Speaking is Sexy

Volume I, No. 15                                                                                     June 2010

"The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
  but in what direction we are moving."       

                                       ~Oliver Wendell Holmes   

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Included In This Issue
Speaker's Tip #15
Would you really like to be a Sexy Speaker?
What do people say about Marion?
Let a Sexy Speaker Brighten your Next Meeting or Event!
More about Marion Claire
What's Bugging You?
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Why is it called Speaking is Sexy? 
When what someone says and how they say it sends chills up and down your spine, that's sexy! 
Whether you're giving a speech, having a conversation, saying your wedding vows, teaching your kids, exhorting your sales team, or talking in your sleep, if someone is listening, you are inspiring them.  It's important to remember that whenever you speak, someone is influenced by each word you say. 
Be a positive influence.  Be an inspiration.  That's very sexy.

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If you are...
  • Currently speaking in public,
  • Thinking of speaking in public, but procrastinating like crazy,
  • Afraid to speak in public,
  • Envious of people who speak confidently in public, or
  • Would just like a few tips on how you can speak better than they do...
This newsletter will give you tips and techniques to become the accomplished speaker you've always longed to be.
MARION CLAIRE coaches solopreneurs, business owners, middle managers and executives who want to achieve their highest potential as calm, confident, sexy speakers who inspire with the power of their voice.
Speaker's Tip #15

 Speak From the Heart
       You've been asked to make a speech on a topic you know a lot about.  You have no trouble easily filling 20-30 minutes with facts, figures and pertinent references as well as the latest, state-of-the-art thinking on the subject.  Unfortunately, when you try it out on a friend, you catch him casting surreptitious glances at his watch and trying desperately to stay awake. 
      Uh-oh.  Is it your subject or is it you?

      Making an audience fall in love with you depends on two things: what you say and how you say it.  Both are equally important.  Your talk is filled with information that your audience needs to have.  How should you present it?  Here are a few different approaches.

1.  The Laundry List. You go from Point A to B to C, each one building on the one before, each chock full of good, factual information.  You have matching PowerPoint slides for each point so your audience can follow along.

2.  The Courtroom.  You present your points like a lawyer out to make a case, using questions and answers.  As you ask each question and then give the answer, you're compiling the evidence to convince your audience of the validity of your point of view.

3.  The Storyteller.  Like the Laundry List, you go from Point A to B to C.  But instead of simply repeating factual information, you tell a short story that illustrates the information you want them to get.  Like the Courtroom approach, you use questions and answers to illustrate your story.  Your audience may not remember every single fact and figure, but it's a fact of human nature that they'll remember more of what you say, because listening to stories is how most human beings remember best.

        Then comes the big question:  What kind of stories?  Should you insert yourself into your talk, share your own experiences, your 'aha' moments, your successes and also your failures?  Does it help to let your audience see your human side?  Should you really speak from your heart?

        If your aim is to inspire your audience, the answer is an unequivocal and resounding, "Yes!"

        The day that Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and said, "I have a dream!", thousands of people knew exactly what he was talking about.  He was pouring out his heart and, in so doing, reaching the hearts of everyone listening.  He was putting into words the beliefs and hopes they all shared.

        When we speak from the heart, it's as if we make our listeners our friends, put an arm around their shoulders and give them a part of ourselves that says, "We're alike.  We understand each other.  We're in this together."  Okay, so maybe we can't all be like Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.  But each of us has a story, an emotion, an experience, a dream to share that our audience will recognize and say, "Yeah, I get that!"  That's inspiring!
DO YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS who would benefit from seeing this Speaking Is Sexy eZine?  Please forward it to them or send me their email address and I'll send them a copy and tell them it's from you!  www.marionclaire.com
Want to use this Speaking Tip in your Newsletter or Blog? You can as long as you include this entire blurb:
For over ten years, Marion Claire has coached entrepreneurs, executives, professionals and just plain folks to become the confident speakers they longed to be.  She's the author of the forthcoming book, "Speaking Is Sexy: How to Inspire with the Power of Your Voice", due in 2010.  She will also help you write your speeches for almost any occasion.  For more information about Marion and her programs, check out her website at http://www.marionclaire.com

Would you really like to be a
Sexy Speaker?

You can be a cool, confident and yes, Sexy Speaker every time you face an audience.  All you need is the Desire to Inspire and some easy-to-learn techniques of the trade that the speakers you admire all use.  Let me show you "How to Speak to Any Audience with Charm and Chutzpah!"  In two hours, you can learn how to achieve one of the following:

Get the basics:  How to make your audience your new best friend!

  Discover techniques to make your listeners want to hang onto every word from start to finish

Be Amazing:
  Check your fears at the door and feel like a superhero whenever you get up to speak!

Go for One or choose All Three.  Mix and Match to suit your desires.  Get special savings when you select them all.
  Give yourself a gift that will last a lifetime.  Let me help you become the speaker you've always believed you could be.  Call me at 310/659-8956 or email Marion@marionclaire.com for your free half-hour, confidential consultation.
What do people say about Marion Claire?
"After years of presenting to large and small groups, I developed a serious case of "stage fright".  I've overcome it by using the insights and techniques I learned in my work with Marion.  In particular, she taught me how to do whatever it takes to be comfortable in front of any sized audience.  Marion's help has been instrumental in restoring my confidence as a speaker."
~Larry Appell, President, Int'l Div., Mathnasium
Let a Sexy Speaker Brighten your Next Meeting or Event!

Choose from these topics:
  • Yes, You, Too, Can Be a Sexy Speaker!  Let the Power of Your Voice Make You Irresistible in Front of Any Audience
  • You Can Give a Great Speech, Even If You Think You Can't!  How to Leave Your Fear at the Door and Love Being the Center of Attention
  • When You Speak, Everybody Listens!  The Four Things That Will Persuade Your Audience to Follow You Anywhere
...Or ask me to create a talk for you that focuses on your special needs.  Please contact me if you have a last minute cancellation by your previously scheduled speaker!  Marion@marionclaire.com
More about Marion Claire 
For over 20 years, I suffered from agoraphobia, the fear of crossing open spaces.  I don't know where it came from.  In college, I wanted to be an actress, but found out pretty quickly I wasn't very good.  I was playing the lead in Eugene O'Neill's 'A Touch of the Poet' at the time, and distinctly remember fighting panic attacks throughout the entire Four Act play!  It was like I split myself into two people: one was reciting my lines, the other was telling myself to calm down, focus, and don't faint!  That's a heckuva lousy way to spend three hours on a stage, let me tell you!  It was by a sheer act of will that I didn't pass out in the middle of Act Three!  The moment the curtain came down on the last performance, I gave up acting.
Eventually, I realized that I wasn't afraid of being on stage, I just wanted to be there as myself, not as a fictional character.  That changed everything.  It took awhile to make that discovery, but I'm happy to report that today, I speak in front of groups of all sizes, shapes and interests.  If I can go from a stage-terrified puppy to a calm, self-aware lioness, so can you!  Whatever your speaking problem, let me help you overcome it.  Contact me at Marion@marionclaire.com.
  What's Bugging You?
Got a specific question about speaking you'd like answered?  Or would you like to comment on what you've seen here?  Your feedback means a great deal to me.  Contact me at www.marionclaire.com.
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