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 The Conscious Army.

Each One Reach One - Each One Teach One


"On the surface of the world right now there is War and violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly, at the same time, Something else is happening underground. An inner revolution is taking place And certain individuals are being called to a higher light.

It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up. This is a Global operation. A Spiritual Conspiracy. There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet. You won't see us on the TV. You won't read about us in the newspaper. You won't hear about us on the radio. We don't seek any glory. We don't wear any uniform. We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles. Most of us work anonymously. We are quietly working behind the scenes In every country and culture of the world Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, In farms and villages, tribes and remote islands. You could pass by one of us on the street And not even notice. We go undercover. We remain behind the scenes. It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit But simply that the work gets done. Occasionally we spot each other in the street. We give a quiet nod and continue on our way.

During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs But behind the false storefront at night Is where the real work takes place. Some call us the Conscious Army. We are slowly creating a new world With the power of our minds and hearts. We follow, with passion and joy Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence. We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~ Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness...

We each express ourselves in our own unique ways With our own unique gifts and talents. Be the change you want to see in the world. That is the motto that fills our hearts. We know it is the only way real transformation takes place. We know that quietly and humbly we have the Power of all the oceans combined. Our work is slow and meticulous Like the formation of mountains. It is not even visible at first glance. And yet with it entire tectonic plates Shall be moved in the centuries to come. Love is the new religion of the 21st century. You don't have to be a highly educated person Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it. It comes from the intelligence of the heart Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings. Be the change you want to see in the world. Nobody else can do it for you.

We are now recruiting. Perhaps you will join us Or already have. All are welcome. The door is open." Author Unknown


Together We Can Make A Difference In This World 


Awareness, consciousness and unity are the only weapons we have to spread the cause and awaken a new reality born of justice, peace, understanding and compassion. I ask for your support in helping to build a more peaceful world one mind at a time.


If you prefer to send a check or money order, (US Funds) Information Clearing House, PO Box 365 Imperial Beach, CA 91933. USA.

To all who have assisted in the past. Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated. Tom Feeley


February 17, 2014
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 Op-Ed Articles

It's Time We Recognised the Blair Government's Criminality


By John Pilger


In the kabuki theatre of British parliamentary politics, great crimes do not happen and criminals go free.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30558.htm




Presstitute Alert
Iran Planning An Attack In America? Congressman Peter King


CNN: Video


Engineering Consent For An Attack On Iran.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30560.htm




Syria And The Media: "Activists say..."


By William Bowles


Anyone who believes that the Empire is at all concerned about the 'human rights' of Syrian citizens and it's this that motivates its desire to 'protect', must have slept through the Empire's decades-long killing spree.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30562.htm




The Islamist Plot: The Untold Story of the Libyan Rebellion


By John Rosenthal


The uprising in Libya was the realization not of democratic aspirations, but of the longstanding ambitions of Islamic extremists.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30564.htm




"Human Rights" Warriors for Empire


By Glen Ford


Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are swigging the ale with their fellow buccaneers.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30563.htm




Khader Adnan: The West Bank's Bobby Sands


By Donald Macintyre


Khader Adnan's two-month hunger strike has made him a hero among Palestinians outraged by Israel's policy of arbitrary detention.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30561.htm




The New Blacklist


By Pat Buchanan


The modus operandi of these thought police at Color of Change and ADL is to brand as racists and anti-Semites any writer who dares to venture outside the narrow corral in which they seek to confine debate.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30565.htm




How Violence Protects the State


By Stephanie Van Hook


Violence in opposition to the State relieves the State and the citizenry of any guilt for a brutal response to all protesters-and it refocuses from the nominal issue to the issue of violence by protesters.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30566.htm




US Taxpayers Bailing Out Big Banks Again


By Jill Schlesinger


The Financial Times is reporting that taxpayers will subsidize a large portion of the $25 billion mortgage settlement, which was broken down into two distinct pieces.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30567.htm




Would You Vote For This Man?


By Mike Whitney


A man who'd pick fights with big oil, big pharma and Wall Street? A man who'd shrug off divisive issues --like abortion, stem cells and gay marriage-- and focus on poverty, jobs, redistribution, and class?  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30559.htm


Hard News  


31 killed in bombing outside Shiite mosque in Pakistan:  A bomb exploded outside a Shiite mosque on Friday, killing at least 31 people, in Pakistan's north-western tribal region along the Afghan border, government officials said. http://bit.ly/zsupQN




US kills 21 people in Pakistan :  At least 21 "suspected" militants were killed on Thursday when U.S. drones carried out two airstrikes in northwest Pakistan's tribal region, Pakistani intelligence officials said. Several others were injured. http://www.newkerala.com/news/2011/worldnews-159948.html




Pakistan troops 'kill 17 Taliban in clash':  Pakistani troops killed 17 Taliban on Friday in a clash in the country's troubled northwest, with one soldier and three militiamen also dying, security officials said. http://bit.ly/wvCeSB




Pakistan's president vows to continue with Iran pipeline deal despite US sanctions warnings:  The U.S. wants Pakistan to halt the project because it would undercut international pressure to isolate Iran over its nuclear program. The issue is an irritant, though by no means the largest, in already badly strained relationship between Islamabad and Washington. http://thesent.nl/w8HXNV




Pakistan-Afghanistan talks 'end in acrimony':  Reports say Karzai's demand that Taliban chief be delivered to the negotiating table was dismissed as "preposterous". http://aje.me/zoZ2L3




Iraqi VP Hashimi denies involvement in 150 terrorist operations against people, officials:  Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi has denied charges of terrorism leveled against him and said that he will leave the country altogether if he has to, in an interview with Al Arabiya on Friday. http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/02/17/195262.html




Australia's link to secret Iraq prisons: Illegal detention ...  Australian troops were "integral" to the operation of a secret Iraqi desert prison. The revelation has led to an Australian human rights organisation investigating such secret prisons to claim that the Australian military might have been complicit in war crimes by handing detainees over to the so-called ''black site'' known as H1. http://bit.ly/w9QBsB




Officials: US drones monitoring clashes in Syria:  "A good number" of unmanned U.S. military and intelligence drones are operating in the skies over Syria, monitoring the Syrian military's attacks against opposition forces and innocent civilians alike, U.S. defense officials tell NBC News' Jim Miklaszewski. http://on.msnbc.com/A8kuv8




Friendly advice: France, UK to command ousting of Assad?:  Coordinating help for Syrian opposition was high on the list in Paris talks between the French and British leaders on Friday. Anti-government troops lack unity and training, so sending military advisors could change the situation, the sides agreed. http://rt.com/news/france-uk-syria-advisors-569/




Fighters, weapons flow into Syrian war zone:  SYRIA has become a magnet for foreign fighters, with al-Qaeda-aligned jihadists streaming across the border from Iraq and rebel soldiers from the Libyan city of Misrata crossing in from Turkey, experts say. http://bit.ly/yzfftA




UN General Assembly condemns Syria "crackdown":  The UN General Assembly on Thursday demanded an immediate halt to Syria's brutal crackdown on dissent, in a strongly worded resolution adopted by a 137-12 vote. http://www.dailynews.lk/2012/02/18/wld02.asp




U.N. Syrian resolution: Which countries voted no?:  Of the 193-member world body, 137 countries voted for the resolution. Seventeen countries abstained from the vote. Twelve countries voted no. http://wapo.st/yA3yhK




Act of war:
SWIFT to exclude Iran banks:  SWIFT, the global interbank transfer network, said Friday it was ready to exclude Iranian banks from its system once the EU has enacted new sanctions to that effect against Tehran. 




U.S. General: Iran unlikely to strike unless hit:  The nation's U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday that if Iran is attacked over its alleged nuclear weapons program, it could retaliate by closing the Strait of Hormuz to ships and launch missiles at regional U.S. forces and allies. http://bit.ly/xgoUiA




Panetta: No Iranian decision yet on nukes:  "The intelligence does not show that they've made the decision to proceed with developing a nuclear weapon." Clapper said it's "technically feasible" that Tehran could produce a nuclear weapon in one or two years if its leaders decide to build one, "but practically not likely." http://bit.ly/xRcngI




Engineering Consent For An Attack On Iran :
Israeli Vice Prime Minister Declares Iran Is Pursuing A Nuclear Bomb :  Silvan Shalom disagrees with U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's assessment of Iran's nuclear program 




Engineering Consent For An Attack On Iran :
Santorum Warns of Iran Attack on North Dakota:  The Republican presidential candidate said. "No one is safe. No one is safe from asymmetric threats of terrorism." 




Presstitute Alert:
Nuclear Threat! Iran Building Bombs To Attack NYC? :  New York Congressman Peter King, who is head of the House's Homeland Security Committee, said, "New York is the No. 1 target," King said. "New York has all the targets that terrorists want." 




Engineering Consent For An Attack On Iran:
Tensions with Iran raise US safety concerns:  The government is worried that Iran will consider a terror attack on American soil, but it has no specific or credible threat about such a plot. Police from Los Angeles to New York City said they were anxious about the risks 


Engineering Consent For An Attack On Iran:
US cities on alert for terror attack by Iranian agents:  Officials are tracking potential Iranian operatives or anyone with links to the country's terrorist group. 




Guess what? FBI foils alleged bomb attack on U.S. Capitol:  The FBI has arrested a suspect who was en route to the U.S. Capitol allegedly to detonate a suicide bomb, USA TODAY's Kevin Johnson reports. http://usat.ly/zDtjIa




Another setup:
Exclusive: Feds arrest man allegedly heading to U.S. Capitol for suicide mission after sting investigation:  He was nabbed following a lengthy investigation by the FBI, initiated after he expressed interest in conducting an attack. He came onto the radar screen in early December after he told an undercover agent about an earlier plan to bomb a northern Virginia building. 




Engineering Consent For An Attack On Iran:
Israel: Iran, Hezbollah plotting attacks abroad: -  A senior Israeli counterterrorism official claimed Friday that Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah are plotting attacks on Israelis overseas and urged travelers to be vigilant. 




Hezbollah not involved in recent bombings that took place in India, Georgia, and Thailand :  Hassan Nasrallah: Nasrallah was speaking during a televised speech Thursday evening to commemorate the martyrdom of three of the party's top leaders, Ragheb Harb, Imad Mughniyeh, and Abbas al-Mousawi, on the hands of Israel. http://bit.ly/y76xMh




Thousands rally in Gaza, West Bank in support of Khader Adnan's hunger strike:  'We are all Khader Adnan,' chant Palestinians in Gaza, referring to the Islamic Jihad leader who is on the 62nd day of a hunger strike to protest his detention by Israel. http://bit.ly/xJnf5v




Airport security can't treat Arab Israelis like suspicious objects :  Nobody questions the need for airport security checks. But what happens at Israel's airports, and at El Al counters overseas, goes way beyond what is necessary to ensure passenger safety: It entails unnecessary humiliation and being singled out on account of one's ethnic origin. http://bit.ly/xOoTEG




Egypt's Brotherhood warns US over aid cut-off:  Muslim Brotherhood says it may review its 1979 peace deal with Israel if US cuts aid to Egypt over recent NGO dispute. http://aje.me/A2Udyo




BBC spent �350,000 on legal battle to keep report on its 'biased' Middle East coverage secret:  A seven-year campaign to gain access to the 2004 document, which examined the corporation's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ended in defeat yesterday after the Supreme Court ruled it could remain secret. http://bit.ly/zjJuap




BBC to issue global apology for documentaries that broke rules:  Independent revealed programmes were made by third-party in pay of governments and firms. http://ind.pn/zwDt1V




Dozens killed in southeast Libya clashes since last week: tribes:  Dozens of people have been killed since last week in clashes between rival tribes over control of territory in the far southeast of Libya, the tribes said on Thursday. http://yhoo.it/wQvAo8




We need a new world order at the World Bank:  Robert Zoellick's replacement should reflect changes in global politics - the US has controlled the top position for too long http://bit.ly/yik5wi




Greek Cuts Drama: Healthcare doomed, army booms :  Cuts and slashes in spending have left hospitals short of medicine, workers short of cash and many ill Greeks out of luck. But, as RT's Jacob Greaves reports, the NATO chief's visit to Greece suggests the military may remain largely immune. http://bit.ly/zPlGtR


Foreclosure abuse rampant across U.S., experts say:  The audit of almost 400 foreclosures in San Francisco found that 84 percent of them appeared to be illegal, according to the study released by the California city on Wednesday. 



 "Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley
Cost Of war

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,888



Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
 $1,303,298,392,415       http://www.costofwar.com/


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