Director's Message
Change has been a constant companion for those of us in the College of Human Medicine these past few years. Our class size has doubled; we have new educational programs; our footprint across the state has been transformed. Examples of change are numerous.
It is within this context that I want to announce some changes related to medical education research and development. From the development side, we have renamed our Faculty Development Seminar Series; the new name is the OMERAD Seminar Series. The main reason for the change was cosmetic, but nonetheless important. Historically, many of the workshops addressed topics of concern to faculty and professional staff, giving rise to confusion about who could attend. We are hoping the name change will lessen the confusion.
More information about upcoming workshops in the OMERAD Seminar Series is available elsewhere in this newsletter. Later this semester we will be launching a survey to gauge the interests of faculty and staff for various topics related to medical education and scholarship. We will also try to gain a better sense of interest in various types of program formats and delivery models. I hope you will take a few minutes to complete the survey when you receive an e-mail invitation to participate.
Another change that occurred this summer was an end to the use of the consent form that was provided to medical students to obtain their consent to participate in medical education scholarship. This model of obtaining consent was developed in collaboration with the MSU human research protection program (MSU-HRPP) and implemented in 2000. This year, at the request of MSU-HRPP, we were asked to consider an alternative strategy that enhances the protections for students and is not administratively burdensome. Over the summer we have implemented an honest broker system. The honest broker acts independently from the investigators to assure that datasets used for educational scholarship have been anonymized. OMERAD will provide this service to investigators using one or more educational datasets to provide maximum protection for students. This process should also simplify the approval process for IRB applications related to educational research. More information about the purpose of the honest broker system can be found at: http://www.irb.pitt.edu/exempt/honestbroker.htm.
Brian Mavis, PhD Associate Professor and Director Office of Medical Education Research and Development College of Human Medicine |
OMERAD SEMINAR SERIES - FALL 2011 - MAKING POSTERS IN POWERPOINT Date: October 24, 2011 Time: 4:00 to 6:00 pm Places: A-211 E. Fee Hall, East Lansing, AND via Web-Based Desktop Videoconferencing Cost: Free to all CHM Faculty and Staff at all CHM communities Are you presenting a poster at a professional meeting soon? If so, this hands-on workshop might be just what you need to get started making your poster. A short didactic presentation will be given first, followed by an opportunity to work on your poster, with people available to answer your questions and to solve your problems. Because we will not be teaching basic PowerPoint skills in the workshop, we recommend that, before the workshop, you complete the online tutorial called Creating Posters in PowerPoint: A Video Tutorial at : http://omerad.msu.edu/meded/poster_intro.php Email us at omerad@msu.edu to register for the session or if you have questions. Participation in person in A-211 E. Fee is limited to 18.For more details on this workshop, go to the OMERAD Seminar Series page at : http://omerad/seminars/index.php - INTRODUCTION TO PREZI: A Web-Based Presentation Program Date: November 21, 2011 Time: 4:00 to 6:00 pm Places: A-211 E.Fee Hall, East Lansing, AND via Web-Based Desktop Videoconferencing Cost: Free to all CHM Faculty and Staff at all CHM communities Tired of using PowerPoint for your lectures? Looking for another tool to create more engaging presentations? This workshop provides an introduction to Prezi, a free web-based software for creating presentations that offers an alternative to traditional PowerPoint. Prezi utilizes a whiteboard canvas to create non-linear presentations where users can zoom in and out of a visual map in any order. Prezi presentations can include audio, video, images, and text and can also be set up to navigate through pre-defined paths. In this introductory workshop participants will: - Learn the basic program's menus and themes
- Learn to move, scale and rotate objects
- Insert hyperlinks, images, and media
- Create animated motion pathways
- Share and publish a Prezi presentation
To get an idea of what Prezi can do, go to: http://prezi.com/ For prerequisites and registration details on this workshop, go to the OMERAD Seminar Series page at http://omerad/seminars/index.php |
Each week OMERAD will hold a one-hour session for CHM faculty and staff to ask questions and get answers related to: - Online and blended learning
- Techniques for use in face-to-face education and synchronous/asynchronous distance education
- Instructional technology tools to use in your course
- PowerPoint, Word, Camtasia Studio, Photoshop, Articulate, Prezi
- Poster design
- Macintosh computers
- SurveyMonkey
- Curriculum design and development
For other topics, email us at omerad@msu.edu and ask. Join us in person in A-211 East Fee Hall in East Lansing, or online through Adobe Connect. Open office hours are held every Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. No appointment is necessary. Drop in or connect at any time during the posted office hours to ask your questions. Instructions for connecting to online OMERAD Office Hours are available here: http://omerad.msu.edu/seminars/office_hours.php Open office hours are held when classes are in session and will be suspended during breaks and holiday recesses, and after final exams. Make sure to follow us on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/omerad_chm for the latest OMERAD updates. |
Featured Project: eLearning Modules for Third-Year Medical Students in OB/GYN Rotations
The Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology has been working on a project to develop online elearning modules for the third-year students in their clerkship. These modules integrate various educational tools and technologies to improve communication of clinical knowledge, delivery and standardization of the clerkship curriculum across CHM campuses in a just-in-time learning and flexible environment. The objective of this project was to design, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of three online learning modules simulating doctor-patient encounters. The selected diagnoses were shown to be less frequent across clinical rotations for third-year medical students. The modules teach students basic knowledge of three pathologies: vaginitis, amenorrhea and third trimester bleeding. Each module offers interactive video clips simulating doctor-patient encounters, self-paced learning objectives, and short video lectures containing didactic information, audio summaries, relevant images and self-assessment quizzes. Anatomy of the eLearning Modules This image shows the final design and layout of the modules. Each of the three modules was designed applying the same template.

Click here to enlarge
Module Evaluation
Evaluations were received from a total of 63 students enrolled in the Colleges of Human and Osteopathic Medicine.

Click here to enlarge
Suggestions for further development included more images and diagrams, and more interactive practice options.
This project was funded through an APGO/Abbott Medical Education Program Award.
- Patricia Obando, PhD. Project Director, module assessment and evaluation
- Joel Maurer, MD. Director of clinical content
- Christina Dokter, PhD. Instructional technology and curriculum designer
- Geraud Plantegenest, MA. Instructional design, interaction design, programming
To interact with the modules visit the B-CLR Showcase at:
OBGYN eLearning modules
B-CLR offers free instructional design consultations to CHM faculty needing help with blended and online curricular materials. To find out more about B-CLR services, visit the B-CLR webpage.
Contact Geraud Plantegenest, B-CLR Manager, at plantege@msu.edu for questions about this project. |
CHM Program Evaluation The Effect of Expansion on Academic and Demographic Profiles of Matriculants
Expanding the CHM campuses and increasing the class size first by approximately 50 students in 2007 and then by another 50 students in 2010 has been challenging on many fronts. One of the concerns has been whether it will be possible to maintain the academic quality of our matriculating class as well as the College's commitment to diversity and training physicians who will serve Michigan communities. At this point it is hard to answer these questions with any certainty but the preliminary data displayed below are generally quite encouraging. The first graph shows that both the GPA and MCAT overall scores have not dropped and possibly could be increasing. The percentage of matriculating students who are Michigan residents has also remained stable, as shown in the second graph. Michigan residency has been one of the strongest predictors of whether graduates will go on to practice medicine in Michigan communities. It appears the College's ability to recruit underrepresented minority students may have been impacted somewhat by the increase in class size although the data shown in the graph are far from clear.  
Click here to enlarge As we begin the second academic year with an expanded class size it remains to be seen how challenging it will be to maintain both the academic quality and the diversity of our students as well as train doctors who are Michigan residents and likely to practice in the state. The initial data are encouraging but highlight the need to continue the College's longstanding effort to recruit a diverse class that is representative of the state's population. |
Free Online Poster Tutorial Revised
Creating Posters in PowerPoint 2010
One of the free online tutorials OMERAD provides shows you how to make a poster using PowerPointŪ. We have just revised this for PowerPoint 2010 for Windows. A version for PowerPoint 2011 for Macintosh is almost ready for prime time. To see this tutorial, go to:
This tutorial contains 10 short movies -- watchable in any order -- that show you how to accomplish the steps needed to create a poster:
- use a template
- use the zoom menu
- work with text
- work with bullets
- insert images
- work with tables
- work with charts
- align poster elements
- print a poster
The tutorial provides links to two poster templates that were designed using the CHM color palette. Simply replace the poster content -- the text, images, charts and tables -- with your own, and align them as needed. The poster layout and design have already been done for you.
One template is for a 24" by 36" vertical poster. The second is for a 36" by 56" horizontal poster.
The tutorial has additional resources that may be helpful to you. There are step-by-step tutorials in PDF format that you can print or look at online, a short explanation of how to summarize information, and a checklist of the characteristics of an effective poster.

If you have any questions about the online tutorial or about poster design in general, please contact Deborah Sleight, PhD, at sleightd@msu.edu.
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Hot Off the Press
Articles published by OMERAD faculty:
Training Residents and Nurses to Work as Patient-Centered Health Care Teams on a Medical Ward.
Authors: Laird-Fick H, Solomon DJ, Jodoin C, Dwamena FC, Alexander K, Rawsthorne L, Banker T, Gourineni N, Aloka F, Frankel RM, Smith RC.
The Patient Edu Couns. 2011; 84: 90-97. (DOI:10.1016/j.pec. 2010.05.018)
An Interdisciplinary Infection Control Education Intervention: Necessary but Not Sufficient.
Authors: Wagner DP, Parker C, Mavis BE, Smith MK.
Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2011; 3(2):203-210.
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An interactive gallery featuring examples of CHM blended and online learning projects by B-CLR
DR-ED A medical education listserv maintained by OMERAD
Peer-reviewed international open access journal for disseminating information on the education and training of physicians and other health care professionals Click on the link to view past issues of our newsletter
Medical Education Scholarship Group
Meets first Wednesday of each month in room A216 East Fee Hall from 1:30 pm-3:00 pm.For questions about this group contact Dr. Brian Mavis: mavis@msu.edu |
OMERAD Technology Center (OTC)
Units within the College of Human Medicine interested in sponsoring faculty and/or staff development programs in support of education and scholarship may request use of the room.
The OTC is located in A211 East Fee Hall.
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Contact Us
For questions about this newsletter, please contact us at: VitalSignsNews
Visit our website for more information:
The Office of Medical Education Research and Development is a unit within the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University. Its mission is to improve medical education and related service programs through evaluation and research consultation, relevant instruction, and programs of faculty development.
Established in 1966, OMERAD is the oldest continuously operating office of medical education in the United States.
A-202 East Fee Hall
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
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