August 2012



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In These Uncertain Economic Times, Should You Invest In Training and Career Development for Your Employees?


Aligning training and career development plans with the strategic goals of the organization is a win-win for all concerned. A career development path provides employees with an ongoing mechanism to enhance their skills and knowledge, which leads to mastering their jobs and enhancing professional development. Creating a career development path increases employee engagement (a critical driver of business success) and has a direct impact on the entire Practice by improving morale, job/career satisfaction, motivation, retention, productivity, and responsiveness in meeting the Practice's short as well as long term business objectives. And has a positive impact on the Practice's bottom line.


Terminating an Employee Gracefully and Legally Part II


It can be hard to say goodbye. But sometimes an employment relationship just doesn't work out. Let's say that your employee has performance or behavior problems. He or she has failed to meet the expectations set out in your employee manual. You've met with the employee to discuss the problems and documented the discussions. You've also practiced progressive discipline, imposing increasingly severe penalties for repeated policy infractions. Despite these efforts, the employee continues to fall short of your standards. At this point, you may have no choice but to end the employment relationship.


(Click here to read Part II of this article)

In case you missed last month's newsletter, Part I can be found here.

Hot Topic!  Social Media in the Workplace

On May 30, 2012 the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB" or "the Board") issued its third Memorandum summarizing the most recent cases before the Board. The memo was concerned exclusively with over broad employer social media policies.


The report signals that policies will be considered overly broad if the terms and restrictions contained within can be deemed vague enough to allow an employee to infer, in any way, that they restrict his or her rights to comment on terms or conditions of employment and/or to act concertedly in doing so, as protected under the National Labor Relations Act ("NLRA").


(Click here to read full article)

Courtesy of Nukk-Freeman & Cerra, P.C.

In This Issue
Should You Invest in Career Development?
Terminating an Employee Gracefully and Legally Part II
Hot Topic: Social Media in the Workplace
VBA Book Review: Juggling Elephants
VBA Book Review:
Juggling Elephants

It is summer time and many of our clients are enjoying some light reading. If you are one of those clients, or one who has way too many things going on to read a book, we would like to recommend the book Juggling Elephants.


This short read discusses how to prioritize and balance tasks in order to complete the most important ones timely and accurately.


The book compares people's lives to a circus and suggests each person is the ringmaster of his or her own circus. In life's circus there are three rings. The first ring is self which includes personal development and health.  The second ring is family and significant relationships in a person's life. The third ring reflects work and career. The guiding principle is prioritizing the major acts for that season of life will lead to quality acts in all three rings of the circus.


People cannot be in all three rings at once, yet most people try. The author calls trying to complete all tasks at the same time "juggling elephants". When a person tries to juggle elephants, he or she will be unsuccessful and produce subpar work. The key to success is having quality acts in all three rings.


We found the use of the circus to be entertaining and consistently true. If you like business parables, this is a great read.




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