Holiday Newsletter
In This Issue
Back to Basics
Your Best Finals Presentations
ManagerQuest Clients' Corner
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Winter 2010


The winter holiday season is a time of celebration, feasts, family and friends.  While this time of year is quite joyful, we are always budgeting and planning in preparation for a great and prosperous new year ahead.   

We hope you enjoy this winter issue of our newsletter in which industry veteran Ron Gold shares his wisdom for gaining a competitive edge through effective communication and strong relationships by simply going "Back to Basics." Additionally, we share some tips for stellar presentations and a resource section for our clients.
All of us here at A.S.A.P. would like to
take this opportunity to thank our readers, clients, and partners, all of whom have helped us make 2010 a great success! We wish you and your families a joyous holiday season and a healthy and happy New Year.

Warmest regards,

Shar� Cruz

Business Development Manager

Back to Basics

Today's marketplace is crowded with thousands of investment managers offering investment products of all types to meet evolving client needs around the globe.  In 2011, the winning investment managers are most likely to be those who go back to basics and:


  1. Acknowledge the importance of relationship building.
  2. Focus on distinguishing themselves from others.
  3. Get their story right and communicate it in a consistent fashion.

The Importance of Relationships


Building and nurturing relationships is not a revolutionary idea--what has changed is the way relationship building happens.  Trends of particular significance for sales and consultant-relations professionals include:

  • Entertainment is a strategy of the past.2011 road
  • Need to be technically savvy.
  • Should be perceived as part of their firms' investment teams.
  • Must know their products and strategies inside and out.
  • Need to be brilliant at every point of contact with the outside world. 


Identifying and Communicating Distinguishing Characteristics


All investment managers face the challenge of distinguishing themselves from the competition--identifying their "edge."  For many, this is not a trivial exercise.  One suggestion is to conduct an offsite retreat with representatives of sales, consultant relations, marketing, client service, investment management, and senior management to discuss the factors contained in Exhibit 1.


Exhibit 1:  Seventeen Factors to Consider When Determining your "Edge" and Distinguishing Characteristics 


1.    History and background

2.    Mission and vision

3.    Cultural values

4.    Ownership and organizational structure

5.    Professional and support resources

6.    Investment products and strategies

7.    Strengths and key competitive advantages

8.    Weaknesses

9.    Investment philosophy

10.  Investment process

11.  Risk management

12.  Use of technology

13.  Compliance and trading

14.  Historical performance

15.  Client-service and consultant-relations programs

16.  Fees

17.  Current marketplace perception  


You don't necessarily need to distinguish yourself from others in huge ways.  For example, having a clearly defined succession plan can be a strong advantage for hedge fund managers and investment boutiques with relatively lean investment staffs.


Communicating the Right Story in a Consistent Fashion


Although the successful managers in 2011 will offer different products and investment strategies, they will share many of the traits listed in Exhibit 2: 


Exhibit 2:  Eight Common Measures of Success


1.    Good long-term performance

2.    Organizational stability

3.    Low turnover among key employees

4.    Controlled and steady asset growth

5.    Products of interest

6.    Cogent investment thesis

7.    First-rate communication skills

8.    Client satisfaction  


Consultants tend to highly rate those investment managers who can convincingly demonstrate these common measures of success.  Telling your story within this framework may be an effective approach to follow.  Tell your story in a consistent fashion across all of your points of contact with the outside world--RFP responses, Website content, introductory presentation books, finals presentations, quarterly updates, etc.  


In summary, the competitive landscape will create marketing and selling challenges for investment managers in 2011.  The winners will go back to basics by remembering the importance of relationship building, distinguishing themselves from their strongest competitors, and communicating the right story in a consistent fashion.  


Ron Gold

[email protected]


2011 - Your Best Finals Presentations!

Keep it simple-the most effective finals presentation book will allow your presentation team to explain in ten minutes why the prospect should choose your firm. If you cannot convey your message in that amount of time, you are including too much extraneous information.


Remember, consultants already have screened your performance, process, product, people, and pricing; you would not be at the finals presentation if you had not cleared those screens. Now it's time to tell your story, not regurgitate statistics. While that information is valuable, it should be relegated to the appendix, not detract from the final pitch you need to get across to the prospect.


One of our clients put it best: "Finals books should remind your audience of what you said about why they should hire you when you were there in person." You want the prospect to look back at your presentation book and remember a great story and a compelling argument.


Resist, strongly, the urge to include prose in any finals presentation. Bullet points (no more than three per page), pictures, graphs, and quotes should support what you plan to say. Think of the book as an "aide-m�moire," rather than the focal point of the presentation--you want the prospect's attention on you and what you are saying.


Finally, do your homework on the prospect. .financial crossroad

  • Put their logo on the cover page.   
  • Use Google or LinkedIn to learn as much as possible about the attendees.    
  • Reinforce what got you to the finals stage and why you fit with their culture, needs, and risk tolerance with sound bites, quotes, and memorable stories.
  • Make an investment--spend some money and bring an excellent presentation book, not one that looks like it just came off the copier.    


Be proud of the book you have prepared, be excited about the story you'll tell, and when you get the word that your presentation time has shrunk from 45 minutes to 10 minutes, you'll be just fine.

ManagerQuestClients' Corner

Welcome New Clients!

Welcome to the many new clients who have joined us during 2010. We look forward to a long and successful relationship!


Did You Know...?

Mercer to acquire Hammond Associates.  Hammond Associates is currently one of the largest investment consulting firms serving endowments and foundations in the U.S., upon which Mercer will build.


BNY Mellon will no longer provide the AMI database service as of February 2011; updates to this UK-based database will cease after 4Q10.



Your ManagerQuestsite is a secure platform for uploading files and communicating with your Client Service Manager. Do you need a refresher on how to upload data to your dedicated ManagerQuest� site? Do you have new members on your team who need to be trained on how to use ManagerQuest? Contact your Client Service Manager today!



Have a question about consultants and/or databases? Ask us! Below are some of the most frequently asked questions received in recent months from our clients.


Do databases accept monthly updates for data other than performance?

While most databases accept monthly performance updates, there are still some that only allow performance to be updated quarterly. Monthly performance updates to the databases is encouraged. In addition, some databases permit monthly updates of holdings and AUM updates.


Can I register two composite track records for the same strategy in any of the databases?

Currently, you are unable to register two composite track records in the databases. However, should you wish to show an additional composite track record, we can create another product listing to populate the second composite track record.


What type of mutual fund data is collected by the databases?

Databases vary with regard to the type of information they collect for mutual funds, since some of them subscribe to a database feed for this information. However, most databases permit the mutual fund track record to be listed, as well as a fee schedule.


Do databases accept AUM totals without account-level detail?

Most databases want not only your total firm and product AUM, and number of accounts, but they also want to see account-level breakdowns. Each database requests different breakdowns by client type, tax status, etc. and just reporting the total may not be enough. We have created an AUM worksheet that is posted on your ManagerQuest site to detail the account-level information requested. Contact your Client Service Manager if you are currently not providing this level of detail to see how we may help.

About Us

Since 1998, A.S.A.P. Advisor Services has provided marketing support services and data delivery solutions for the investment management industry. Our clients range from small, emerging managers to large, global firms. Collectively, they manage over $2.3 trillion across a wide range of asset classes. But, they all have one thing in common - they trust us to manage information integral to their business success.

For a free consultation on how we can help you grow your business, please contact us at 866.922.8733, ext. 1 or at [email protected].