KCUA Vision
In This Issue
News from Kansas credit unions
Governmental Affairs
Education and Training
Human Resources
Shared Financial Solutions
4Q10 Kansas Performance Report Summary Now Available.


KCUA 2011 Annual Meeting logo
KCUA Annual Meeting
April 15-16, 2011
Overland Park Marriott
Overland Park, KS

What's going on?

Youth Savings Week...it's here! 

The most recent issue of CUNA's Youth Savings Week e-newsletter shows a list of participating credit unions...it's great to see Kansas credit unions on this list! Farmway Credit Union is also featured in this same e-newsletter.


Credit Union Youth Savings Week logo 

Dates to remember:  


April 5, 10 AM  

Managing Employees from Hell Quickbite


April 5, 2 PM  

When a Loan Member Dies Webinar


April 5, 6:30 PM

Southwest Chapter Meeting


April 7, 2 PM  

Enterprise Risk Management for Senior Management & Directors Webinar


April 12, 2 PM  

Firewalls: Compliance Guidelines & Authentication Rules Webinar


April 13, 2 PM  

Impaired Loans and the ALLL Webinar

Quick Links
Find us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  KCUA Flickr photos

Vision Online: April 1, 2011  
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Wichita Business Journal: Mid American CU featured by credit union consultant

Catholic Family Federal Credit Union Dedication and Grand Opening [press release]

Governmental Affairs 

Kansas Jump$tart Coalition Looking for Partners to Improve Financial Literacy of Kansas Consumers

The Kansas Jump$tart Coalition is looking for new partners to improve the personal financial literacy of Kansas consumers by increasing awareness of financial literacy programs and resources and providing these offerings to constituents of all ages. Read more  


Credit Unions Asked to Participate in Financial Literacy Survey 

The National Credit Union Foundation is collecting data for its 2011 Credit Union Member Education Inventory. The information gathered will enable the credit union movement to demonstrate the power of financial education and counseling on the lives of members and communities across the country. Read more 

KCUA Efforts Against the Dodd Frank Act Interchange Provisions
See what KCUA is doing in regards to the Dodd-Frank Act. Listen to the radio ad, and see what others are doing. Read more

Update # 11-03:
Reporting of Loan Modification and Troubled Debt Restructuring

Update # 11-04: April Compliance Deadlines
Visit the Compliance Update page to download the above updates (password protected)


Compliance Calendar

Education and Training


2011 Annual Meeting and Convention - What Can You Expect? 

Fun, prizes, tweets, videos, games...oh and a little learning and networking.. Read more




Keeping Up With the Latest Style...and We're Not Talking About Fashion  

How do you keep up with all the new digital terms? And how do you refer to them in your writing? AP Stylebook to the rescue. Read more 


Notable Tech articles

CNN.com | Mobile Banking is Booming, survey says (3/29)

Mashable.com | Mobile by the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC] (3/24)  


Are you attending the annual meeting and convention this year? Take the poll.

Results from last month's poll

Question: In the past few months, has your credit had to close due to inclement weather?   

Yes. We closed early one or two days: 74%

Yes. We closed completely for one or two days: 11%

Yes. We were closed for three or more days: 11%

No. My credit union has not been affected by weather...yet!: 5%

Human Resources

Ideas for New Employee Orientation   

Many companies today are taking extra care to make their employees feel comfortable in their work surroundings. From flex-time to telecommuting, companies are accommodating alternative "work-styles." Yet orienting new employees to the workplace is often neglected, resulting in a weak welcome...or none at all.  Read more  

Shared Financial Solutions

CU Visa TravelMoney Card is Your Passport to More Revenue

The CUMONEY Visa TravelMoney Card is a pre-paid debit card that is easily reloadable at your credit union or online! It's a safe way to travel and convenient too. But the best part is that it generates new revenue streams and competes in the payment arena! Read more  


2011 Scorecard Bonus Points Program

The latest news from Scorecard including ScoreCard Inserts and Promotional Calendar, training and merchandise brochure.

Read more 


Sprint logoShow Them the Money

Discounts for members. Extra money for credit unions. FREE informational webinar April 12. Read more