Kinnaird Bagpipes Banner
August 2007
Kinnaird Carbon Fibre Drone Reeds

What are most of the top bands playing?

Sound like the pros!

Blue Line
Pipe band

World Pipe band Championship 2007 Overall Grade 1 Results:

1st Field Marshal Montgomery

2nd Simon Fraser University

3rd The House of Edgar - Shotts and Dykehead

4th Scottish Lion 78th Fraser Highlanders

5th Strathclyde Police

6th St. Laurence O'Toole

Harris Reed Tool - now in stock!

Blue Line
Pipe Band

Let us post a link to your band! Let us know your events and we will post them!

August 16 - 18 Saskatoon Folkfest, Scottish Pavilion

September 2007 September 1 - Calgary Highland Games

September 2 - Canmore Highland Games

September 4 - 96th Registration Night

List of Events
Blue Line
Feature Article
Scottish Fishing

Constitution of a Scot!

The hardy Scot fisherman and farmers brought a long tradition of ingenuity and hardwork to North America. Fishing has a long tradition in Scotland dating to 7,000 B.C. In the early 1900's fishing became a commercial venture. 10,000 people were employed for the short herring season, catching and processing 2.5 million barrels of fish. Gangs of 'herring girls' would gut the fish with their lightning fast hands and salt them in barrels made and repaired by Coppers. The herring girls and Coppers followed the vessels from harbor to harbor during the short summer and winter herring seasons. Currently, a remarkable 65% of British fishing remains Scottish based with the main stocks being mackerel.

Scottish immigrants from either farming or fishing backgrounds would not have found North America so different from home. They continue to battle the elements, work in the most dangerous occupations, and ply their trade in good times and lean. The battle between fisherman, the elements, and the elusive fish goes on.


Rauncie Kinnaird
Kinnaird Bagpipes
Phone: 306-249-2939