Illinois Library Association
Vol. 5, Issue: 24 | August 7, 2012
iREAD� is Registered!

Our long-awaited pursuit of registered trademark status for iREAD� has finally yielded a successful outcome.  Our application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has been pending for some time, with delays caused by other entities (such as Scholastic) having prior claims for possible future use.  Finally these other claims were dropped, and ILA's application was accepted, according to patent attorney James Foley who has been monitoring the situation on a daily basis.  While we are still awaiting the formal registration certificate, we can begin identifying our trademark as being federally registered.  We had pursued this protection to make sure that neither a competing nor entirely new product adopted the term, as it now has significant brand and marketing value to ILA.  

Top Ten Reasons to Attend #ILAConf2012 
  1. More than 100 opportunities to learn from your colleagues at programs, talk tables, poster sessions, an unconference, and special events.  Check out the Preliminary Conference Program for a full list of programs. 
  2. Hear Keynote Speaker Kevin Caroll . . . Illinois Authors' Dinner Speakers Melanie Benjamin and Sally M. Walker . . . Anna Dewdney, iREAD illustrator and author of the Llama, Llama books . . . DiversiTEA Speaker Tema Okum . . . Al Gini, ILA's Resident Philosopher . . . and Out-of-Bounds Speakers Andy Burkhardt, Dawn Mushill, and Laura Bollan.  (That's nine reasons for the price of one!)
  3. Exhibits! Exhibits! Exhibits!  More than 100 companies will be on hand to show you the latest in library products and services on Wednesday, October 10, and Thursday, October 11.
  4. Celebrate the accomplishments of your colleagues at the ILA Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, October 9. Attendance at the luncheon is included in your conference registration -- who said there's no such thing as a free lunch? 
  5. Speaking of lunch, did you know a free buffet lunch is provided in the exhibit hall on Wednesday and Thursday?  Food stations, provided by our exhibitors, will be located throughout the ha ll. Add to that the snack and coffee breaks and you'll be kept well-fed throughout the conference!
  6. Looking for a job or considering a career move?  Brush up your resume and prepare for your next step at the ILA Career Clinic.  For more information, or to sign up for the clinic, contact
  7. Trustees have their own full day of programming and events on Wednesday, October 10. Click here for a full list of events.
  8. The ILA Membership Meeting, on Wednesday, October 10, will feature a legislative update from ILA Legislative Consultant Kip Kolkmeier.  If you've never heard one of Kip's updates, you don't want to miss this opportunity!
  9. Spend Wednesday evening, October 10, Rolling on the River with "cocktails, conversations, and colleagues" on the Peoria Riverfront. A casual evening is planned for all conference attendees -- no registration required. Watch for more details coming soon.
  10. Make new friends and catch up with friends of long standing.  If you've never experienced an ILA Annual Conference in Peoria, you'll appreciate the intimate setting, which makes it easy to network with colleagues from around the state. We look forward to seeing you!  

Register early and save -- Early Bird Registration closes August 27. Online registration is available at

Gail Borden and Naperville Discontinue Their Subscriptions to OCLC Cataloging

Gail Borden Public Library and Naperville Public Library have discontinued their subscriptions to OCLC Cataloging and started utilizing SkyRiver effective July 1.  Gail Borden will continue to subscribe to OCLC Resource Sharing, and libraries across the state and nationwide can still make requests through WorldCat, although Gail Borden is not able to update their holdings in WorldCat.  Naperville will not be continuing with OCLC Resource Sharing.  To allow libraries to borrow titles, Naperville is contacting libraries and issuing barcodes and pins to allow libraries to place requests directly in their catalog.  Libraries may also fax, e-mail, or mail ALA ILL forms.  More information on how to borrow from Naperville is available at:

FOIA Requests

Just a reminder that libraries and other public bodies are not required to prepare special reports or documents to respond to typical FOIA requests; rather the obligation is to make regularly maintained records available to the public.


See the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1:

It states, "This Act is not intended to create an obligation on the part of any public body to maintain or prepare any public record which was not maintained or prepared by such public body at the time when this Act becomes effective, except as otherwise required by applicable local, State, or federal law."


If you need further assistance, please contact the Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor, 1-877-299-3642.

In the News

Library-related stories appearing in local news media are reflected in this section of the ILA E-Newsletter.  The intent is to alert and inform the Illinois library community about issues and events that are considered significant by the general media.

Carol Stream Library Director:  No Doubt This Was Personal

To continue reading this story, please click here.
Carol Stream Library Considering Firms for Director Search To continue reading this story, please, click here.

Teens Put Hunger Games Knowledge on Display at Indian Prairie Library

To continue reading this story, please click here
Oak Brook Librarian Offers a Great Point of Reference
To continue reading this story, please click here.

Cook Memorial Officials Weighing Panic Buttons for Librarians
To continue reading this story, please click here.

Former Odell Public Library Director Get to 6 Years in Prison
To link to audio archive, please click here.

Galesburg Library Board Calls Information Meeting
To continue reading this story, please click here.

Residents Hope Meeting to Air out Littleton Library Issues

To continue reading this story, please click here.

New Automatic Library System Coming to Salem Library Next Year
To continue reading this story, please click here

Chicago Public:  First Amnesty in 20 Years Allows Return of Books, Movies, and Music CDs
To continue reading this story, please click here

If your library has a newspaper story with link, send it to us at for possible inclusion in the next ILA E-Newsletter.  Thanks.

Robert P. Doyle
Illinois Library Association
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August 20, 2012
Deadline for October issue of the ILA Reporter.

Guidelines for Submissions to the ILA Reporter.

October 9-11, 2012
2012 ILA Annual Conference, Peoria

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