De La Salle High School

October, 2009
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Office of Admissions

Guidance Services

College Center

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Athletic Department

Advancement / Alumni

Campus Ministry

Deans' / Attendance Office

Activities Director

In the Spotlight

Parent Corner

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Dear Parents and Guardians,

DeMarco PhotoPresident Obama's address to the nation's students on September 8th was viewed by some as controversial and inappropriate by others. However, political opinions cast aside, his talk had many pertinent points. He spoke about the responsibility that each student has for themselves in regards to their education and how valuable an education is. Many have heard me say that to receive a diploma from De La Salle High School and to say you are a graduate of De La Salle comes at a cost. It is the Gospel that tells us what the cost is - to those who have been given much, much is expected. The obligation of our school is to create leaders who make a difference in our community and in our world. As the prayer of Archbishop Oscar Romero states, "we plant seeds that one day will grow."
The planting of seeds is evident at De La Salle today, and with our graduates.  As you may have heard in August, Captain John Hallett from the class of 1997 was tragically killed in Afghanistan. John paid the ultimate price of sacrificing his life for others in service to our country. The message of taking responsibility for his education and contributing to society was understood and lived by Captain Hallett. 
Just a few weeks ago, 55 young men applied to participate in Campus Ministry's opportunity to attend Ven a Ver (Come and See), an immersion of service, simplicity, community and prayer in Salinas.  As one student said on his application, "The Student Immersion Project (SIP) in my sophomore year gave me a glimpse of what it means to serve those less fortunate than me, and I want to do this for three days."  When over 10% of our upperclassmen want to attend this type of immersion program, it clearly tells me that our students are starting to answer the questions the President asked, "So today, I want to ask you, what is your contribution going to be?  What problems are you going to solve?  What discoveries will you make?  What will a president who comes here in 20 or 50 or 100 years say about what all of you did for this country?"
I hope one day I will be able to answer these questions too, and I will take more satisfaction in knowing what our graduates will have done as "Les Hommes de Foi," The Men of Faith, sharing our Lasallian Brotherhood with the world!
In the Spirit of St. John Baptist de La Salle,

Mark DeMarco '78
Academic_LifeAssistant Principal for Academic Life

Correction Regarding Quarter Report Cards

Cornucopia It was reported in the September newsletter that report cards would be mailed at the end of the first quarter.  Given the ability of all parents and students to view grades on PowerSchool, and given the electronic progress report sent to you bi-monthly from PowerSchool, we will only be mailing the semester report cards in January and June. The quarter grade itself is not a final grade, and is not recorded on the student's transcript. This grade is simply a mid-point grade, and thus should be viewed as the progress grade at the quarter. It is, however, valuable feedback on performance to date. These grades are used to determine athletic and activities eligibility. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact your son's respective teachers for guidance, or call your son's counselor. It is our desire to keep the line of communication open at all times. It is also important that your son give quality time to his assignments, homework, study time, etc., and uses his time wisely for academic preparation. If you are having difficulty in accessing your son's academic information on Power- School, contact Mrs. Mattos at [email protected].

Helpful Hints for Academic Success
Ask your son if he is using his Student Planner, where he should be listing his daily assignments, and noting when quizzes, tests and projects are due. Does he have a "study buddy" in every class, and does he have his study buddy's telephone number? Please encourage your son to talk to his study buddy, and get any missed work due to absence from his buddy. Discuss study habits with your son, and make sure that a certain portion of each day is reserved for uninterrupted study. Is your son accessing his teachers' websites for assignments, major project information and study guides as appropriate? Encourage your son to take advantage of the tutorial program at school during the week. Finally, remember that the library is open from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily, which allows a quiet place with research capabilities for study and homework.

7th Period Tutorials
De La Salle provides a wide range of after school tutorial opportunities for students. In addition, a number of teachers offer tutorial help both before school and at lunch. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the tutorial options in addition to the assistance they may normally seek from their teachers outside of class time. Tutorials are available Monday - Wednesday from 2:30-3:15 p.m. and Thursday from 1:50-2:35 p.m. The list of tutorial classrooms and teachers is posted on our web-site at Please encourage your son to attend one or more of the tutorials if he needs assistance. In addition, we have a 7th period structured study hall for students who have fallen below a 2.0 gpa from the previous semester, or who need additional monitored help. We also have students from the National Honor Society and Peer Helpers who are available to help students on a regular basis.

Special Note: In planning ahead, remember that final exams are given on December 15, 16 and 17, and that travel plans should be made AFTER this time. Students are expected to be present for all final exams. We have close to three weeks of vacation time during the Christmas holidays. Back to top >

Transcript Information
The process for requesting a transcript has recently changed. Seniors will now go online through Naviance to request transcripts for colleges and the NCAA. This new procedure has been explained to your student but please call if you have questions.
For all other current students, there are request forms on the Registrar's door or on the website. Please fill out a form if you need an official transcript. There is no charge. Call Mrs. Szczepanski if you have questions at (925) 288-8109 or e-mail [email protected].
NCAA Information
Students who are considering playing a sport in college must submit an application online. Visit to complete the application and to Naviance to request a transcript.  
Selective Service Registration
Students are required by law to register for the Selective Service when they reach the age of 18.  For your convenience, you may register online at Contact Mrs. Szczepanski you have questions regarding this process.
Driver's Education
This is offered at the beginning of each quarter. If you're interested in enrolling, applications are available in the Registrar's Office. A $125 fee is due to the Registrar with the registration form on the first day of class. All classes are held during Period 7, Monday through Thursday, for the entire quarter. There is a state-mandated minimum attendance requirement. This is classroom instruction only. Behind-the-wheel training is offered by private entities. Back to top >
AdmissionsOffice of Admissions

Admissions Open House
Schoolhouse Sunday, November 1
10:00 a.m. to Noon
Applications due:  Friday, December 4
Apply online at
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GuidanceGuidance Services

Class Meetings
On September 30 seniors, juniors and sophomores attended mandatory meetings for instructions regarding activities taking place on October 14.

Seniors were advised of the workshop offered to help them in filling out applications for college and were given an "unofficial" transcript to begin working on the process. 
Juniors were given instructions as well as sample tests and information booklets regarding the PSAT test. 
Sophomores received information regarding the PLAN test.

Testing and Retreat Day

Wednesday, October 14, at 8:15 a.m.
De La Salle once again will present its Testing and Retreat Day. On this day freshmen will attend an on-campus retreat, while sophomores, juniors and seniors will be participating in various college related activities sponsored by the Guidance Services Department. 
All sophomores will be given the PLAN test, a preliminary version of the American College Test (ACT).  The results will be shared with sophomores in January and will yield information regarding their academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as how their interests relate to various career options.
Juniors will be given the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), a shorter version of the SAT, used to help determine college eligibility.  Results will be distributed in January; after which juniors will be seen by the college counselor and begin the process of post high school planning. 
Both the PLAN and PSAT are already paid for by tuition, and every DLS junior and sophomore is automatically registered to take these tests.  Please note that sophomores and juniors will be released early from school on October 14, between 11:30 a.m. and noon. 
Seniors are given a free day to visit colleges or attend the workshops described below. Back to top >

College_CenterCollege Center Bulletins

Seniors-Dates to Remember
October 10      SAT Test (standby testing only; come to
                         College Center
for details-last recommended
                         test date for SDSU and CSU Long Beach)

October 14      Optional College Essay Workshop and
Application Workshop for seniors.
October 24      ACT Test  (late registration deadline 10/2.)                                   
November 7    SAT Test (late registration deadline 10/15.)               
                         Last test date for CSU's and many other

December 10  Financial Aid Night for Parents of Seniors.
                         Details to
follow in Nov. newsletter                                              
December 12  ACT Test (registration deadline Nov. 6)

Special Event Day-Essay Workshop & Online Application Workshop
On Wednesday, Oct. 14, seniors are released from regular classes so they may either visit prospective colleges, (call ahead to make an appointment for a campus tour and possibly overnight accommodations in a dorm), or attend an Essay Workshop and/or an Online Application Workshop at DLS.  The Essay Workshop will begin at 8:15 a.m. and will be conducted by Ms. Levi and Mrs. Appel. The Online Application workshop will begin at 1:30 p.m. Announcements will be made beginning October 1 for workshop sign-ups; space is limited and will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.

UC and CSU Applications
Both UC and CSU systems require online applications, and many private colleges strongly encourage them. Application websites for CSU and UC, respectively, are: and

Applications will be available online and can be worked on starting Oct. 1. (Students do not need to complete the application in one sitting; work can be saved and completed at a later time). For CSU campuses, applications can be submitted beginning Oct. 1; and for UC campuses, they may be submitted beginning November 1. The deadline for all UC campuses and most CSU campuses is Nov. 30. Students should refer to their Senior Application Guide for specific instructions on filling out these applications.

Other Applications
Students need to be attentive to varying deadlines for early action and early decision for out-of-state and private colleges and universities. If a student is considering applying early to a school, he should make an appointment to talk to a college counselor to discuss the possible pros and cons. Deadlines should be checked for each school! The best plan is to always apply ahead of the deadline. This is especially true for online applications; the application website may get jammed with submissions close to the deadline. Check out for expediting applications to multiple schools. Consider applying early to colleges with "rolling admissions" policies.


Letters of Recommendation Deadline
Students MUST ask for all teacher and counselor recommendations at least 3 weeks in advance, but no later than November 24. Requests for additional schools may be made after that date, but the first request must be made no later than November 24. Letters of Recommendation are NOT required by UC's or CSU's.


Submitting Applications
When submitting applications online, students should be sure to print and save a copy of the confirmation page and a copy of the completed application itself. When mailing a paper application, be sure to keep a copy and to obtain a Certificate of Mailingfrom the Post Office to verify the date of mailing. 


College Visits at DLS
College representa- tives will continue to visit the De La Salle and Carondelet campuses through early December. Interested juniors and seniors can sign up on Naviance to attend these sessions. The list of scheduled college representative visits is available on Naviance and the DLS website on the Guidance Department's page.


College Information Sessions
Many colleges that don't come directly to DLS visit the Bay Area to offer information evenings at various locations for interested students and their parents.  Parents and students are encouraged to check Naviance and the colleges' individual websites for dates and locations of these meetings.


Scholarship Information
Students need to check the "Scholarship" file in the College Center on a regular basis to keep up with scholarship listings. They will be updated on a monthly basis and will be included on Naviance and the Counseling Dept.'s page of the DLS website. Students may also access many scholarships via the internet on, and other sites.


CSS Profile Forms Available
Although the financial aid process does not begin for the most part until January, some private colleges require a secondary financial aid form called the CSS Profile. This form must be completed online at This form can be filed as early as October 1.

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Business_OfficeBusiness Office

Tuition Payments
Tuition payments are due and payable on the first day of the month for monthly and quarterly (October, January, and April) tuition plans as per your Tuition Contract. If you should have any problems with your tuition payments and/or changes or corrections to your credit card or bank information, please immediately contact Ms. Kathy Resch in the Business Office via email at [email protected] or call (925) 288-8122 to avoid late charges or further action. Back to top>
Spartan Helmet Green
AthleticsAthletic Department

The De La Salle Rugby team will be having an informational night for players and parents on Monday, October 5, at 7 p.m. at DLS. This meeting will allow you to become more familiar with the rugby program and ask questions and get answers from the coaching staff. Information to be discussed at the meeting will include key calendar dates, player participation requirements, and other essential information about the program. 
The first day for winter sports is Monday, November 9. Prior to the start of the winter season, all student-athletes must have the athletic medical form completed in order to participate.  All student-athletes, except freshmen, need a current physical.  Forms are available in the locker room, main office, or on the school web page. Contact Mr. Lopoz or Mr. Brown for additional information.
Dates, times, travel directions, etc., concerning upcoming athletic events are updated daily on the DLS web page: Back to top >
AF Logo Black
Advancement_AlumniOffice of Advancement and
Alumni Relations

Fall Phone-a-thon Parent Volunteers Needed
The Advancement Office is in need of 15 thrill seeking parent volunteers who can help reach out to fellow parents and encourage support for the School through The De La Salle Annual Fund. Our Fall Parent Phonathon will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 20, and Wednesday, Oct. 21, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and we hope you can help!
The De La Salle Annual Fund supports critical school priorities by:
  • enhancing student programs such as campus ministry, music, art, theater, athletics, yearbook and more to provide a superior educational environment in and out of the classroom;

  • providing for faculty development to attract, retain and develop our dedicated instructors to provide your son with the best possible academic education;

  • awarding financial aid to deserving students to ensure a quality Lasallian education is accessible to all deserving students who desire it.
Phon-a-thon volunteers will enjoy good food, the company of fellow Spartan parents and have ample opportunities to win prizes throughout the night! 
To volunteer for this wonderful opportunity and reach out to fellow parents to share in our Lasallian spirit, please contact our Director of Development, Mrs. Karla Wiese, at (925) 288-8195 or [email protected].
When you receive your call in the coming weeks, please give a warm hello to our volunteer callers and respond as generously as you can to benefit your son's program interests!

25th Annual De La Salle Golf Classic
25th Golf Classic LogoWe are pleased to announce a venue change for A Classic Evening! All activities for The 25th Annual De La Salle Golf Classic this year will now be held at Diablo Country Club on October 11-12.
Whether you plan to golf this year or not, please join us on October 11 at 5 p.m. for A Classic Evening. During this special reception we will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Golf Classic, which raises funds in support of Financial Aid at De La Salle. Not only will we be honoring the founding fathers of the tournament, we will also have a silent and live auction. Registered golfers will be able to pick up their registration packets and tee prizes as well. 
We are also pleased to announce that the De La Salle Golf Classic is SOLD OUT. For those golfers already signed up, golf begins with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. on Monday, October 12, at Diablo Country Club.
If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please contact Mrs. Beth Garland at (925) 288-8184 or [email protected]. Event information can also be found at

Alumni Save the Dates!
DLSAA Logo BlackOctober 16: Homecoming pre-game hospitality hosted by the Alumni Association. Starting at 5 p.m. in the Court.
October 20: Alumni Business Mixer at Club Sport in Walnut Creek.  Doors open at 6 p.m.
October 22: The 2nd Annual Legacy Lunch hosted at the Brothers' Residence. All alumni who are fathers of current students will gather to share lunch.
October 27-28: Alumni Phone-a-Thon to support the financial needs of DLS.
All functions are open to all alumni of De La Salle and their families. If you have questions about an event or would like to get more involved with your Alumni Association, call the Director of Alumni Relations, Tim Roberts, at (925) 288-8171 or email [email protected].
Keep on the lookout for the Alumni Association's "Adopt-a- Family for the Holidays." Back to top >
Campus_MinistryCampus Ministry

Chapel CandleGreetings from Campus Ministry!  We trust that you and your sons have experienced a smooth beginning of the school year. October has several Campus Ministry events:

Junior Retreat
The first of three junior retreats will take place October 1 and 2. This retreat is a two-day experience that gives juniors the opportunity to reflect and evaluate their values and choices in the context of our Catholic Christian faith. There are openings available on the next two retreats held February 1-2 and April 26-27. Registration is available online or stop by the Campus Ministry Office for a registration form.
Sophomore Immersion Program (SIP)
This trip takes students to St. Anthony's in the Tenderloin. Mr. Noland's third period Religious Studies class will be making this SIP trip on October 7. 
Freshman Family Liturgy and Dinner
October 4 at 4 p.m. We will celebrate the Liturgy in the Theater and enjoy dinner in the Hofmann Student Center.
Freshman Retreat Morning
It will take place on Wednesday, October 14, at 8:15 a.m. This experience celebrates the freshman class ending their first quarter of high school and focuses on the theme of Brotherhood which challenges them to take seriously the call to be a true Lasallian and Spartan committed to "Faith, Integrity and Scholarship." Attendance is required of all freshmen.
Venaver Immersion Experience, Salinas #1:   Oct. 14-17
Venaver Immersion Experience, Salinas #2:   Oct. 21-24
Kairos #54
October 27 through 30, at Bishop Ranch in Healdsburg. There are a few spaces available in late January and quite a few left in March and April. Kairos is a very powerful faith-based retreat for seniors. We do not want anyone who would like to participate to miss out on this amazing experience. Therefore, students should register as soon as possible in order to get the date that works best with their personal schedule. Registration is available online at Financial assistance is available. For additional information, please contract Mrs. Linda Byrne at (925) 288-8185 or [email protected].
The Father-Son Retreat
This special event will be held November 6-8 at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos.  This is the first of two Father-Son Retreats. There are still spaces available on these retreats, as well as the Parent-Son Retreat in April. This retreat is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quality time as father or mother and son reflect on and celebrate your relationship. Register online or stop by Campus Ministry for a registration form.
De Marillac Tutoring
This is an opportunity for all students who enjoy volunteer work and especially working with children. The DeMarillac Academy serves children in grades 4-8 who live in some of the poorest neighborhoods in San Francisco. Every Thursday, beginning in September, Campus Ministry accompanies three to five DLS students to DeMarillac, leaving after school on BART to San Francisco, to spend about two hours helping DeMarillac students with their homework and studies. We return from San Francisco at approximately 6 p.m. 
Monument Corridor Tutoring
The Monument Crisis Center offers tutoring to elementary school students every Thursday from 3 to 4 p.m. Please see Mr. Hassett or Mrs. Byrne in the Campus Ministry Office if you are interested in participating in either of these two tutoring opportunities.
If you have any questions about these retreats or any of our Campus Ministry activities, call Mr. Roger Hassett at (925) 288-8119 or Mrs. Mary Hassett at 288-8110. 
God Bless!                Back to top >
Deans_AttendanceDeans' and Attendance Offices

Attendance Office
The phone number for the Attendance Office is (925) 288-8222. You may call this number and leave a message regarding absences 24 hours a day.  Please be sure to call each day of your son's absence. If your son will be missing school for any reason other than an illness, please follow the guidelines under "Excused Absence," page 11, of the 2009-2010 Student-Parent Handbook.
Special Schedule Days
Please refer to the school calendar for special schedule days.  When special events are planned on school days with a special or early-dismissal schedule, students are expected to attend and participate.  No early dismissals will be approved by the Deans on special schedule days, including, but not limited to, days for liturgies, assemblies, faculty meetings, and semester exams.

Notice from the Walnut Creek Police Department
Walnut Creek City Ordinance prohibits parking and standing in areas posted for permit parking. The neighborhoods surrounding DLS are posted with such signs. Consequently, vehicles which remain stopped, even if occupied, are in violation and subject to citation. The ordinance does not prohibit a vehicle stopping briefly to load or unload a passenger but stopping in the neighborhood and waiting for a student is not permitted. Enforcement of parking violations in neighborhoods is complaint driven. Due to complaints last year and requests from residents in the neighborhood for enforcement in the upcoming school year, the police department will be issuing citations. To avoid citations, the police department suggests parents tell students when and where they will pick them up. Time your arrival so your child is waiting when you arrive rather than waiting for your child to walk to your car. Be sure to brief   family and friends who pick up your children.

Another frequent complaint is speeding vehicles on Arkell Road and Shannon Lane.  Traffic officers have found this complaint to be valid during traffic enforce- ment in the area.  It is not unusual to work radar in the area of Arkell Road and Bristol Court and stop a student or parent driving 40 mph through that blind and uncontrolled intersection. A car traveling 40 mph travels nearly 60 feet per second and the typical driver takes .75 seconds to perceive a hazard (that's to realize a car is pulling in front of you) and .75 seconds to react to that hazard (slam on the brakes).  Simple math tells us the driver in that situation travels approx. 88 feet before the brakes even begin to slow down the car (a 40 mph car will skid to a stop in approximately 59 feet.)  Consequently, 40 mph in a neighborhood is not a safe speed for conditions. The Walnut Creek Police Department Traffic Team will be in the neighborhood frequently during the school year addressing traffic issues. Thank you for helping keep the children and the neighborhood safe. Back to top >
ActivitiesActivities Director

Homecoming Dance
This year's Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, October 17, from 7 to10 p.m., in the De La Salle quad.  The cost is $10 per person, and tickets will be sold in advance only.  Photos can be purchased during the evening.  We want all of our students to feel welcome to attend.  This is not just a date dance.  Students are encouraged to attend as a single or as part of a group.  Attire for the boys is dressy:  shirt, slacks and a tie.  For the ladies, a party dress is appropriate and modesty is expected. The Homecoming Dance is a Guest Pass Dance.  This means our students may invite a guest from a school other than DLS or CHS.  A guest pass form must be completed and approved by our deans before the guest will be admitted.  The form is available on the DLS web page at, as a download.  The links are: Student Life, De La Salle Forms, Guest Passes. Please make sure the form is signed and turned in by Thurs., Oct. 15, at 3 p.m...NO EXCEPTIONS!  The guest may not be younger than 9th grade and cannot be older than 20.  Everyone attending the dance is required to have a photo ID to enter.  A high school ID is preferred, but a driver's license is acceptable.  The host assumes full responsibility for the conduct of his guest.
Calling Parent Volunteers
The Student Activities Director is looking for parents to help during the Homecoming Dance. Due to the expected large numbers,   parents are needed to host the coat-check room.  If you would like to volunteer,  leave your name and phone number with Mr. Eidson at (925) 288-8132 or Mrs. Linda Byrne at (925) 288-8185, or by email to [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks for your support!
Senior Halloween Dance-October 31, 7 to 10 p.m.
GhostThe Class of 2010 is in the process of planning their annual Halloween Dance. The event will be held on Saturday, October 31, in Carondelet's Inner Court. Costumes are required for entry.
Tickets are $7 and will be available the week of Oct. 26 at the DLS Bookstore. This is not a guest pass dance. For additional information, please contact Ms. Stevenson at (925) 288-8100, Ext. 7041, or by email to [email protected]. It should be a ghoulishly good time!
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In_the_SpotlightIn the Spotlight

Spotlight on Service Learning
Stage LightsBeginning in this month's newsletter, the "Spotlight on Service Learning" will focus on the work students are doing in the classroom that have a direct impact on the surrounding community.  Many of the classes that your sons are enrolled in at De La Salle have some component of Service Learning in the curriculum. What this means is that your son is getting the experience of connecting what he learns in the classroom with some need in the community; and through this service, his learning is enhanced and he is given the chance to heed to the call of Jesus to serve those in need.
Coming up this month our school community will participate in the annual Cereal Drive which supports St. David's Pantry in Richmond.  St. David's Pantry offers food assistance to over 300 families in the area who struggle to meet the basic dietary needs that most of us take for granted.  The annual Cereal Drive began in 2001 and runs seamlessly, yet the preparation and groundwork is coordinated by Mrs. Acquistapace's biology classes and Mr. Selby's health and physical education classes.  Mrs. Acquistapace and Mr. Selby have found a great way to incorporate this much needed service into their curriculum, leaving a lasting impact not only on the families served but also their students.
In preparation for this Cereal Drive, students research nutrition-proteins, carbohydrates, calories, etc., as well as the dietary needs of people around the world.  Following their research, these students present their findings to their classmates; and at the conclusion of their presentation, the students make a recommendation of the most nutritious cereals one should eat based on their nutritional needs.  In response to this realization of the great nutritional need of those around us, these students run the Cereal Drive.
In light of this, please be supportive of your son in his solicitation of cereal for the Cereal Drive.  Know that this Drive not only helps those most in need, but it also provides your son with a great learning experience.  The students, because they have connected what they've learned in the classroom with real service done to the community, hold onto what they've learned and, more importantly, realize that they can be an agent of change in the community.  In the words of Mr. Robert Madigan from St. David's Pantry, "Students, you are to be congratulated for being true leaders, and living the apostleship Jesus has asked of you and all of us."
Thank you in advance for your support of the Cereal Drive and for the support you are giving our students in their learning here at De La Salle.
Andrew Berkes,
Service Learning Coordinator
Youth Educators
Youth Educators are trained junior and senior students who visit middle school classrooms as role models and instructors in a program that encourages abstinence from drugs and alcohol. The adult leaders for the Youth Educator program will be holding informational meetings for DLS students on September 30 and October 2 in DM4. The interviews for placement into the program will be after school, October 12 - 14.
Cereal Drive-Calling All Spartans!
Have you eaten your Wheaties� today?
Cereal DriveYes or no, it's a fact that breakfast cereal is a convenient and healthy snack. Yet, for the poor, it may be unattainable.  Breakfast cereal is the #1 food on the request list from Saint David's Pantry in Richmond. At DLS we try to meet that need! 
During the last two weeks of October we will be collecting instant oatmeal and breakfast cereal (any brand or type, in boxes and bags) for St. David's to distribute to those in need. 
Last year our campus collected 3,000 boxes which lasted St. David's for nine months! This year the students have set the goal to 3,500!
This Service Learning project is sponsored by the sophomore biology classes and Mr. Selby's health and physical education classes. For additional information, contact Mrs. Acquistapace at [email protected] or call (925) 288-8100, Ext. 7000, or Mr. Selby at [email protected] or call (925) 288-8151.

Spartonics-DLS Robotics Team
RobotThe Robotics Team Spartonics hopes to participate in two competitions this season. Our building season opens early January 2010 and ends in the middle of February. Competition usually occurs in March. It's an exciting and challenging 10 weeks!
Mr. John Stewart, Director of Instructional Technology, will co-moderate the team with Mr. David Fryman.  Robot building will occur again this year in Mr. Fryman's garage (1.5 miles from DLS).
We are looking for interested parents (Team Moms and Team Dads) to join us and help in various capacities. We'll need help with competition logistics (travel reservations, chaperoning, driving, food management, etc.), mentoring during construction and competition, and other areas. If you want to help, contact Mr. Fryman at [email protected] or call (925) 288-8100, Ext. 7051. You can also visit and see what it is we do. Back to top >
Parent_CornerParent Corner

School is up and running at full speed, and the DLS Parent Association is in full gear, as well.  We had a successful Back-to-School Night with parents racing between classes - many wishing to be in their son's shoes again. Sorry, no second chances. A special "Thank You!" to our new Hospitality Team (Lisa King, Wendy Abele, Theresa Reed, Lillian Coats and Mary Lien Mai) who provided everyone with cooled water and cookies after the classes were out. 
Sophomore families recently enjoyed a memorable liturgy by Fr. Tom Burns followed by a terrific meal in the Hofmann Student Center. Vincent Hennessy, Class President, gave a moving talk on what "Brotherhood" means to him.  Thank you to our Parent Association Coordinators, Lisa Oswald, Gina Hare, Michela Euser, and Angela De La Housaye for organizing this event. 
The Freshman Liturgy and Dinner is October 4. Contact Rosanne Piccinini at (510) 891-9480 or Tracey Whitehead (510) 329-4278, for more information and to get your reservations in.  The class events are a terrific way for parents, as well as, students to meet new people with a common interest and which often leads to fun long-term relationships.  (Please use the link below if you would like the Parent Association to help you with the cost of this event). The next Parent Association meeting is Wednesday, September 30, at 7 p.m., in the Library. Please feel free to come to the meeting.
Tom and Anne Marie Taylor
[email protected]
Calling DLS Moms to Pray
Fish and CrossIf you are not praying for your son, who is? See what God can do for your children and their school when you are faithful to pray on a regular basis. Come and pray with the DLS Moms in Touch group. We meet every Wednesday from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. to pray scripturally for our sons, DLS, our teachers and administrators. For more information, call Leiola Walter at (925) 934-6251 or Kathy Dasso at (925) 938-1468.
"Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them."       -Matt. 18:20

De La Salle Auction 2010
Calling All Parents!
Are you looking for a way to become more involved?
Are you looking to meet other parents and have fun?
Consider volunteering your time to help support our fundraisers and have some fun in the process.  All time, talent and treasures are welcome.
Bacchanalia 2010, A Celebration of Food & Wine, February 11 2010
Spring Auction 2010, April 17
Proceeds from the Auction events support an extraordinary array of co-curricular opportunities at De La Salle, enhancing the total learning experience for our young men.
Looking to get involved with either of these exciting events? We need your support at any level! To become a sponsor, donate an auction item, or to volunteer your time, please contact Mrs. Cathy McFann at [email protected] or call (925) 288-8181.

Company's 2009-2010 Theatrical Season
Alice in WonderlandCompany proudly presents...Alice in Wonderland, adapted for the stage by Eva Le Gallienne and Florida Friebus.

A cast of over 30 DLS and CHS students will bring to life the adventures of Lewis Carroll's classic tales "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking- Glass." This sometimes hysterical, sometimes haunting, and always beloved play follows Alice, who is "seven and half exactly," as she encounters "curiouser and curiouser" characters, like a talking caterpillar, a Mad Hatter, three queens, and a grinning cat, to name a few.
Show Dates and Time:
Thursday, November 5, at 7 p.m.
Friday, November 6, at 7 p.m.
Saturday Matinee, November 7, at noon
Saturday, November 7, 7 p.m.
Presented in De La Salle's Br. Celestine Cormier Theater

Newly Formed Parent Group
The Theater Arts Department and Company are excited to announce a newly forming parent group to offer a variety of support to the organization.  If you are interested in participating in this group, please contact Ms. MacLean at [email protected]. All are welcome!

Parent-Student Directory
Attention parents! The 2009-2010 De La Salle High School Parent-Student Directory with Safe Home Listings is now available online! Simply log into your PowerSchool account and access the document directory through the Bulletin Board section. The document is in PDF format and can be printed directly to your own printer. If you have any issues accessing the directory, please contact John Stewart at [email protected] or by phone at 925-288-8173. If you have any corrections to be made to the directory, please contact the Registrar, Monica Szczepanski at [email protected].

Yearbook-Senior Ads
Hello everyone!  We are now accepting Senior Ads. 
If you need the forms, go to:
Click on "Senior Ad Information Letter" and "Senior Ad Sizes and Template" to fill out and return to:
Attention: Yearbook Staff
De La Salle High School
1130 Winton Drive
Concord, CA 94518-3528
Make checks payable to De La Salle High School.
Upon receipt of your payment, we will email you the login code so that you may upload your photos and messages at
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Bookstore Hours
Monday          7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday          7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday     8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Thursday         7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Friday              7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
*We stay open during all home football games.
New Items 
Men's jacket, Spartan blanket, Polo's, ladies track suit, sweatshirts (both full zip and pullover hooded), lots of baby clothes and even a golf umbrella! Come and check it all out!
Brotherhood shirts are now on sale in the Bookstore. All proceeds go to the Brotherhood Fund.
It's never too late to start thinking about the holidays and sending those "far away" relatives their gifts. 
Book Distribution
A copy of your son's book distribution will be mailed on October 15.  Please review this list with your son. Should you have any questions, call the De La Salle Bookstore at (925) 288-8127.
Online Shopping
We have everything on sale - even tickets to your favorite home football game! Please go here to shop.
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About Us
De La Salle High School was founded in 1965 as a Catholic boys' high school in the Lasallian tradition of the Christian Brothers. We come from a much longer and richer tradition, however. Our roots extend more than 300 years to 17th century France and our Founder Saint John Baptist de La Salle who had a very simple vision of education: that the graduates of his Christian schools would be mature, responsible members of society and the Church.

As a Lasallian school, we have an obligation to make a difference in each student's life so that when they leave us they will serve others graciously and lovingly. We cooperate with one another in a spirit of trust and care; our education is practical, accessible to all, and comprehensive. We are committed to the poor. We work together- Brothers, Faculty, Staff and Students.