An interesting deal arose at the club this week. Most pairs played 3NT by South with the ♥K lead. They all went down. |
East Deals None Vul | ♠ A Q 8 4 3 ♥ 6 5 ♦ A 8 5 ♣ K 6 2
♠ 10 6 5 2 ♥ K Q J 9 4 ♦ 9 4 ♣ J 8
♠ J 9 ♥ 10 7 3 ♦ Q J 10 7 ♣ Q 10 7 3
| | ♠ K 7 ♥ A 8 2 ♦ K 6 3 2 ♣ A 9 5 4 |
Pass |
Pass |
Pass |
*North might have bid 2♦ (New Minor Forcing) at his second turn, but the resulting contract would be the same. |
Looking at all four hands, can you do better? Plan the play, then scroll down. |
| Silver Point STaC - August 16-20 |
Another chance to earn those coveted Silver Points at the club arrives this month. We will run the District 9 STaC each afternoon, Monday through Friday. Line up your partners and mark your calendars. |
| Par Contest - Monday, August 23 |
Continuing our tradition of running games that no other clubs offer, we will hold our first "Par" bridge game on Monday, August 23. |
| North American Pairs Added to Schedule |
We have added North American Pairs qualifying games to our schedule. These events pay extra points and the awards are ½ red and½ black. There is no extra charge for these games.
| Avoiding the Dangerous Hand |
East Deals None Vul | ♠ A Q 8 4 3 ♥ 6 5 ♦ A 8 5 ♣ K 6 2
♠ 10 6 5 2 ♥ K Q J 9 4 ♦ 9 4 ♣ J 8
♠ J 9 ♥ 10 7 3 ♦ Q J 10 7 ♣ Q 10 7 3
| | ♠ K 7 ♥ A 8 2 ♦ K 6 3 2 ♣ A 9 5 4 |
You can count eight sure tricks - three spades, one heart, two diamonds and two clubs. You should plan to set up the long spades in dummy for the ninth.
Hold up the ♥A until the third round. The object is to keep West out of the lead, since he probably has the long hearts.
After winning the ♥A, cash the ♠K. Then lead the ♠7 and let it ride if West plays low.
You cannot afford to let West in, because he will cash his long hearts, but the lead can be safely lost to your right-hand opponent. East cannot return a heart. The reason for your holdup was to ensure he would have no hearts left if he gained the lead.
If you cash the three top spades first, there is no way for you to come to nine tricks before the defenders take the setting trick.
A bonus for playing correctly: When you do cash dummy's long spades, East is squeezed in the minor suits, allowing you to make an overtrick - if you've been paying attention!
You can follow the bidding and play of this deal with the Bridge Movie on our website. |
With a heart lead, you can always make four. Only an initial diamond lead could hold you to three. I'll leave it to you to work out why. |