Last Month's Survey Question:
What is the One tune that every piper/drummer should
Scotland the Brave 58%
Amazing Grace 20%
Flowers of Scotland and Green Hills of Tyrol 3%
Flowers of the Forest and Lochanside 2% each
Star Wars, Scots Wa Hea, Highland Laddie, Highland
Cathedral, Rhu Vaternish, Cabar Feidh, UnChained
Melody, The Minstrel Boy, Balmoral Highlanders, 100
Pipers, and God Save the Queen 1%
This Month's Survey Question:
What kind of pipes are you currently playing?
Answer the Question
Featured Products
Don't forget to check out our jewellery, clothing,
foods, and gifts! New items include
Celtic Warrior, Danu Folk and World Tree shirts, new
Guinness shirts, Wham Cola, Wham Sour Cherry,
Wham Sour Apple, Celtic Women CD, Celtic Thunder
CD, and more!
It's time for our annual Customer Survey! It
only takes a few minutes to fill out. Every survey
received before April 30th will be entered to win
a $100 gift certificate to use online. Every
entry receives a FREE GIFT.
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Pipe Bands
Ask us for quotes! We offer quantity Discounts on
most of our products.
Don't forget to stock up on reeds as competition season
Add Your Own Product Reviews Let
your fellow pipers & drummers know what you think of
the products.
Just login, find the product that you want to review,
and hit "Add a Review".
Start Reviewing!
Here are some current reviews:
"I love the Rouana's because they are so versatile and
can be worn in so many ways. They dress up a pair of
jeans and they also go well with a simple black
McCallum Practice
"Very nice balanced chanter. Nice volume!"
Doug Stronach Drumming Tutor & CD
"Starts from the basics, includes video. Perfect for the
beginner. Only problem is that the video isn't a
universal format and so you may have trouble playing
it on your computer. The file format is .avi."
Featured Article
Beware of Ebay Pipes!!
If you or someone you know are considering
a new set of pipes on eBay to save money, Buyer
If it seems too good to be true, it
probably is! There are countless stories of
people purchasing pipes through auction sites only to
receive an inferior product.
There are many sets of Pakistani pipes listed on
eBay. These pipes are often made of rosewood or
cocus wood, not African Blackwood. You may also
find that a set listed as "blackwood" may actually be
another type of wood that has been painted black.
Pipes from Pakistan are often poor quality. They often
require hundreds of dollars worth of
additional products and repair to get them playable.
Sometimes, you may find that the picture shows a
maker stamp. While this can be a sign that you are
receiving a quality set, make sure that you inquire
further. A stamp on the chanter does not mean that
the whole set is from that maker. Ask for close up
images of the full set to ensure that you are
getting a matched set of good quality.
Even on a good quality set, be aware that parts
may have been replaced or repaired over time and
may not be in the original condition. Ask for this
information before purchasing.
It's not just Pakistani pipes that are questionable.
There are false claims from individuals
misrepresenting quality pipe makers.
In short, ask your instructor or pipe maker, someone
with experience to guide you through the sale. To be
safe, shop with a reputable dealer.
See our bagpipe listings
Rauncie Kinnaird
Kinnaird Bagpipes