Director's Message
Last year, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching released the fifth report on education for the professions. This newest report focuses on medical education and is called Educating Physicians: A Call for Reform of Medical School and Residency authored by Molly Cooke, David Irby and Bridget O'Brien. This report represents four years of extensive review of the medical education and learning sciences literature as well as site visits to 14 medical schools and health systems engaged in medical education and training. This report comes 100 years after the release of the Flexner Report in 1910, which also was sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
This new report focuses on four goals in medical education: standardization of learning outcomes and individualization of learning processes, integration of learning and clinical experience, emphasis on habits of inquiry and practice improvement, and assimilation of professional values, actions and aspirations in formation of professional identity. The authors provide an evidence-based perspective on medical education and present thoughtful conclusions and possibilities for the future. An overview of the report, presented by David Irby who is one of its authors, is available via the link below. This recorded presentation was sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh as part of its 2010 Medical Education Grand Rounds series.
Click here to see the presentation.
Brian Mavis, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Director Office of Medical Education Research and Development College of Human Medicine |
Primary Care Faculty Development Fellowship Program
Michigan State University's nationally known faculty development program is accepting applications for its at-home/on-campus fellowship for 2011-2012.
Who can apply: Primary care physician faculty who hold a fulltime academic position in a residency program or department of Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, or Pediatrics. Faculty working in medically underserved communities are encouraged to apply.
Application Deadline: June 1, 2011
For addtional information see PDF and visit: www.omerad.msu.edu/fellowship
Spotlight Beyond Bullets: Designing More Effective Slides
Are you tired of using bullet points in PowerPoint slides? Would you like to know how you can make your slides more interesting and easier to understand, with or without bullets? Would you like help learning to do that on your OWN computer? Then read on.
OMERAD is presenting a one-hour lecture titled Beyond Bullet Points: Designing More Effective Slides. Dr. Stephen Yelon, professor emeritus, will explain how to design slides to help students learn what is being taught. This includes how to use animation to direct attention, ease reading and facilitate understanding. A question-and-answer session will be held after the lecture. You may then leave, or stay for a hands-on workshop. For one hour after the lecture OMERAD faculty and staff will conduct a hands-on workshop where you will learn how to use animation in PowerPoint to: - Build a bullet list, so that the bullet points appear when you talk about them
- Dim bullet points you have already talked about
- Add shapes and text to a slide already on the screen
- Reveal parts of a graph when you want to talk about them
- Make parts of a slide disappear
- Have a shape follow a motion path
Part of the problem with hands-on workshops is that you may have to learn on a version of PowerPoint that is not the same as yours. But not this time! This time you may bring your own laptop computer to the workshop, and learn on that. You may even bring your own slides to practice on. When does all this excitement happen, you ask? And how much does it cost? Read on. DATE: Monday, February 21 TIME: Lecture 4:00 - 5:00 pm Hands-on Workshop 5:00 - 6:00 pm PLACE: E-4 Fee Hall WHO: CHM Faculty & Staff COST: Free; registration required Hands-On Workshop Requirements: If you are planning on attending the workshop, you must already have basic PowerPoint skills. You must also bring your own laptop computer with PowerPoint installed. This laptop may be a PC or Mac. Registration: To register, send an email to omerad@msu.edu indicating whether you want to register for just the lecture or both the lecture and the workshop. Seating is limited to 20.
YouTube: Video-Sharing for Education
You have seen videos on the Internet, from silly dances to creative online documentaries to awesome Super Bowl commercials going viral; chances are you have watched these on YouTube. The online experience continues to evolve dramatically and today's students are tech savvy and use computers, Internet, social networks and online sharing tools almost every day to interact with family, friends and peers.
The proliferation of video-sharing on the Internet can also be used with an educational focus. Any faculty or student with a basic video camera and a high-speed Internet connection can-in a matter of minutes-create, edit, upload and share a video to YouTube. A number of MSU faculty and students are already using YouTube to take advantage of this free video-sharing service in their courses. Short pertinent videos found on the Internet or created can be posted by faculty to help illustrate concepts and motivate reflection. Students can also record videos and post them as part of a class assignment to solicit feedback from the professor and class peers. See MSU Prof. McGreal's 2010 Best Blended Course Award of Excellence for a look at the use of video in her course. Faculty and students wanting to use YouTube to post their own videos or to make a comment must register with the site (youtube.com) and create a profile. Faculty who set up a YouTube account for a course can create a course "channel" to which students may subscribe. A course profile can be public or private. If you set up a private profile, then all videos in that profile would be accessible to only specific contact lists created by you. Links to the videos can be stored in the school learning management system (such as Angel) with access limited to that class. To learn more about video-sharing on the Web and YouTube, see the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative article 7 Things you should know about YouTube. B-CLR offers free instructional design consultations to CHM faculty needing help with blended and online curricular materials. To find out more about B-CLR services, visit the B-CLR webpage. To see a list of CHM faculty projects completed by B-CLR, visit the showcase. Geraud Plantegenest B-CLR Manager. email: plantege@msu.edu
CHM Program Evaluation The Footprint of CHM
Recently the Robert Graham Center for Policy Studies in Family Medicine and Primary Care released a new tool, Med School Mapper; this tool provides information about the extent to which medical schools enhance primary care services, both regionally and nationally. The mapper tool is built upon the American Medical Association Physician Masterfile data and uses geo-coding to locate physicians by county. The Robert Graham Center is sponsored by the American Academy of Family Physicians and was established to provide policymakers, legislators and educators a primary care perspective to discussion of health policy. Part of the impetus for the development of this tool was the recommendation to expand number of medical student trainees, with little mention and measurement of how the significant resources needed to achieve this training goal would help meet the needs of the population. AAFP was funded by the Macy Foundation to support development of this tool, which would help state policymakers by providing information about their own regional social and health care access needs. Given the relatively few existing tools to help policy makers understand the local and regional impact of medical schools, the Robert Graham Center has been developing resources to help inform decision-making. Map 1 below shows the location, by county, of CHM graduates practicing within Michigan. This footprint of counties shaded in red represents 75% of our graduates practicing in-state. Since no medical school expects that 100% of its graduates will completely fulfill the specific mission of the school, 75% represents a reasonable estimate of the core service area of a medical school. If a standard of 100% of graduates was used, all but 12 counties in Michigan would be shaded red in the map below. Even with the 75% standard, CHM graduates practice in over half of the counties in Michigan. Map 2 shows CHM graduates as a proportion of the total population by county, with darker blue representing a higher penetration rate within the county. | Click here to enlarge |
Other information about our graduates: Practicing in rural areas: 14% Practicing in HPSA/MUA: 37% Primary care practice: 46% Practicing in low income area: 58% Map 3 below illustrates the footprint of CHM from a national perspective. This map includes 100% of CHM graduates. | Click here to enlarge |
Software Help When You Need It with lynda.com
Have you ever been working on your computer and gotten stuck? You know Microsoft Word can do what you want to do but you don't know how to do it. Well, help is just a click away.
MSU recently contracted with a premiere online training service called lynda.com. This service offers more than 900 self-paced courses on every software application from Microsoft, Adobe and more. It also provides focused training on subjects like multimedia production, web development and programming. New training materials are added every week. The training modules are presented by enthusiastic instructors with knowledge and real-world experience in their areas of expertise. Instruction is presented in brief movies (a minute or two) so you can learn a specific task, such as setting up tabs or performing a mail merge, without needing to work through the entire course. Files used in the tutorials are available for download so you can practice along with the instructor. Access is available to all faculty and staff for free. You must go through MSU's online training portal at http://train.msu.edu/lynda then log on using your MSU NetID and password. So the next time you need immediate help with Microsoft Word, Excel, Acrobat Pro, etc., turn to lynda.com for fast answers. |
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Hot Off the Press
New articles published by OMERAD faculty:
Supporting Medical Education Research Quality: The Association of American Medical Colleges' Medical Education Research Certificate program.
Authors: Gruppen, LD., Yoder, EL., Frye, AW., Perkowski, L. & Mavis, BE.
Academic Medicine. 2011; 86(1): 122-126.
Better Data For Teachers, Better Data for Learners, Better Patient Care: College-Wide Assessment at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Authors: Sousa, AC., Wagner, DP., Henry, RC. & Mavis, BE.
Medical Education Online. 2011; 16: 5926 DOI:10.3402/meo.v16i0.5926.
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An interactive gallery featuring examples of CHM blended and online learning projects by B-CLR.
DR-ED A medical Education listserv maintained by OMERAD.
MEO is a peer-reviewed international open access journal for disseminating information on the education and training of physicians and other health care professionals. Click on the link to view past issues of our newsletter.
Medical Education Scholarship Group
Meets first Wednesday of each month in room A216 East Fee Hall from 1:30pm-3:00pm.For questions about this group contact Dr. Mavis: mavis@msu.edu |
OMERAD Technology Center (OTC)
Units within the College of Human Medicine interested in sponsoring faculty and/or staff development programs in support of education and scholarship may request use of the room.
The OTC is located in A211 East Fee Hall.
Contact Us
For questions about this newsletter, please contact us at: VitalSignsNews
Visit our website for more information:
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The Office of Medical Education Research and Development is a unit within the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University. Its mission is to improve medical education and related service programs through evaluation and research consultation, relevant instruction, and programs of faculty development.
Established in 1966, OMERAD is the oldest continuously operating office of medical education in the United States.
A-202 East Fee Hall East Lansing, Michigan 48824
http://omerad.msu.edu |
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