Welcome to the September edition of the IPPA online newsletter. Thank you to everyone who sent such lovely encouraging emails about the first issue last month. We're delighted it was so well recieved and we look forward to keeping you updated with news from the association and the photographic industry over the coming months.

September's Image of the Month is by Gerry O'Leary FIPPA
If you would like to submit an image for consideration for the next E-zine please email us at If there is an interesting story accompanying your image we'd love to hear it too!Images should be no larger than 600 pixels wide @ 300dpi. One image per member.
IPPA 60th Anniversary Conference UPDATE
 In the August E-zine we announced our Annual Conference celebrating the 60th anniversary of the association at the Ballymascanlon Hotel in Dundalk on Sunday 4th and Monday 5th October 2009. To book your place at the conference please click hereLast month we profiled some of the speakers for the conference including: Jeffry and Julia Woods - leading photographers in the American wedding and photography industry Geraldine O'Driscoll - RSA/IPPA Photographer of the Year 2009 www.milestonesandmoments.ieMartin Vrabko - QEP and President of the Association of Professional Photographers of the
Slovak Republic.
www.martinvrabko.comThis month we have some updates on our other speakers: Ron Nichols, M.Photog.Cr., API, President of Professional Photographers of America - the world's largest professional photography association. In his presentation Ron will share tips for improving your digital images, along with techniques and procedures for maximising workflow. He will outline ways of involving other staff members and sharing the workload of the digital production process. Topics will include: -Understanding computer equipment and storage -Organising image files and archiving -Sales and presentation techniques using ProSelect -Speeding up and improving portrait retouching Further information about Ron can be found at Kelly Hearn ABIPP AMPA Since the start of her professional career Kelly has worked with the award winning studio, Simon John Photographs Ltd, in the UK and she was awarded UK Wedding Photographer of the Year at the British Professional Photography Awards 2007. Kelly will explain her unique approach to wedding photography and how to create art that captures the feeling of a couple's big day. We will also have guest speakers from Skillnets, Happy Faces Day and the Federation of European Photographers to update you with news and events.  |
IPPA AGM 2009 |
The Annual General Meeting of the IPPA will take place on SUNDAY 4th OCTOBER 2009 At 4.45pm at Ballymascanlon Hotel, Dundalk, Co Louth
 FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards 2009
The Federation of European Photographers (FEP) is a federation of European national professional photographers
associations which is recognised by the European Institutions. A
non-profit organisation promoting Professional Photography directly or
through it's Member Associations, the FEP is the FORUM where all
European professional associations meet. It is composed of the national professional associations of twenty countries including the IPPA in Ireland. The current president of the FEP is IPPA member Neil Warner. The FEP recently launched the second round of the FEP European Professional Photograper of the Year Awards 2009, sponsored by Epson. The closing date for this round of the competition is 1st November 2009 How to EnterThe competition is open to to all professional photographers who are registered and resident in a European country, and will be entirely web based. To visit the FEP website and enter the competition click here. Entry FeesMember of FEP member associations (including IPPA): Free of Charge Other professional photographers: 30 Euro for each series of four images CategoriesThere are three categories Social
- including wedding photography, portraiture etc.
Commercial - including advertising and other commercial photography
- including landscape and personal research etc. PrizesIn each session, all photographs entered will be evaluated by the
international FEP jury by an online vote and will be awarded a score
expressed in points out of 100. The author of an image who obtains a
score of 70/100 will be presented with a Bronze Award Certificate,
those obtaining a score of 80/100 will be presented with a Silver Award
Certificate and finally those obtaining a score of 90/100 will be
presented with a Gold Award Certificate by the FEP. The images and
names of the photographers whose images obtain awards will also be
published on the official FEP Web Site. From the 3 category
winners the jury will then select an Overall Winner, who will be
presented as the "FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year". The
winners will be awarded at a special ceremony at the Photo Museum of
Antwerp on December 17th next. The awards will consist of certificates
and a magnificent cut glass trophy. The winners may use the title "FEP
European Photographers of the Year". Authors who gain second and third
position IN EACH CATEGORY will be presented with a certificate and an
official mention on the FEP Website. Epson will print the finalists
images for inclusion at the annual award ceremony. All participants will receive the official results by e-mail. Epson officially supports the "FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards". Epson
has the right to use the photographs for promotional purposes for one
year, publishing the name of the author and the event together with the
winning images. Judging Criteria
The principal judgement criteria which the
jury will award points for are: visual impact, composition,
originality, technique, and creativity, ability to communicate a
message, a feeling and an emotion. For more information visit the competition web page here or the main FEP website here |
 IPPA Trade Members
Are YOU entitled to royalties for your photography?
If you are a visual artist (including sculptor, photographer, illustrator, cartoonist, craftsperson, designer or architect), and your work has been published with your permission in a book or periodical in the UK or Ireland, or has been included in certain UK television broadcasts, then you may be entitled to share in certain royalties collected by the Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) in the UK, or by IVARO in Ireland.
The Irish Visual Artists' Rights Organisation (IVARO) is a non-profit copyright licensing and collecting society for visual artists.For more information about IVARO consult their website:
Find us on Facebook!
 Have you made the IPPA your facebook friend yet? If not you can do so by logging into your Facebook account and clicking on this link Facebook, is being used more as a marketing tool to generate interest from potential wedding, portrait and commercial photography clients. If you are already using Facebook, please add the IPPA to your 'friends' list. If you are not, then sign up now and start to reap the benefits of social networking! |
IPPA Members Online Forum
 The online discussion forum for IPPA members is now live on the IPPA website. You can access the forum by logging into the IPPA website and clicking the 'Members Forum' link on the left hand side of the page. The IPPA forum is a members-only forum, and it is a condition of use that all members must use their own full name as their username. If you encounter any difficulties logging into the forum or if you have forgotten your username and password please email
IPPA/RSA Insurance Travelling Exhibition
On August 15th the travelling exhibition opened at the Dundrum Town Centre. We
are very grateful to our sponsors RSA Insurance for giving us the
opportunity to display your award winning images in a very prominant location near the main entrance.
The exhibition will be at our October Conference in Ballymascanlon Hotel in Dundalk
before making its annual visit to the Dundalk Town Centre. If you
would like the exhibition to visit your area and can secure a
suitable location please contact the Exhibition Chairman:
Robert Allen FIPPA, 087 2574265.
 Pat Nally (Marketing Manager, RSA Insurance), Geraldine O'Driscoll LIPPA (RSA/IPPA Photographer of the Year 2009) & Paddy Clarke AIPPA (IPPA President) at the opening of the exhibition in Dundrum Town Centre |
IPPA RSA Insurance Awards 2010
A message from the IPPA Competition Chairperson
We are three quarters the way through with the Irish Professional Photographer of the Year Awards 2010 and I am delighted to say that the competition is seriously heating up. We witnessed a very tough judging at the IPPA HQ on August 24th and for all participants that scored well may I offer my sincerest congratulations but a big thanks to all for the continued support and participation. To those that feel they didn't do well, please don't loose heart. Instead put aside a bit of time to honestly go through some of your images and see where you think you can make improvements. The ultimate prize still awaits, and nothing is written in stone, so please grab the bull by the horns and keep entering your work. I am just back from an overseas judging and I have to be honest and say that our own awards and standards are every bit as high and in most cases higher than our European counterparts. So I think we should all be very proud of our work and standards here. To any newcomers that may have attended the last round of judging, I hope you found the experience helpful in seeing the way images are analysed and judged. It is a difficult task for each and every judge and it can be very enlightening when good challenges are made. May I take this opportunity to thank the judges, all the members at head office and you, the participants for your continued support in this worthwhile endeavour. Until the next call for well and keep shooting. Vincent O'Byrne Competition Chairperson
News Update from the IPPA Southern Region
Hello from the Southern Region!
Did you know that there are just about 100 members in our region? And that at IPPA HQ new members from our area are applying on a regular basis? Professional Photography is alive and thriving in the South!
It was great to see many of you participating in events through out the region in the last month and there have been some fantastic learning opportunities and networking events taking place.
The "Meet the Experts" afternoon in Limerick on August 17th was booked out and received very positive feedback from the fortunate selection of members that got in early and confirmed their 'one to one' time with the professionals in Marketing, Taxation and Personal Financial Planning. That same evening we had our Regional Meeting with an excellent sales presentation from Maitiu McCabe enlightening us on how to 'Seal the Deal' by ensuring the best approach to "turn every lead into business". Denis Hyland AIPPA from Cork said " Maitiu was great - best two hours I spent in years!"
On August 31st we had a seminar in Mallow, Co. Cork entitled "Online Strategy for your Marketing Campaign" with Michelle Daly. Sinead Ni Riain LIPPA from Tipperary later posted this message on IPPA Photographers FACEBOOK "The Online strategy seminar in Mallow today with Michelle Daly was brill. ... Anyone who can shouldn't miss the Athlone one which is later in September"
Well we in the south are certainly getting active - there are now four established Active Learning Groups in the region, each tackling separate areas of interest or issues and working together to share knowledge. If you would like to join one of the established groups OR activate your own - please contact Mary O'Driscoll IPPA Skillnet LTD Manager or myself.
Things to do in September...
- Register immediately for Conference! Ya don't want to miss it ....
- Become a fan of 'IPPA Photographers' on FACEBOOK
- Date for your diary! The next & final judging for 2009 is coming to town...Yes, the Southern Region is hosting the next judging at the Lyrath Hotel in Kilkenny on 2nd November 2009
- Next Southern Region meeting - is also Monday, 2nd November at the Lyrath Hotel, Kilkenny.
Hope to see you all at conference!
Mary McCullough LIPPA Southern Region Chairperson
Little Kate Cullen - the 'poster girl' and National Face of IPPA Happy Faces Day 2009 - being thanked by Mary McCullough |
Who's Who in the IPPA? |
The IPPA Management Council:
Paddy Clarke AIPPA President
Maria Dunphy LIPPA Hon. Secretary
Gareth Byrne FIPPA Hon. Treasurer & Skillnets Chairman
Eamonn O'Boyle AIPPA Western Region Vice President
Mary McCullough LIPPA Southern Region Vice President
Robert Allen FIPPA Eastern Region Vice President & Exhibition Chairman
Neil Warner FIPPA FEP Representative & FEP President
Vincent O'Byrne FIPPA Judgings & Qualifications Chairman
Colm Connaughton LIPPA
Pat McCoole LIPPA To contact any of the above please click here to email
or phone Gay McCormack, the IPPA secretary, on (01) 4298648 How do I get an issue discussed at council?To include a topic for discussion at the next council meeting or to bring an issue to the attention of council please email or write to: The Council, IPPA, Unit 5, Naas Road Business Park, Muirfield Drive, Dublin 12.It is Council policy only to discuss items put in writing. The next Council meeting will be Monday 2nd November 2009 |
Dates for your diary... |
September 7th 2009 IPPA Skillnets Training Course - "Shooting and Editing HD Video with Canon and Apple" at the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. To book your place click here
September 8th 2009IPPA will be at the Photovision RoadshowCroke Park Stadium, Hogan Suite, Hogan Stand, Jones Road, Dublin 3 Trade show 11am -3pm Seminars start at 10am - no need to book, just turn up and sit down! For more information on exhibitors, seminars and featured exhibitions click here
September 9th 2009IPPA Skillnets Training Course - "Mentoring with Vincent O'Byrne" at IPPA Headquarters. To book your place click here
September 14th 2009
Closing date for entries for Associateship and Fellowship qualifications IPPA Skillnets Training Course - "Developing Your Online Strategy" at the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone. To book your place click hereIPPA Skillnets Training Course - "Mentoring with Vincent O'Byrne" at the Maldron Hotel, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. To book your place click hereSeptember 21st 2009Orientation Day for Applicant Members at IPPA Headquarters 10am-2.30pm For more information please ring IPPA Headquarters on (01) 429 8648
October 4th/5th 2009
IPPA 60th Anniversary Conference at Ballymascanlon Hotel, Dundalk, Co. Louth. November 1st 2009 Deadline for submissions for the FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards 2009. To enter online click here
November 2nd 2009 The fourth and final judging for 2009 at the Lyrath Hotel, Kilkenny. Time to be confirmed.
November 9th 2009
Closing date for entries for next judging for QEP (Qualified European Photographer) and MQEP (Master Qualified European Photographer) .
Please note that applicants for QEP must already have achieved their Associate (AIPPA) qualification. |
Thanks for taking the time to read the IPPA September E-zine. If you have any news or stories that you would like us to include in the October E-zine please let us know by emailing
Irish Professional Photographers Association
you would like us to include a special offer for IPPA Members in the
next IPPA E-zine please email us at
Barker Photographic Special Offer for IPPA members
5% DISCOUNT when you order any model RingFlash (for beautiful portrait and close up lighting) plus FREE DELIVERY on any orders containing a RingFlash Terms and Conditions: Offer is for IPPA members only and is valid only during September 2009. This offer must be mentioned at the time of ordering to avail of this discount.
EPSON Promotion for IPPA Members
 EPSON have a loyalty promotion on their
range of professional photo printers. IPPA Members who have existing qualifying EPSON
printers can avail of the discounts detailed below up to 30th September 2009.
Please call EPSON on +353 (0) 1 460
4998 for details of your nearest EPSON dealer. Offer as follows:
Large Format Printer-
"It pays to be Loyal" discount promotion when you buy a Stylus Pro 3880
(discount of €174) until 30th Sept
"It pays to be Loyal" discount promotion when you buy a Stylus Pro 7880
(discount of €464) or Stylus Pro 9880 (discount of €580) until 30th Sept
"It pays to be Loyal" discount promotion when you buy a Stylus Pro 7900 /
7900S (discount of €464) or Stylus Pro 9900/ 9900S (discount of €1044) until
30th Sept
Price Reductions on the these products:
Part # Old RRP New RRP
SP-11880 C11C679001A0 €11,694
SP-GS6000 C11CA01001A0 €26,904
SP-GS6000 Pro
C11CA01001A1 €28,659 €23,394
Three Years Enhanced Warranty on the 7900 and 9900 will be Half
Price until the end of September 2009
GMS "ROES Pro" Special Offer for IPPA Members
Photographer, GMS, Ireland's
leading Professional Imaging Lab, gives customers access to the latest on-line
technology having introduced a secure online "drag & drop" order entry
ROES was
developed by photographers for photographers. Cut, crop, rotate, change
colour and create multiple page proof books and wedding album pages etc, all at
the touch of a button. This application will speed up your workflow and
also simplify your file management.
To see the
benefits, download GMS ROES
PRO from our website and send us FIVE
10x8's. We will print and return them to you within 24hours FREE OF CHARGE
To avail of
this offer just enter "TEST" as your studio reference. It's that
Our promise
is "To deliver the image you imagined"
don't hesitate to contact me directly for any
Professional Imaging Ltd.
Unit 23,
Trinity Technology and Enterprise Campus,
Message from The President |
Welcome to the second edition of IPPA e-zine. Our first edition was warmly received. We should extend thanks to Gareth Byrne and his wife, Suzanne, for all their hard work in putting it together, also congratulations on their recent wedding.
Conference time is nearly upon us and we will be in my home territory of Dundalk. I can promise a fantastic weekend of speakers and craic.
This month I had pleasure of meeting with RSA Insurance, our main sponsors, at Dundrum Shopping Centre for the opening of the exhibition. Well done to the exhibition co-ordinator,Robert Allen, the exhibition looks amazing and is a great advertisement for the Association.
I am going to include a quote every month and with the conference coming up I thought this one from Leonardo Da Vinci might be appropriate:
Learning never exhausts the mind. Paddy |
Contact Us |
If you have any news that you would like included in the OCTOBER E-ZINE please email us |
In the news...

Mike Brown LIPPA has announced his new book "Wild Water, Wild Light". This stunning collection of landscape images of the West Cork Coastline will be available for Christmas 2009, retailing at €39.95. Further details can be found on Mike's website www.mikebrown

On July 5th you may have heard
Margaret Moore
of Photogenic speaking on The Business on RTE Radio 1 about credit card fraud, and in particular fraud relating to someone purporting to be planning a wedding. To catch up on this cautionary and informative interview click here and scroll down to the programme for July 5th