sun Yat-sen, Molotov;
Writers: Emily Bronte, Dylan Thomas, Karl Marx, Harold Steinbeck, H.G.Wells, Oscar Wilde, Agatha Christie, Emily Dickinson, Frederick Forsyth, Beatrix Potter;
Actors and singers: Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jon Bon Jovi, Stevie Wonder, Jodie Foster, Sir Alec Guiness, William Hurt, Marilyn Monroe, Demi Moore, Diana Rigg, Lionel Ritchie, Kenny Rogers, Roberta Flack, Natalie Wood, Tom Berenger;
Dancers: Isadora Duncan;
Entrepreneurs and personalities: Sir David Attenborough, Hugh Hefner (Playboy magazine), Richard Branson (Virgin Airlines), Paul Watson (Capt. of the Ady Gil, the Sea Shepherd anti-whaling boat).
For the rest of the article go to the web address above and read about the Year Ahead, the economic news,
Feng Shui moves for your house and your personal Chinese zodiac forecasts for the year......

Thank you for being a member of the Spiritual Connections Community.  Keep an eye on the website for updated information.  Often events and workshops come in at the last minute.  If you want to be informed about last minute events and workshops, tick the "Invitation to events" box in the signup form.  You can amend your selections by clicking on the profile link below.  It is also a good idea to revisit your profile if your membership has been transferred from the previous account.

Blessings for the new chinese year and we hope to see you at some of the upcoming events and workshops..


Tracy Robbins
Spiritual Connections