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Amoeba by Garry Hanna

January 2011


Dr. Kirk E. Pillow Named Provost at the University of the Arts

 Dr. Kirk E. Pillow
Kirk E. Pillow, Ph.D. (right), has been named provost of the University of the Arts by University President Sean T. Buffington. Pillow, who currently serves as provost and interim president of Corcoran College of Art + Design in Washington, D.C., will begin his new role in March. The appointment comes as the University is implementing an innovative new academic plan and developing a new strategic plan to support those significant curricular and structural changes.



Recent ID Grads Perform on 'The Tonight Show'

 Matt Braun and Chris Mufalli perform on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Matthew Braun and Christopher Mufalli, both 2010 Industrial Design graduates of the University of the Arts, performed a musical beer bottle rendition of "Feliz Navidad" on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" as part of the December 10 show's "Bizarre Christmas Musicians" segment. The duo's "Tuned Brew" performance stems from their "Tuned Pale Ale" senior thesis project.


Jay Leno (left) introduces Matt Braun (center) and Chris Mufalli (right).


Sculpture Senior's Work Featured on, in PhilaMOCA Exhibition 


Cross Culture by Tyler Held

Tyler Held '11 (Sculpture), who transformed an old stove into an entertainment system called "Cross-Culture" (right) was recently featured on, the leading independent publication for key contemporary issues and critique of all aspects of art, architecture and design. The piece was also included in "(Re)MIX," a juried sculpture exhibit that ran December 9-14 at PhilaMOCA (Philadelphia Mausoleum of Contemporary Art).



Writing for Film/TV Alumnus Wins 'Shoot in Philadelphia' Young Screenwriter Award

Greater Philadelphia Film Office logoUniversity of the Arts alumnus Dan Reilly '09 (Writing for Film and Television), 23, was awarded the Irene Parisi Award for a screenwriter 25 years or younger in the annual Shoot in Philadelphia Screenwriting Competition sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Film Office. Reilly's winning feature-length screenplay titled "Haunt" is about a Philadelphia police officer who turns to a psychic medium to communicate with his murdered son, only to discover the medium himself is the killer.


Peter Clark '06 (Multimedia) Featured in 'Print' Magazine Print magazine December 2010 cover

Peter Clark, a 2006 Multimedia alumnus, is featured on page 153 in Print magazine's December 2010 Regional Design Annual for the self-promotional mailer that he art directed for the Conshohocken, Pa.-based design firm Wonderful Machine. Clark was also a 2010 PDN/Nikon Self-Promotion Award winner.


2004 Alumnus Garry Hanna Takes 1st Place at Film Fest

Still from Amoeba by Garry HannaUniversity of the Arts alumnus Garry Hanna '04 (Film) won first place in "Make Open Space," one of three social media contests sponsored by Ithaca College's Finger Lakes Environment Film Festival (FLEFF). A Philadelphia-based videographer/editor specializing in event and corporate videos, Hanna's winning film titled "Amoeba" can be viewed on


Top and above: Stills from Hanna's "Amoeba."
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