Featured Band
Sudbury and District Pipes & Drums
Sudbury and District Pipes and Drums is a non
competing Street/Concert Band dedicated to teaching
piping, drumming and highland dancing.
They are one of the largest and oldest bands in
Northern Ontario and are located in Sudbury, Ontario
Canada. They have recently celebrated their 85th
anniversary. They enjoy supporting their community by
offering excellent musicianship at parades,
ceremonies and functions, and in particular for their
local Legions. Some of their annual events include,
Robbie Burns Dinner Concert, St. Patrick's Day Pub
Crawl, Manitoulin Haweater Parade and
Remembrance Day. Their website has a full listing of
all their events.
Their youngest dancer is 8 and their oldest piper is
80. The band currently wears the Dress MacKenzie
Tartan. The band was formed in 1922 and has since
seen pipe majors such as Bill Livingstone Sr, Ted
Gibbons, John Ross, Charlie Kennedy, and
Carrie 'Redhaired Piper' MacDonald.
The current Pipe Major is Steve Harper assisted by
Pipe Sergeant Dan Chisholm and Pipe Corporal Dan
If you would like to see your pipe band featured in
one of our newsletters, send us an email with a band
photo and a short write up about the band.
Sudbury Pipe Band Website
We are now accepting pre-orders for the
World Piping Championship 2008 CDs.
The qualifying heats, Volume 1, and Volume 2 will be
available in early October. These CDs feature the
music of the top Grade 1 Pipe Bands, including this
year's champions, Canada's own Simon Fraser
University. Reserve your copy today!
Check out some photos from Worlds.
Feature Article
Tuning Your Bagpipes with the Korg Chromatic
Tuning your pipes can be difficult- the drones must be
precisely tuned to each other and also to the chanter.
Each note of the chanter must be pitched so that it
properly harmonizes with the constant background
sound of the drones. This tuning can be done with a
well trained ear, but if you're lacking one of those, a
chromatic tuner can be used.
Tuning the Chanter
Sound the low A on your chanter and note where it is
tuning on the meter. Adjust the calibration buttons
until your low A reads "0" on the meter. The green
tuning light will come on when your meter is in tune
with low A. Use the meter notes and offsets from "0" in
the following table to tune the other notes of the
chanter. Ensure that the meter is reading the
correct "note" which will show up in the top right
corner of the tuner. Notes "C" and "F" show up as "C#"
and "F#" on the tuner. The first column is the
Note. Second column is the ratio to Low A. Third
column is the Meter Note. Fourth column is the Meter
Low G_________7/8 ___G____-31
Low A__________ 1____A____ 0
B_____________ 9/8___B____+4
C_____________5/4___C___ -14
D_____________4/3___D____ -2
E_____________3/2___E ____+2
High G_________7/4___G___-31
High A_________2/1___A_____0
Tenor Drone____1/2____A____0
Bass Drone_____1/4___A_____0
If the top hand is sharp compared to the bottom hand,
lift the reed slightly out of the chanter to bring the pitch
of the top hand down. Add some hemp to the reed if
necessary. If the top hand is flat to the bottom hand
sink the reed further into the chanter. This will bring up
the pitch of the top hand relative to the bottom hand. To
flatten individual notes, add a piece of tape to cover
the top of the first open hole on the chanter.
Sharpening individual notes requires modification to
the chanter reed or chanter and should only be done
by experienced players.
Tuning the Drones
The drones are tuned to the low A on the pipe chanter.
Sound low A on your chanter and adjust the calibration
button until the meter reads "0". Adjust the tuning on
each of your drones until they are reading "0" on the
meter also.
See our various Tuners & Metronomes