February 2012  

Reviewing Your Practice's Healthcare Benefit Plans for 2012/2013


As you examine your 2012/2013 healthcare options for your staff, not only do you have to focus on managing the rising costs, while staying competitive with a fair health benefit offering and motivating employees to be better health care consumers but also keeping in mind what other changes and reforms from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("PPACA"), signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 need to be analyzed as options and developed into strategies for implementation and compliance. As the economy is still sputtering, you as a practice owner or manager have to balance business and employee needs while keeping PPACA in focus (especially with state-run health insurance exchanges scheduled to open in 2014).


(Click here to read full article)

What Is A Brand Ambassador?

People buy brands for the brand experience and the employees of a company and their interactions with them are a big part of that experience - and a large part of what builds customer loyalty. Note that I said loyalty, not satisfaction. Satisfied customers change products or services, and frequently, for no other reason than to try something new. But loyal customers are much less likely to - and loyal customers mean profits.  Do you want to increase your profit?  This article will explain the importance of the brand experience.


Do You Know What Is Important To Your Clients?

Recently we had a discussion with pet owners and we asked what was most important to them in regards to a Veterinarian.  Here are the top 3 answers:

  1. They want a Veterinarian who listens to their concerns.  They feel no one knows their dog better than they do so who better to explain the problems.
  2. Clients want a Veterinarian who will speak to them in a language they understand and not use medical language.
  3. A veterinarian has to acknowledge their pet so the pet and the owner become more comfortable with the doctor.  Remember, these pets are part of the family.
How does your facility measure up?  What have your clients shared as important to them?

2012 2nd Quarter Calendar for Human Resources Related Events  


In November 2011, we published our recommendations for an annual HR calendar that you should be addressing in 2012 regarding Human Resources related activities. This is just a gentle reminder to keep you proactively prepared to administer or address each event in a timely manner for the upcoming 2nd quarter. Please let us know if VBA can be of assistance to you.


(Click here to read full article)  

The Core Of VBA


As promised we are continuing or series on core values.  At VBA, our core values were created to not only show our character, but also serve as our standard and inspiration for every client interaction.


Our second core value is Client Advocacy.


We advise and inform our clients to minimize their risk exposure, and foster long-lasting relationships with them and their businesses. We strive to be their best resource for information and solutions to their challenges, all while assisting them in understanding their circumstances. 


VBA's internal measure of how we can follow through with this value is:


Aligns operational systems and resources to deliver results in support of the client's goals. Holds self-accountable for meeting expectations. Involves others as appropriate, when outcomes will impact their work. Demonstrates a logical, algorithmic and systematic approach to problem solving. Recognizes the existence of problems and how to solve them to achieve effectiveness and efficiency.


Have you felt like VBA has been an advocate for you?  Tell us about it.

Veterinary Business Advisors
Countryside Plaza North
Bldg E, Ste. 1403
361 Route 31
Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone (908) 782-4426

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