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Presbytery Pastoral Care Network
March Newsletter
Volume 5, Issue 1
In This Issue
Updating our records
PPCN Board
Caring for Clergy Conference
New CD released
Pastor Family Fun
Free Event at Trinity Univ.

Nurturing the health of the Body of Christ through caring for its pastors.

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A perfect gift to recognize the excellent work of pastors 

Deep Well CD Front Cover 
 A CD designed to support pastors, featuring song writer david bailey
 Cost: $10

 To order call

1-800 524-2612
and ask for

item OGA-08-099

Mailing List Updates 
If your newsletter was addressed to "Dear Friend" it is because we do not have your name!  Click here to send your name and address so we can update our records.
Thank you!
PPCN Board


Dan Corll, President



Joe Sandifer, Vice President

Greater Atlanta


Carol Allen, Secretary



Alan Baroody, Treasurer



Steve McCutchan, Editor



Christine Sage



Lou Snead


Ken Waddell



Denominational Advisors: 

Marcia Meyers


Office of Vocation 


Helen Locklear
Board of Pensions

Featured Article



In every organization, family or grouping there is usually a person who works diligently behind the scenes toward the success and progress of the group.  Such a person is Vivian Waddell.  Her name might ring a bell, as her son, Rev. Ken Waddell, is a member and past president of the Board of Directors for PPCN.  Vivian has over more than eight years taken on multiple roles for communication, publicity and registration for PPCN.  She has been the communication link with members and institutions serving in various capacities as webmaster, printing and mailing services, membership registrar, database and resource manager, and communications consultant.              


Following a recent change of residence in Oklahoma City, Vivian determined it was time to step back from these responsibilities.  The Board of Directors for Presbytery Pastoral Care Network recognizes her dedicated and committed service through this formative and expanding ministry.  Vivian has been a key element in the progress and advancement of PPCN.  We are sincerely grateful for her gifts and faithfulness in this position.  God has blessed us through her service.


A transition of website, database, membership roll and other process and procedures is underway to our new Webmaster and Communication Administrator, who will be introduced in a later newsletter. 

                                          Rev. Dr. Daniel Corll

              PPCN Board President

Caring for Clergy while the Church is Changing 


Our conference theme for this year has been selected because of the numerous conversations taking place around the PCUSA about the difficulties presbyteries are experiencing in adjusting to the decline in financial support and ministry resources.


We also want to address the disconnects that congregations often feel with their presbyteries, and the perceptions that governing bodies need to rethink the ways we go about training ministers, consummating calls, resourcing congregations, and doing ministry in the post-denominational and technological era of the 21st century.


We have invited a creative presbytery executive, a seminary professor and a research director from the Lilly Endowment project on pastoral excellence to help us to think together about adaptive changes we need to be making at presbytery levels and within our congregational life to care and support both healthy pastors and healthy congregations.  


Big Tent Event  


We have scheduled our conference the day before the opening of the Big Tent. We encourage you to visit their site click here  to learn what other exciting opportunities present themselves. 


Laughter From the Well 

Following up on their CD, A Deep Well for the Pastor, a new CD is being released, Laughter From the Well. This CD combines comedy sketches by Stephen McCutchan with songs by David Bailey and Bryan McFarland. Click here to see the CD cover.


Seventy minutes of humor and music designed to interrupt the stress of ministry and remind us of God's call to each of us. The CD is dedicated to David Bailey who taught us to laugh and sing in the face of the challenges of life.


You can purchase your copy of Laughter From the Well from www.cdbaby.com for $15.99 (coming soon) or you can purchase a copy at the conference.  And, for the Facebook Fans, check out Laughter's Facebook page.


All profits from the CD will go to support the work of PPCN.

Pastor Family Fun 


Too often, when we want to have fun with our family, we don't know what to do. Here is a simple game that the family can play that both provides a fun experience and builds anticipation about what the family can do for fun when the next opportunity arrives.


The family can gather at their favorite spot in the home. Have some special refreshments available to mark this as a different time..


A deck of cards is set in the midst of the family and a bottle for spinning. The game begins by spinning the bottle and seeing to whom it points. That person then cuts the deck of cards and turns up the card below the cut. If the cut is from 2 to 5, that person is to suggest a fun activity for the family the next time there is a free evening. It should be inexpensive, near or in the home, and involve the whole family.


If the cut reveals a card from 6 through 10, then the person can describe and adventure for the family that might take a whole day and cost a little bit more.


If the card is a face card, Jack, Queen, or King, the person describes a fun vacation that might take more planning and involve a week or more. If the card is an Ace, then the person picks a place to go for a family meal and they get to choose the dessert.


When the person is finished, the bottle is spun and the sharing moves on to someone new. A list of the different suggestions is kept in preparation for the next time the family wants to have some fun together.

Free Event at Trinity University, San Antonio  


Our Abundant Communities: A Gathering of Congregations, Campuses, and Communities!   April 27 - 28.  Featuring  Peter Block, Walter Brueggemann, and John McKnight.  For more information and to register call 210 - 733 - 7169, email  


For more information on the care of clergy, go to the editor's blogJoin the conversation on ways to care for clergy four to five days a week.     

Steve McCutchan, Editor

Join these Judicatories

in Supporting PPCN

Board of Pensions * Central Florida Presbytery * Carlisle Presbytery *

Cherokee Presbytery * Flint River Presbytery * Mission Presbytery *

Palo Duro Presbytery * Pittsburgh Presbytery * Presbytery of Eastern Virginia * Presbytery of Greater Atlanta * Presbytery of Lake Michigan *

Presbytery of the Miami Valley * Presbytery of Northern Kansas *

Presbytery of the Pacific * Presbytery of Yukon * Salem Presbytery *

Sierra Mission Presbytery * Presbytery of Chicago * Synod of South Atlantic *