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A New You In 60 Seconds:

While They're Getting Good Sleep 



by Precious Quire-McCloud



Dear Friend,
Thank you for the opportunity to share with you.  I am grateful for your support and overjoyed by your plight to "preserve your happy"!  The "A New You In 60 Seconds" series by UBU is designed to enrich your life from the inside out!  Today, let's talk about the turmoil we endure when someone hurts us, but we're left "holding the bag".  In some cases, they're off getting good sleep while we're restless, wounded and agitated.  If they're getting good sleep, you should too! I hope this helps you.  Thank you for sharing a minute of your time with me. 

While they're getting good sleep does your home need repair?

Is your door of love broken and in need of some care?

Is your table of forgiveness leaning hard to one side

while your filters are clogged with the dust mites of pride?


While that person is off and getting good sleep

assess your life and find good company to keep.

Do your friends mirror your values or share similar views?

Do they know what it means to walk a mile in your shoes?

Do they pray and support, lift you up when you're down

or passively sit and wait for you to come 'round?


Do you find their path ends when YOU are in need?

or do they build a good bridge to help you succeed?


However you answer, only one thing is true;

You must let God's love be the thing that guides you.

For it's really not about who did what and who's who.

It's about how HIS love shines and is demonstrated through you.


Be the beacon of great light that you were created to be!

Don't do it for man, do it so God gets the glory.

In the end it matters most that you lived and lived right

So let them win the argument, it was never really your fight!


You've got so many things for which to be grateful

instead of wasting your inheritance on being mean and hateful.

Who cares what they did and who they did it to.

Do you really think the only person they hurt is you?

It's a cycle, you see...so don't get caught up in it.

Some call life a game; if that's the case...WIN IT!


While they're getting good sleep, don't you think you should too?

And focus on how good the Lord has been to you?

Show them what it means to be a true queen.

Let joy lead the way when you enter the scene.


Let cheerfulness guide and confidence succeed it.

No need to be rude, callous or conceited.

Who cares about your clothes or the cost of your shoes,

   the size of your ring or the house that you choose?


At the end of the day are you happy inside

or do you recount your steps and want to go hide

'cause you didn't use your tongue to lift someone up? 


 If His blessings are flowing, girlfriend...make sure they reach your cup! 







A Note From Precious...
One thing I've learned about positive change is that it doesn't have to "take all day".  All that's required to do and be better is a made-up mind.   I'm offering the "A New You In 60 Seconds" series as a practical catalyst for positive life changes.  UBU (pronounced "You Be You") was birthed in me in 1999 as I sought to understand certain complexities regarding how women relate to one another.  I wanted to find out what was at the root of the discord and natural tendencies to be unloving, unsupportive, quick to take offense and slow to forgive. What I discovered is that how we relate to others is directly linked to how we relate to ourselves.   
UBU promotes joyful living, authenticity and harmony with others through the gift of valuing oneself.  I've committed the past 12 years of my life to UBU's ideals and have worked actively to encourage and inspire women to embrace the freedom and joy that is our birthright!  Our choice to be free...sets us free.
In the vineyard, 






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Dear Lord, how majestic and wonderful is Your name!  Thank You for sweet slumber in the midst of persecution and perfect rest despite my imperfections.  When I am hurting, please help me to choose words that edify and not tear down.  Help me to realize that disappointment, pain and discomfort do not represent the end of me; but the beginning of the work you are perfecting within me.  I repent for mistreating my friends and loved ones and forgive those who have mistreated me.  Lord, send a revival...and let it begin in me.