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                   Announcements:  01/16/11


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Cure for Cabin Fever: A Great Book 
            4 Recent Book Reviews For You To Enjoy:
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by Jonathan Franzen
Reviewed by Gwendolyn Waring
Reviewed by Teresa Joel
by Pearl S. Buck
Reviewed by Judy Stanton
Little Bee 
"Little Bee"
by Chris Cleave 
Reviewed by Judy Stanton
Reviewed by Debbie Weiss
The Housekeeper and the Professor
"The Housekeeper and the Professor"
By Yoko Ogawa
 Reviewed by Janet Kolodner

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2011 "Novel Exchange."

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Must See Video!

Books For Christmas?!?!?!?!?!?!

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                                                      Debbie Weiss

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