Kinnaird Bagpipes Banner
February 2010

Last Month's Survey Question:
During the Holiday Season, did you find yourself having More Time, Less Time or About the Same time to practice?
More Time 23.8%
Less Time 53.8%
About the Same 22.5%

This Month's Survey Question:
If you could buy a brand new piece of Highland Dress without worrying about the cost, what would it be?
Answer the Question
(Note: Survey is only able to accept the first 100 responses.)

Blue Line
Pipe Bands
Guinness Dartboard Clock

Great Deals!
We're clearing off some of our shelves to make room for new products! Check out our Specials Section!

Pipe Bands
As you prepare for competition season, ask us for quotes! We offer Discounts on most of our products purchased in quantities.

The XXI Olympics in Vancouver are fast approaching. If any of you will be performing at any Olympic events, let us know and we will feature you in our newsletter.

Add Your Own Product Reviews
Let your fellow pipers & drummers know what you think of the products.
Just login, find the product that you want to review, and hit "Add a Review".
Start Reviewing!

Here are some current reviews:

St Thomas Episcopal Dedication CD
"I've purchased a number of pipe band CDs over the years, but the sound from this band is absolutely awesome. The person who arranged this music has gotten an absolutely fantastic balance between pipes and other instruments. There's only one thing missing - Scotland the Brave. That would be absolutely magnificent. Black Watch: Eat your heart out!"

Airstream Blowpipe
I just purchased one of these. While sad to take the pretty cocobola off my maclellan's, this blowpipe does not leak, has a great mouthpiece and is very comfortable to play.

Blue Line
Winnipeg Scottish Festival

Feb 6 St Andrew's Society Pipe Band Concert, 7 pm at Jubilee Hall. Tickets are $20. For tickets or more info contact:

Feb 20 Winnipeg Scottish Festival

March 7 Winnipeg Police Pipe Band Presents an Evening of Champions featuring PM Allisdair Gillies with Matt MacIsaac. For more info call:

March 17 Saint Patrick's Day

April 11 Edmonton Highland Arts festival- featuring Six Time World Champions Simon Fraser University Pipe Band in Concert. More Details

2010 Lake Diefenbaker Pipe Band School
July 12-17
Brochure & Application Forms

We are holding a Non-Traditional Piping Tune Contest.
Record yourself playing anything from The Flintstones Theme song to ACDC or anything in between!
Email us the recording with the subject line "Piping Contest". We will post the videos and let everyone vote on their favorites. The winner will receive a set of Kinnaird Carbon Fibre Drone Reeds, a CD, and a gift certificate to use online.
Last day to send us your videos is Feb 28th.

This Month's Video Clip

Here's some inspiration for the contest: a Piper performs the Imperial March from Star Wars

More Upcoming Events
Blue Line
Featured Article
Pipefest 2010

Pipefest occurs on August 7 & 8 2010. The event is taking place around the world with one of the largest massed pipe band parades in the world to raise money for cancer charities. There are events taking place in Edinburgh, New York, Hong Kong, Sydney and Ottawa.

The parade begins in Scotland where it will march through Edinburgh. As these pipers reach the finale of this stage of the event, bands in North America will begin in their areas.

The goal is to unite the piping and drumming world in a battle against cancer with a projected fundraising goal of �500,000 for cancer charities around the world.

The Canadian stage occurs in Ottawa on Saturday August 7th. The goal for this stage is to raise $100 000 for the Canadian Cancer Society. It is being organized by the Ottawa City Piping College.

If you have a PipeFest event happening in your area, let us know and we'll post it on our website and mention it in our newsletters.

More information about PipeFest 2010


Rauncie Kinnaird
Kinnaird Bagpipes
Phone: 306-249-2939