KCUA Vision
In This Issue
News from Kansas credit unions
Education and Training
Human Resources
Shared Financial Solutions
Apply for new Financial Education Grants from the National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF) through June 30, 2011. Read more


Dates to remember:  


June 16, 10 AM  

Teller Skills Tele-Course  


June 16, 1 PM  

Regional Compliance Update - Topeka 


June 21, 1 PM 

Regional Compliance Update - Salina  


June 22, 9 AM 

 Regional Compliance Update - Kansas City  


June 22, 2 PM 

 Resolving Debit Card Errors Webinar 


June 23, 10 AM  

CU Telephone Skills Quickbite  


June 23, 1 PM 

Regional Compliance Update - Manhattan


June 23, 2 PM  

 Regulation Z Update & Rule Changes 


June 28, 10 AM    

Fact Act/FCRA Quickbite 


June 28, 2 PM  

New Chapter Officer Orientation  


June 29, 2 PM  

Directors and Credit Risk Webinar 

CUNA Awards Deadline August 5  

There's been a few changes to the submission requirements.  Read more 


Credit Unions for Kids new website debuted last month.  

Visit CU4kids.org 


A smarter choice logoCUNA's consumer website now live:  

ASmarterChoice.org helps build awareness of credit unions. 

Quick Links
Find us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  KCUA Flickr photos

Vision Online: June 15, 2011  
Stay Connected:
Find us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  View our photos on flickr


CUNA News Now: Kansas CUs increase assets, loans.  


Kansas.com / The Wichita Eagle: Credit union planning for regulatory changes. Lee Williams, Central Star Credit Union and Jim Holt, Mid American Credit Union are interviewed.  


Wichita Business Journal. Credit unions look to make up for potential regulatory losses.  

In case you missed it:

KCUA 2011 Annual Meeting Video


Governmental Affairs  


Credit Unions Meet with the Kansas Congressional Delegation

Over the past few months, Kansas credit unions and KCUA staff have engaged in a grassroots campaign to urge Congress to "Stop, Study, and Start Over" on the debit interchange rule. Read more  


Compliance Q & A

Compliance question answered including garnishment rules, periodic statements and Reg E and when a mortgage loan originator is required to supply a unique identifier to a consumer. Read more  


Compliance Update #11-06:

NCUA Final Rule on Temporary Unlimited Share Insurance for Noninterest-Bearing Transaction Accounts

Visit the Compliance Update page to download the above update (password protected) 



Salina: 6/21, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm -- Register by 6/17
Kansas City: 6/22, 9:00 am - 11:30 am -- Register by 6/17
Manhattan: 6/23, 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm -- Register by 6/20 


Compliance Calendar pdf icon 

Education and Training


Credit Unions Save Money With KCUA Webinar Promotions

Looking for ways to save money in your education and training budget? So far this year, KCUA's Cheaper by the Dozen webinar promotion has saved 11 credit unions over $150 each in registration fees. Read more   

KCUA Partners with Texas CU League to Offer New Ideas Forum

Credit union CEOs, Chief Strategic Officer and Board Chairs are invited to experience an unsurpassed event full of new ideas, proven best practices, and peer to peer networking August 7-9, 2011 at the Hilton Santa Fe Golf Resort & Spa at Buffalo Thunder in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Read more



Simple Ways to Reduce Your Printing Costs  

Every organization has to spend money on printing, right? And it can really add up. Here are a few ways to reduce your printing costs.  Read more  


The Difference Between Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising and Branding

All of these disciplines overlap at some point, and they all work together. A good campaign will have an element of each. Read more 


Where do you get your news? Take the poll.


Results from last month's Poll

Question: How have the high prices at the pump affected you?
I try to drive less by combining trips: 23% 

I have altered my summer vacation plans: 15% 

I decided to try alternative transportation: 8% 

A combination of the above: 8%

I can't change my driving habits. I just have to pay the price!: 46%

I already walk/bike/take the bus: 0% 

Human Resources

Don't Think You Need That Training? Think Again.
Every training opportunity has a golden nugget - an insight, a piece of information, a technique - which you can take and use. Don't think you know it all. Instead, be a lifelong learner. Read more

Post Your Job Opps on the KCUA website

Did you know you can post your credit union's job openings, view other classifieds and resumes on KCUA's website? More information    

Shared Financial Solutions

Make the Most of Every Lending Opportunity - Part 1 

The U.S. lending industry is evolving rapidly as baby boomers and Gen Yers near key phases of their lives. In this environment, exactly which lending products and technologies should credit unions explore? Read more  


Are Credit Unions Soft Targets for Wire Fraud?

Credit unions continue to experience severe losses from unauthorized wire transfers. In the first quarter of 2011, credit unions reported to CUNA Mutual Group $1.2 million in losses from unauthorized wire transfers. Annualized, the losses could reach $4.8 million, which would exceed the 2010 reported losses. Read more  


Perimeter E-Security Offers Credit Union's Security Solutions for Technology Needs

Perimeter E-Security delivers enterprise-class protection and compliance for businesses of any size including encrypted email, firewall management and monitoring, vulnerability scanning, host intrusion and prevention, remote data backup and more. Read more