Beyond Corporate Influence

The Peoples Press - Powered By People - For People

"The state can't give you freedom, and the state can't take it away. You're born with it, like your eyes, like your ears. Freedom is something you assume, then you wait for someone to try to take it away. The degree to which you resist is the degree to which you are free."  - Utah Phillips


"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." - Steve Biko


"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." -- Mark Twain



"We live in a system that espouses merit, equality, and a level playing field, but exalts those with wealth, power, and celebrity, however gained."  -  Derrick Bell, Ethical Ambition: Living a Life of Meaning and Worth


"I want to live in a world where people become famous because of their work for peace and justice and care. I want the famous to be inspiring; their lives an example of what every human being has it in them to do - act from love!" - - Patch Adams

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November 22, 2011
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 Op-Ed Articles

Plan for No Fly Zone Over Syria


By Israeli National News


European sources in Washington confirm that there are plans for a no fly zone to be imposed on Syria by Arab and Turkish warplanes, with the US coordinating the logistics.  




U.S. Urges Americans to Leave Syria "Immediately"




The U.S. Embassy in Damascus urged its citizens in Syria to depart "immediately," and Turkey's foreign ministry urged Turkish pilgrims to opt for flights to return home from Saudi Arabia to avoid traveling through Syria.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29801.htm




David Cameron: War looms in Syria


By James Tapsfield


David Cameron urged world leaders to "engage" with Syrian opposition groups yesterday as he warned the country was on the brink of a full-scale civil war.   http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29797.htm




Syrian Army Defectors Pin Hopes on Prospect of Turkish Safe Zone


By Suleiman Al-Khalidi


Syrian army deserters have set up a base for a Free Syrian Army among refugee camps and safe houses here in Turkey's frontier Hatay province.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29798.htm




France Considers 'Humanitarian Corridors' in Syria




France will discuss creating protected humanitarian corridors in Syria with its EU and Arab allies, Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said Thursday, after meeting the exiled Syrian opposition leader.  




Perry Calls for No-Fly Zone In Syria
Would Act Unilaterally Without UN Authorization


By Ben Armbruster


Texas Gov. Rick Perry hasn't said much about Libya on the presidential campaign trail but he did call Muammar Qaddafi's death last month "good news for the people of Libya.  




Engineering Consent For Attack On Iran
Sanctions Fail to Change Iran's Behavior, White House Concedes


By Pam Benson


The Obama administration acknowledged Tuesday that the steps have done little to change Iran's behavior.  




Half of US voters say bomb Iran if sanctions fail




The Quinnipiac survey also found that 46 percent of voters believed the United States should support Israel if it attacks Iran. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29799.htm




The Boys Who Cry "Holocaust"


By Gary Kamiya


When hawks begin beating the drums for war in the Middle East, Israel is usually a big reason why.  




 Will the UN Insist on Fair Trials for Ex-Regime Loyalists in Libya?


By Franklin Lamb


What the White House and NATO want is for former key Gadhafi loyalists like Seif al Islam to be silenced ( reminding one of Saddam, Osama and Muammar) before they can reveal criminal dealings by NATO country leaders.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29791.htm




The Pentagon Is Spending Millions To Whitewash Central Asian dictatorships


By David Trilling


When people read a news website, they don't usually imagine that it is being run by a major producer of fighter jets and smart bombs.  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29790.htm




Drones and the Democratization of Destruction


By John Feffer


What's happening today in Pakistan is beyond the law. It's not even subject to the rules of war.  




"They Died In Vain"
'World Fears US As A War-hungry Drunk' - ex-Senator




"We Americans used to think 'oh, what happened in Germany could never happen with us!' Well, it is happening with us."  http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29795.htm




Psychopaths Rule The World?







"The Degree To Which You Resist Is The Degree To Which You Are Free."


By Phil Rockstroh


Most likely, the corporate state has, to some degree, colonized your mind, as it is well on its way to destroying the ecosystem of the entire planet. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29804.htm




45% Of People in US Struggle to Make Ends Meet


By Reuters


Nearly half of all Americans lack economic security, meaning they live above the federal poverty threshold but still do not have enough money to cover housing, food, healthcare and other basic expenses, according to a survey of government and industry data.  



Hard News  



30 "insurgents" killed, 40 arrested by Afghan National Police:  Afghan police, backed by army and NATO-led Coalition forces, have killed 30 armed insurgents and detained 40 others during operations in different provinces over the past 24 hours, the Afghan Interior Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday, Xinhua reported. http://en.trend.az/regions/world/afghanistan/1960674.html




US kills 7 people in Somalia:  The US drone carried out the assassination attacks Wednesday morning in Hiiraan region near Kalaberka of central Somalia. http://presstv.com/detail/211638.html




Syrian Troops Kill Four Ahead Of Arab League Talks:  Activists say Syrian forces have shot dead at least four civilians in the latest surge of violence in Syria ahead of Arab League talks aimed at ending the bloodshed. http://bit.ly/rZpzeI




Syria army "rebels" fight from the shadows:  Working under the cover of darkness, their faces wrapped in scarves and black masks, defectors from Syria's army are still a bit of an unknown quantity in the rise of an armed challenge to President Bashar al-Assad. http://yhoo.it/rELiyL




Moscow gives Syria last chance for reforms:  "Our veto on the Security Council resolution was the last tool allowing President Bashar Assad to save the status quo on the international arena," the senator added. "With that veto, we have exhausted all possible means."  http://rt.com/politics/resolution-syria-reforms-russia-017/




Senators urge US backing to French push on Iran:  Republican Senator John McCain and Independent Senator Joe Lieberman called France's push for new sanctions "the logical next step" in efforts to force the Islamic republic to halt what the West charges is a nuclear weapons program. http://yhoo.it/sibJ3l




Yemeni President Saleh signs deal on ceding power:  Under the plan, he will transfer his powers to his deputy ahead of an early election and in return will get immunity from prosecution. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-15858911




Saleh signs deal to quit; will fly to US:  Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh signed a Gulf initiative on Wednesday to hand over power to his deputy as part of a proposal to end months of protests that have pushed the Arab country to the brink of civil war. http://www.tradearabia.com/news/LAW_208497.html




Medvedev Goes Ballistic: Russian missiles in West's backyard? :  Responding to Washington's failure to bring Russia on board the European missile defense system, President Dmitry Medvedev announces sweeping plans to address what Moscow deems to be a threat to national security http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI5CWfwxcJQ&feature=player_embedded




Medvedev: Russia may target missile defense sites:  Russia will deploy new missiles aimed at U.S. missile defense sites in Europe if Washington goes ahead with the planned shield despite Russia's concerns, President Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday. http://news.yahoo.com/medvedev-russia-may-target-missile-defense-sites-123047622.html




Turkey bombs Iraq provinces:  Turkey has bombed the Sulaimaniyah and Arbil provinces of Iraq's autonomous northern Kurdish region, wounding one civilian, Kurdish officials said on Wednesday. http://news.yahoo.com/turkey-bombs-iraq-092434367.html


Shootout erupts at Tripoli foreign worker compound:  A shootout involving members of one of Libya's heavily armed militias broke out at a Tripoli gated compound used by foreign workers late on Monday, witnesses said, highlighting security risks persisting in post-war Libya. 




Libyan Militia Leaders, Oil Execs Appointed in New Cabinet:  Libyan militia leaders who helped to topple the late dictator Moammar Gadhafi in an uprising this year have won top security posts in a new Cabinet appointed by the country's National Transitional Council. http://bit.ly/tmPDEa




Cabinet post for Gaddafi captor:  LIBYA'S Prime Minister, Abdurrahim El-Keib, has given a militia leader from the small city of Zintan the country's defence ministry in return for handing over Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to central authorities. http://bit.ly/udJdk0




'Betrayed': How Gaddafi's son was caught:  Saif Al Islam Gaddafi was betrayed to his captors by a Libyan nomad who says he was hired to help Muammar Gaddafi's son escape to neighbouring Niger on the promise that he would be paid €1 million http://bit.ly/tY5fAx




Fresh video of Saif al-Islam capture:  Mobile phone images have emerged of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi taken shortly after his capture in the Libyan desert. http://itn.co.uk/world/33938/Fresh+pictures+of+Saif+al-Islam+capture




Egyptians Rally Against Army in Fifth Night of Cairo Clashes: -  Egyptian protesters calling for an end to army rule clashed with security forces in central Cairo for a fifth night as military pledges for a quicker power transfer to a civilian authority failed to end demonstrations. http://buswk.co/rzmWz7




Egypt's Secret Police Reportedly Renames Itself 'Homeland Security':  Egypt's state security apparatus -- notorious for spying on political activists and torturing dissidents -- has reportedly renamed itself "homeland security," presumably in homage to its American namesake http://fxn.ws/soCp0u




FBI Saw No Threat In NYC Bomb Suspect:
Federal authorities declined to pursue a case against an "al-Qaida sympathizer" accused of wanting to bomb police stations and post offices in New York City because they believed he was mentally unstable and incapable of pulling off the alleged plot, two law enforcement officials said Monday. 




Real ID Act blocks some Americans from driver's licenses:  Strict federal rules aimed at keeping terrorists off planes are blocking some Americans from renewing their driver's licenses or getting other state-issued IDs. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2011-11-21/real-id-act/51338806/1?csp=hf




China media says US sitting on debt 'bomb':
China's state media Tuesday blasted the United States over its "ticking debt bomb" and urged American lawmakers to be more responsible after they failed to agree on deficit-cutting measures. 




MF Global Trustee Says Shortfall Could Exceed $1.2 Billion:  The amount of customer money missing from the collapsed trading firm MF Global may be more than $1.2 billion - double previous estimates - the trustee dismantling the firm's brokerage unit said on Monday. http://nyti.ms/uVDMl9




Pregnant Seattle protester miscarries after being kicked, pepper sprayed:  A woman who was pepper sprayed during during a raid on Occupy Seattle last week is blaming police after she miscarried Sunday. http://bit.ly/vmxWzW




Thousands rally at UC Davis against police brutality and education cuts: .  It came a few days after police officers pepper sprayed peaceful protesters in an event that has provoked international outrage. (See, "The police assault at University of California, Davis.") http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/nov2011/davi-n23.shtml




Obama heckled as Occupy protesters drown out President in New Hampshire:  Days after the First Lady faced a chorus of boos as she honoured U.S. troops in Florida, Mr Obama, tood face-to-face with those calling themselves 'the 99 per cent' fighting economic inequality. http://bit.ly/vOc0kD




Wall Street protesters arrive in DC, wet, tired and blistered:  Drenched, blistered and weary, a few dozen Occupy Wall Street protesters arrived today in the nation's capital after a two-week, 240-mile march from Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan. http://bit.ly/sxqPIb




Jefferson County, Alabama files largest municipal bankruptcy in US history:  Jefferson County, Alabama, home to the state's most populous city of Birmingham, filed bankruptcy October 9. The size of the debt is over $3 billion, making it the largest municipal filing in history. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/nov2011/jeff-n17.shtml




Debtors' Prison Legal In More Than One-Third Of U.S. States:  Some states are attempting to rein in the practice of putting borrowers in jail, even as the number of borrowers threatened with arrest has surged since the financial crisis, according to a separate WSJ report. http://huff.to/silSXQ



"Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley
Cost Of war

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,815




Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001


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