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You must work - we must all work to make the world worthy of its children. --  Pablo Casals


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December 13 , 2011
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 Op-Ed Articles

America's Covert War Against Iran
Do 'All Options' Mean Nukes?

By Tom Burghardt

During a White House press briefing Thursday, President Barack Obama said that "No options off the table means I am considering all options."   



Remembering His-Story - Iran Attack Next?

By Bruce K. Gagnon

Imagine if we saw a map of the U.S. with Russian or Chinese military bases throughout Canada and Mexico along with their warships just off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The American people would be going ballistic. But when we do it to others, no one even blinks an eye.   http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29977.htm 


Engineering Consent For Attack On Iran?
Iran Conducting Anti-U.S. Operations from Latin America

By Israel Ortega and James Phillips

Iran is conducting anti-U.S. operations from Latin America, including military training camps in Venezuela, and expanding its reach across the border from the U.S. in Mexico.    



In Israel, The Life of a Palestinian is Cheap

Haaretz Editorial

When it comes to shooting a Palestinian, pulling the trigger does not come with a real fear of having to answer to the law.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29971.htm 


GOP Candidates: Bibi First, America Second

By Adam Weinstein

How did two self-professed American exceptionalists end up dumping us for Israel's prime minister?    



D-Day's Looming Large for Europhobe Tories

By George Galloway

Cameron, in his swaggering, staggering European act of sabotage, has surely made the Lib Dems reconsider their role as the fig leaf for Thatcherite nakedness.    



Who Are the World's Biggest Employers?

By The Economist

America's defence department had 3.2m people on its payroll last year, equivalent to 1% of the country's population.   http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29966.htm 


Is the Use of the Military Designed for the Occupy Movement?

By Kevin Zeese

A radical change in law to allow the use of the military inside the United States, against U.S. citizens and residents, and to allow their indefinite military detention based merely on suspicion of being engaged in hostilities against the U.S is being rushed through congress.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29975.htm 


Detainment Camps Going Live
FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide "Temporary Camp Services" In All 50 States

By Mac Slavo

For the better part of two decades FEMA detention camps were believed to be a figment of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29968.htm 


Man in Wheelchair Shot Dead by Visalia Police


A man in a wheelchair has been shot and killed by Visalia police after allegedly lunging toward an officer with a knife.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29970.htm 


No Country for Innocent Men

By Beth Schwartzapfel

How a rapist's confession forced Rick Perry, champion of Texas justice, to pardon a dead man.   



No Mandatory Mental Health Screening for Children!

By Ron Paul

It is absolutely astounding that nearly 40% of kids in foster care are on psychotropic drugs, some of them taking up to 5 different pills at a time.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29974.htm 


"Despair Is Not an Option"

By Senator Bernie Sanders

Today in America, the great middle class of our country, the middle class that has been the envy of the entire world, is collapsing, poverty is increasing, while the wealthiest people in this country have never had it so good.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29976.htm 



Hard News  


Syrian army defectors kill 7 government forces:   

At least 34 people have died on Tuesday, said the Local Coordination Committees of Syria, an activist group. The 11 are among 20 deaths in Idlib province; the LCC reported eight deaths in Hama, four in Homs and two in Daraa. 



Russia, Iran stand beside Syria:    

Russia and Iran yesterday extended their support for the embattled regime of Syria condemning Western accusation of massacre and call for harsher sanctions.   



18 "insurgents" killed, 55 detained in Afghanistan:
Afghan and NATO-led Coalition forces have killed 18 insurgents and detained 55 others during military operations in different parts of the country over the past 24 hours, the country's Interior Ministry said on Tuesday.   



Bomb attack kills six civilians in Afghanistan:   A roadside bomb killed six civilians, including women and children, in southern Afghanistan's Helmand province, local officials said on Tuesday.   



Militants kill five Pakistani villagers: officials:   Militants opened fire on Pakistani villagers Tuesday, killing at least five civilians and wounding another six in the tribal badlands bordering Afghanistan, government officials said.   



One killed in rocket attack on Pakistani check post :   At least one soldier was killed and six were injured Tuesday evening when a rocket hit a security check post in Pakistan's northwest tribal area, a media report said.   



Pakistan considers taxing Nato Afghanistan trucks:   Pakistan is considering charging millions of dollars in annual taxes on Nato trucks and fuel tankers, officials have told the BBC.   



Iran says it's recovering data from US drone:   Iranian experts are in the final stages of recovering data from the U.S. surveillance drone captured by the country's armed forces, state TV reported Monday.   



'Returning US spy drone out of question':
A senior Iranian lawmaker says Iran will definitely not return the RQ-170 spy drone to the US, and Washington has to compensate Tehran for violating the country's airspace.  



Cheney: Obama should have bombed downed drown in Iran :   Video - http://bit.ly/rrliqE 


West has no evidence of Iran atomic bomb program, senior Turkish diplomat says:   Head of Organization of Islamic Cooperation tells Haaretz at Doha conference that Tehran has right to peaceful nuclear program, rejects military intervention.   



Ahmadinejad slams IAEA report on Iran:
"We are not worried about IAEA's positions against us. The agency's report does not have any legal value. The director general of this agency knows that it is a political report," Ahmadinejad said in a Monday interview with the Venezuelan state TV.  



Engineering Consent For Attack On Iran :
Israeli Delegation warns NATO of Arab Spring:
The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee warned of the dangers of a nuclear Iran and Islamist governments rising following the "Arab Spring," during a visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels on Sunday and Monday.  



Venezuela Responds to "Slanderous" Accusations Made by Israel's Vice Prime Minister:   Yaalon accused Venezuela of working with Iran to create a "terrorist infrastructure" in Latin America that could "attack the interests of the United States or in the United States,"   



Israel's Useful Idiot:   Dershowitz: Israel Has Legal Right to Attack Iran:
Israel has every legal and moral right to stage a pre-emptive strike on Iran, says renowned legal expert Prof. Alan Dershowitz.   



AIPAC Economic Warfare Also Targets US:   From Stolen US Trade Secrets to Iran's Central Bank   



Iran indicts 15 US, Israeli spies:   Tehran Prosecutor Abbas Jafari-Dolatabadi says Iran's Judiciary has issued indictments against 15 individuals on charges of spying for the United States and the Israeli regime.   



Radical Jewish Settlers Clash With Israeli Troops:   Defense Minister Ehud Barak condemned what he called "a string of violent attacks by criminal groups of extremists," adding that such "homegrown terror" would not be tolerated.   



Israeli Jewish hate rally against Africans in Tel Aviv caught on video as Haaretz deletes article about it:   The article by David Sheen - reported on a rally by Israeli Jews on Sunday in Tel Aviv against African immigrants, demanding that they be sent home because Israel is a "Jewish state."   



Critics of Israel are guilty of anti-Semitism?   Two top think tanks in Washington are mulling whether to sever ties with a controversial former AIPAC spokesman after it emerged that he was encouraging conservative writers to echo charges that critics of Israel are guilty of anti-Semitism   



In case you missed it:
Elias Davidsson-I Am A Radical Antisemite And Am Proud Of It: :   Today the term "antisemite" is used by the ruling elite to lambast human rights activists who advocate equal rights between Jews, Christians and Muslims, the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and the vision of a common, democratic state for both Palestinians and Israelis.   



Hezbollah names CIA spies in Lebanon:   Militant group steps up campaign against US intelligence agency by revealing identities of 10 undercover officers in TV broadcast  http://bit.ly/v8vidg 


4 killed as rivals clash in Libya:   Clashes erupted between former rebel fighters that toppled Gaddafi and a tribe seen as loyal to the fallen regime, killing four people, sources said on Monday.   



Libya on the verge of chaos and civil war - experts:   Anti-Gaddafists are carving up power and Libya's capital of Tripoli is already seeing clashes as the rebels are fighting for the local airport.   



Benghazi protesters tell new Libya ruler to quit:   Libyan protesters in Benghazi, cradle of the uprising that ousted Muammar Gaddafi, called yesterday for the man they helped bring to power in place of the slain dictator to quit over slow reforms.   



China to open its first military base abroad in Seychelles:   In a move that may cause unease in India, China on Monday announced that it will set up its first military base abroad in the Indian Ocean island of Seychelles to "seek supplies and recuperate" facilities for its Navy.  



U.S. Drone Crashes in Seychelles, Air Force Investigating:   According to the Air Force, the Seychelles government was "immediately notified," and the U.S. military is coordinating with Seychelles officials to coordinate "the removal of debris."   



4 killed in Belgium grenade attack: latest:   Officials say Liege gunman had criminal record involving guns, drugs and sex offenses   



Canada pulling out of Kyoto accord:   "It's now clear that Kyoto is not the path forward for a global solution to climate change. If anything, it's an impediment." Canada will formally withdraw from the Kyoto accord on climate change, Environment Minister Peter Kent said Monday.   



How terrorist 'entrapment' ensnares us all:   When the government gets in the business of playing along with terror plots, it's not just justice that suffers - but our safety   



Occupy shuts down US West Coast ports:
Up and down West Coast, protesters have begun a massive blockade on the Pacific Ocean ports as part of a day of action under the umbrella of the Occupy Wall Street movement.   



Port truck drivers thank 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters:   A group of port truck drivers thanked the "99 Percenters" on Monday for bringing attention to their profession, which they claim is rife with labor abuses.   



Police go military: Video -   An onslaught of attacks with pepper-spray, tear gas guns and batons are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the arsenal of arms that the police are pulverizing peaceful protesters with.  


"Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley
Cost Of war

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,826



Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
 $1,291,244,875,146       http://www.costofwar.com/


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