Director's Message

What improvements in medical education will lead to better health for individuals and populations?
That is the Question of the Year, posed by Steven Kanter, MD, in his role as editor of the journal Academic Medicine. He invites anyone from the medical education community --faculty, students or residents-- to submit a 750-word essay in response to this question. The question is one that resonates with the numerous calls for educational reform from academics, politicians and consumers. The deadline for submitting an essay is May 1 and all essays need to be submitted through the on-line submission system. A number of selected essays, based on innovation and feasibility, will be published later this year in Academic Medicine. More information about the Question of the Year can be found in the January 2011 issue, or online at: 2011 Question of the Year.
Last year, the Question of the Year focused on increasing concerns about the high cost of medical school for students in terms of tuition and debt load. Dr. Kanter asked, "what are the most effective ways to make medical school tuition and fees free to medical students in exchange for public service?" Eleven essays submitted in response to this question were published in the November 2010 issue of Academic Medicine. These essays cover a broad territory, describing various existing medical school programs as well as proposals for new approaches to medical education that meet the needs of both the underserved and the trainees. All of the essays from last year are available for free download from Academic Medicine.
Brian Mavis, Ph.D Associate Professor and Director Office of Medical Education Research and Development College of Human Medicine |
- Dr. Brian Mavis, PhD, will be the editor of the new Medical Education Online (MEO) section focusing on performance assessment. See more.
- Upcoming faculty development seminar: Not Your Father's (or Your Mother's) Presentation! Teaching the Newest Generation of Medical Students & Residents.
Join Dr. John B. Molidor for this not-to-be-missed seminar. For more information, see the faculty development section of the newsletter. - OMERAD has gone social; follow us on Twitter!
- Video Tutorial on Making Posters in PowerPoint Updated
The movies in the OMERAD free online tutorial Creating Posters in PowerPoint: A Video Tutorial have been updated from PowerPoint XP to PowerPoint 2010. In addition, a printable tutorial for the Macintosh and a short paper titled How to Summarize Information for a Poster have been added. You can access the tutorial here. For more information on this tutorial, see the article in the Vital Signs newsletter from December 2009 in our newsletter archive.
Spotlight Primary Care Faculty Development Fellowship Program's Research and Development Poster Reception and Conference
Each year fellows in the MSU Primary Care Faculty Development Fellowship Program design, develop, implement and evaluate a major research or curriculum project. The fellows will present their major projects at a poster reception and scholarly conference. The posters and oral presentations will be reviewed by two national leaders in medical education: Larrie Greenberg, MD and Mark Loehrke, MD. We invite you to attend the poster and oral presentations and graduation of this year's fellowship class. Major project topics include: - Patient Centered Medical Home
- Telephone Medicine
- Medical Decision Making
- Unopposed Residencies
- Pediatric Resuscitation
- EBM Curricula
- Diabetic Self-Management
- Vitamin D and Diabetes
- Skipping Breakfast and BMI
- Dermatology Curricula
- Peer Counselor and Breast Feeding
- Online Obstetrics Curricula
- Global Health Rotation
- Procedures Curricula
The free poster reception will be held: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:00-6:00 pm MSU Radiology Building Atrium The scholarly conference will be held: Thursday, May 19, 2011 8:00 am-5:30 pm Michigan State University Kellogg Center, Willy Room and Room 110 The conference is free, but if you would like to attend the lunch meeting in the Red Cedar Room and hear the keynote address given by Dr. Loehrke, there is a fee of $25. Registration is required whether you attend only the conference presentations or the lunch meeting also. If you are interested in attending the Wednesday poster reception, please email us at pcfellowship@hc.msu.edu. If you are planning to attend the Thursday conference and graduation, please submit the registration form and payment via US mail no later than May 10, 2011. Make checks payable to: Michigan State University, Primary Care Fellowship. Mail the registration form and payment to: Donna Mulder Primary Care Faculty Development Fellowship Program Michigan State University A-206 E. Fee Hall East Lansing, MI 48824 For more information go to http://omerad.msu.edu/fellowship or contact William Anderson at william.anderson@hc.msu.edu, Donna Mulder at mulder@msu.edu or call her at 517-432-8722. |
How do MSU Faculty and Students Use Collaboration Tools to Connect?
At the end of each semester MSU Virtual University Design and Technology (vuDAT) conducts a survey of faculty and students who are teaching or taking one or more courses that use Angel. Their most recent survey (Fall 2010) addressed the topics of how students are connecting with each other and how MSU instructors are using online media tools to create a classroom community.
The survey asked instructors how they assigned or encouraged students to use collaboration tools in their course. A number of tools use by instructors and students were grouped based on whether they were internal to the Angel course (course chat/discussion, Blog/Wiki), external to the course (MSU email, MSU Google Docs), or world applications not controlled directly by MSU (Facebook, Text Messaging, Skype, and Twitter).
The survey revealed some interesting findings. Data collected showed that 47% of students (n= 466) use text messaging to collaborate with other classmates in the course even though only 4% of instructors (n= 147) encouraged their students to use text messaging for collaboration. Similar results were found with the use of Facebook where 44% of students use it for course-related communication and mostly do it on their own initiative.
For more details on this survey and its findings, please visit the vuDAT survey. Past survey reports from vuDAT can be accessed online here.
B-CLR offers free instructional design consultations to CHM faculty needing help with blended and online curricular materials. To find out more about B-CLR services, visit the B-CLR webpage. To see a list of CHM faculty projects completed by B-CLR, visit the showcase.
Geraud Plantegenest
B-CLR Manager.
email: plantege@msu.edu |
CHM Program Evaluation Block II Clinical Skills Gateway Update
The Block II Clinical Skills Gateway Assessment Exam is continuing its development as a core assessment event for students on their clinical skills competency path toward graduation. Similar to the Block III Gateway that is a performance exam given at the end of the six required clerkships, the Block II Gateway shows if students have mastered basic clinical skills and are ready for clerkship experiences. Drs. Eugene Tay and Robin DeMuth, director and associate director of the clinical skills curriculum also lead the Block II Gateway. The performance exam gives second year students an opportunity to demonstrate the interviewing, physical exam, and health record writing skills acquired in Blocks I and II and to demonstrate their preparation for seeing real patients in the clinical years. A unique aspect of the exam is the immediate and personalized feedback students receive from clinical faculty in a one-on-one encounter afterward.
Recent innovations to the Gateway Exam include a new scoring rubric to support assessment of the written health record; consensus-developed checklists; and an enhanced interview station. Additionally, Drs. Tay and DeMuth will be working with OMERAD and College-Wide Assessment to conduct the first in a series of standard setting exercises to establish Gateway as a valid and reliable summative assessment event. This approach to student evaluation is part of a national trend to increase performance assessment in the medical school curriculum to determine what students can do and not just what they know. In the Block II Gateway Assessment, students focus on: - cardiac exam
- newborn exam
- neurologic exam
- abdominal problem interview and exam with SOAP note write-up
- undiagnosed Problem Interview with quiz
Faculty Development 
Not Your Father's (or Your Mother's) Presentation!
Teaching the Newest Generation of Medical Students and Residents
They have grown up with MTV, cable and the Internet. How they learn, how they interact with their world and how they search for information is vastly different from their instructors and teachers. These differences are creating some interesting tension (and even, dare we say, some hostility!) in the classrooms and on the wards as this newest generation (labeled Gen Y, the Millennials, and ME) enters our medical schools and residencies.
So how should you teach these days? How might you approach these learners? How can you reach them where they hang out? The answers to these questions will be covered in this free OMERAD Faculty Development Seminar Series program. So come join us over the noon hour for a fast-paced, practical and informative look at how we can teach in this new day and age.
The presenter is Dr. John B. Molidor, professor of Psychiatry and OMERAD, and community assistant dean for the Flint campus. Dr. Molidor comes to us from a family of 10 children, 23 nieces and nephews, and 17 great nieces and nephews, where he says he is getting a first-hand look at the newest generation of learners.
Thursday, May 12 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm Room E-4 Fee Hall, East Lansing
This seminar may be broadcast via video conference to the other CHM communities. For more information contact Deborah Sleight, PhD, OMERAD, at sleightd@msu.edu or 517-353-9656 ext 229. Registration is required. To register, send an email to omerad@msu.edu |
OMERAD Presentations
See a list of recent presentations from our OMERAD faculty. |
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Hot Off the Press
Articles published by OMERAD faculty:
An Educational Strategy for Treating Chronic Non-Cancer Pain with Opioids: A Pilot Test
Authors: Elhwairis H & Reznich C.
The Journal of Pain, Vol. 11, No. 12, 2010, 1368-1375. PubMed
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An interactive gallery featuring examples of CHM blended and online learning projects by B-CLR
DR-ED A medical education listserv maintained by OMERAD
Peer-reviewed international open access journal for disseminating information on the education and training of physicians and other health care professionals Click on the link to view past issues of our newsletter
Medical Education Scholarship Group
Meets first Wednesday of each month in room A216 East Fee Hall from 1:30pm-3:00pm.For questions about this group contact Dr. Brian Mavis: mavis@msu.edu |
OMERAD Technology Center (OTC)
Units within the College of Human Medicine interested in sponsoring faculty and/or staff development programs in support of education and scholarship may request use of the room.
The OTC is located in A211 East Fee Hall.
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Contact Us
For questions about this newsletter, please contact us at: VitalSignsNews
Visit our website for more information:
The Office of Medical Education Research and Development is a unit within the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University. Its mission is to improve medical education and related service programs through evaluation and research consultation, relevant instruction, and programs of faculty development.
Established in 1966, OMERAD is the oldest continuously operating office of medical education in the United States.
A-202 East Fee Hall East Lansing, Michigan 48824 http://omerad.msu.edu
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