Speaking is Sexy
Volume II, No. 24                                                                         October 2011

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.  Imagination is more important than knowledge.  Knowledge is limited.  Imagination encircles the world."
                                            ~ Albert Einstein    
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Included In This Issue
What's Marion Up To Now?
Have you downloaded your FREE report yet?
Speaking Is Sexy Tip #24, Vol. 2, What Makes a Good Speech Great?
Is it time for you to be the Sexy Public Speaker you've always wanted to be?
How Can I Help You? Let Me Know!
Food for Thought
More about Marion Claire ~ Revealing an Embarrassing Secret
Why is it called Speaking is Sexy? 
When what someone says and how they say it sends chills up and down your spine, that's sexy! 
Whether you're giving a speech, having a conversation, saying your wedding vows, teaching your kids, exhorting your sales team, or talking in your sleep, if someone is listening, you are inspiring them.  It's important to remember that whenever you speak, someone is influenced by each word you say. 
Be a positive influence.  Be an inspiration.  That's very sexy.

Did you miss a previous Speaking Tip?

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If you are...
  • Currently speaking in public,
  • Thinking of speaking in public, but procrastinating like crazy,
  • Afraid to speak in public,
  • Envious of people who speak confidently in public, or
  • Would just like a few tips on how you can speak better than they do...
This newsletter will give you tips and techniques to become the accomplished speaker you've always longed to be.

MARION CLAIRE coaches solopreneurs, business owners, middle managers and executives who want to become calm, confident, sexy speakers who influence and inspire others with the power of their voice. www.marionclaire.com

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What's Marion Up To Now?     

      Progressing on my book,"PUBLIC SPEAKING IS SEXY, 131 Vital, Quick & Helpful Tips on Facing the Audience, Overcoming Fear, Writing Your Speech and Becoming a Unique & Sexy Speaker". Looking forward to sending it out into the world before too long.



Go to www.marionclaire.com and on the Home page, you will find a link to download this valuable speaking tool:




Knowing the answers to these Five Questions will enable you to create a fabulous speech for almost any occasion.  Download your Free Report now and make creating your next speech so much easier! 

   Speaking Is Sexy Tip #24, Vol. 2 


What Makes a Good Speech Great?     


            When you have to give a speech, what's the first thing you think of? "What do I want to say?" Or "Why me? Why now? How can I avoid it? Why did I agree to do this in the first place?"

            Some people just love to get up in front of an audience and tell all they know. They seem to be natural speakers, very comfortable on their feet, always know the right thing to say and can say it with humor and enthusiasm.

            Then there are those who feel that getting up to speak is like going to the dentist: they know they've gotta do it, but wish they didn't. Giving a talk in front of a group of people, large or small, is an ordeal akin to walking through fire. Some are sure the audience will hate them and they'll go down in flames. Some are so terrified they'll  use any excuse not to speak, ever, no way, no how. Even if it would help them grow their business, improve their professional status, or simply give a simple wedding or retirement party toast, they're sure that whatever they say won't be good enough.

            Giving a good speech is a skill like any other. The truth is that whatever you have to say and how you wish to say it will be good enough if you believe in the value of your subject and use a few easy-to-learn techniques.

            Let's agree that if you're going to give a talk, it's because you have something to say that the audience needs and wants to hear. Whether you've been asked to speak by someone else or you've volunteered, you have information that will benefit your listeners. This is your gift to them. Everyone who gets up to speak has a gift to share with the audience. The audience, in its turn, is there to receive that gift. They've come to listen, to learn, and to applaud you for giving them something valuable that they didn't have before.

            What makes a good speech great? Start with W.I.I.F.T. What's In It For Them?

            The key to giving a great speech is to put yourself in the listeners' shoes. What would interest them? What would make their day better, or their work better, or their life better? The mistake many speakers make is they are so worried about themselves, how they look, how they sound, how they're coming across, that they forget the real reason they're up there in the first place. Think about the audience! You're there to give them the gift of your knowledge. They must be the focus of all your attention. Not you. Them!

            The second key is belief. If you believe that what you're saying is valuable, that it'll make their lives better in some way and it's vitally important that they understand and be able to use what you're giving them, your passion to share it will come through. Belief is catching. When you believe strongly in your gift, the audience will be carried along by your enthusiasm and ride your wave of passion with you. That doesn't mean you have to wave your hands around in the air and exhort them like a fire and brimstone preacher. Quiet confidence is just as catching and way easier to listen to. When the audience feels that you strongly believe in your message, your gift to them, they'll be inclined to believe it, too.

            A great speech is one the audience feels was created especially for them; that the speaker went all out to give them something valuable to take home and use in their own lives. They'll admire and appreciate you for giving them your very special gift. That's what they'll remember and that will definitely be good enough.

DO YOU HAVE FRIENDS OR COLLEAGUES who would benefit from seeing this Speaking Is Sexy eZine?  Please forward it to them or send me their email address and I'll send them a copy and tell them it's from you!  www.marionclaire.com 
Want to use this Speaking Is Sexy Tip in your Newsletter or Blog?  
You can, as long as you include this entire blurb:  For thirteen years, Marion Claire has coached entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals of all kinds to become the confident, sexy speakers they longed to be.  She'll also help you write your speeches for almost any occasion.  For more information about Marion and her programs, check out her website at www.marionclaire.com 

Is it time for you to be the
Sexy Public Speaker you've always wanted to be?

It's easier than you think to overcome your nervousness and increase your confidence.  You don't need to be reluctant to get up to speak ever again.  Amaze yourself at how quickly you can get rid of whatever is holding you back!  Give yourself a break!  Let me help you become the speaker you'd really like to be!

Take advantage of my "SPEAK TO WIN" PRIVATE COACHING PROGRAM, a series of three sessions for the price of two.  Quickly eliminate fears that have been holding you back and acquire tips and techniques to enable you to be calm, confident and sexy every time you speak! 

Do you have a Desire to InspireGive yourself a gift that will last a lifetime.  Let me show you how to check your fears at the door and look and feel like a superhero whenever you get up to speak! 

Talk to me confidentially about your special speaking needs and get more information about the SPEAK TO WIN Program at the same time.
  I'm always available for a *free* half-hour consultation at 310/659-8956 or email me at Marion@marionclaire.com

How Can I Help You?  Let Me Know! 


Would you like to comment on what you've seen here?  Your feedback means a great deal to me.  Contact me at


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Food For Thought

What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress?  Imagine that you are a masterpiece unfolding, every second of every day, a work of art taking form with every breath.

                                                                  ~Thomas Crum 

More about Marion Claire


Revealing an Embarrassing Secret   


      We all have an embarrassing secret that we don't want to reveal because we're afraid people will think less of us if we do so. For many, many years I hid mine. I was sure that people would look at me strangely or not want to be around me if they knew I was less than perfect.  

      Boy, was I wrong!

      The thing about hiding the truth about yourself is that you are depriving yourself and the folks you come in contact with of the opportunity to have an honest relationship with you. True, you don't want to just blurt out your deepest feelings or most painful memories at inappropriate moments. You want to be sure your revelations will be received with kindness, consideration and sympathy, and not with distaste, anger or ridicule.

      But it is far better to be open about the things you cannot change that have shaped who you are. Facing the secrets of the past helps you understand yourself and it helps others understand you. And with understanding come the gifts of appreciation, sympathy, empathy, and love.


      So here's the embarrassing secret I used to be afraid to reveal.

      For over 20 years, I suffered from agoraphobia, the fear of crossing open spaces. Sometimes I couldn't leave my house for more than five minutes, without scurrying back inside.

      My enemy was not the great outdoors. It was simply fear.

      Everyone experiences fear on occasion. And everyone's fear is a little bit different, personal to the individual. Mine was fear of being alone out in the world. I didn't feel safe by myself. Although I was perfectly content to live on my own, I needed the comfort and companionship of someone I knew well whenever I ventured out of the safety of my home. No way could I dream of getting up to speak in front of a room full of strangers!

      I'm so proud to say that I overcame my fear. It took, first of all, the courage to admit there was something wrong. Then came the desire to fix it and to seek out the help I needed to overcome it.

      And wow! Look at me now!

      Today I speak in front of groups of all sizes, shapes and interests. If I can do it, so can you! Let me help you. Contact me at   Marion@marionclaire.com.   

Speak Your Mind with Marion Claire

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