Happy New Year and Welcome to Battlement Mesa's first online Newsletter. We appreciate your interest in our community and hope that you will find our Newsletter to be a great way to learn more about us and stay informed about our community's many activities.
Check out the NEW Battlement Mesa Website
The NEW updated www.BattlementMesaColorado.com took off on December 1st? If you haven't checked it out, you should. The website has a new look, new information and many new features. We think that you will like the comprehensiveness of the new site and its ease of navigation. The site has five major information groups: - Explore Battlement Mesa
- Government Services
- Community Services
- Businesses
- News, Activities and Events
You will find general information about our community under "Explore Battlement Mesa." Under "Government Services" you can access information about the BMSA, the Grand Valley Fire Department, the BMMD, the GarCo Sheriff's Office, as well as information on each of our Village Associations. The "Community Services" section includes information about the BMAC, Clubs & Organizations, Churches, area Hospitals, Radio, TV and Media, Mesa Vista, Senior Citizen Services, and Transportation. The "Businesses" group includes a complete business listing, pages on key Battlement Mesa businesses and a classified advertisement section. News, Activities and Events, expands on the News and Upcoming Events section that appears on the home page and highlights our Golf Course, Parks and Recreation, Outdoor Adventures and Performing Arts activities which are available in the area. And, while you're on the internet, check out Battlement Mesa's Facebook page. You can link to the page by clicking on the Facebook logo at the top right of Battlement Mesa's home page. |
2012 Budget
January 1st marks the beginning of a new budget year for Battlement Mesa which can mean a change in the HOA assessment rate. First, the good news. The Battlement Mesa Service Association (BMSA) board of directors voted to continue the HOA's assessments at $296 per year despite increasing costs that are associated with several individual line items. Now, the not so good news. In order to "balance the budget" and absorb these line item cost increases, the association's contribution to our community's reserve fund was substantially reduced. The budget consists of two parts: Operating and Reserve Fund. The operating portion funds the current year's actual expenses. The reserve fund is a "savings account" for those "big ticket" items that we need to fund in future years. If we didn't have a reserve fund, the association would be forced to collect a special Assessment at the time that we incur these "big ticket" expenses. In order to know how much we need to set aside for these anticipated future expenses, the BMSA conducts a reserve study that analyzes in substantial detail when replacement of the Asssociation's infrastructure will be necessary and what the replacement cost will be at that time. The second part of the study determines how much must be set aside each year in order to adequately fund these future expenses and avoid a special assessment. Since a new reserve study is underway, we'll soon have undated information on how large the community's reserve fund needs to be. Several members of your board of directors have expressed doubts about the sufficiency of our reserve fund, thus are concerned about the substantial reduction in the 2012 contribution to the reserve fund. For more information on the 2012 budget, Click Here.
Missed the December 14th Community Meeting? No problem. View The Presentation Slides Here. |
KSUN Radio - Just one click away
Battlement Mesa's low power FM radio signal can't be heard everywhere but if you have internet access you can still tune to KSUN...KSBP 103.9 for a diverse selection of music, a lot of special programming, including local sports, and announcements regarding Battlement Mesa's news and events. To listen online, go to www.BattlementMesaColorado.com then click on "Community Services," then on Radio, TV & Media, then on KSUN where you will find a link to Listen Online. Listen in...We think that you'll be pleasantly surprised. |
Covenant Corner
If you live here, you've seen the signs, "Battlement Mesa: A Covenant Protected Community." Some of you (probably about half) moan about how "little we enforce" the covenants and the rest of you (the other half) moan because we do enforce the covenants. What is the Battlement Mesa Service Association (BMSA) to do?
Most residents are willing to comply with the regulations if they know what the regulation are. You should have received information about the covenants when you purchased property in Battlement Mesa and, of course, they are posted online at www.BattlementMesaColorado.com. Nevertheless, in the spirit of educating vs. enforcing, we have created a Covenant Corner block in this and future Newsletters. A different covenant will be discussed in each Newsletter.
Before we discuss a specific covenant, perhaps some background on the issue might be helpful.
Most people tell us they decided to buy in Battlement Mesa because we are a covenant protected community and that they believe we "need" the protections that are provided by our covenants. Unfortunately, some residents also believe that covenants should only be more vigorously enforced if the enforcement is applied to "the other person."
We all have our covenant pet peeves while we don't really care about other violations, even though they are against the covenants. Unfortunately, we can't pick and choose which covenants to enforce. We must enforce all covenants equally and fairly.
Like it or not, if you live here, you agreed to abide by our covenants. So instead of waiting until you are cited for violating our covenants, do everyone a favor. Take a few minutes soon and read the regulations. You may be surprised at what you'll find and besides, it avoids a lot of turmoil for a lot of people...for you, for your neighbors and for all of those who are charged with the enforcement duties and dealing with the aftermath of enforcement.
We'll admit, we're new at newsletter writing so let us know what you think and what you would find of interest so that the newsletter can help connect our community. You can email us at BMSA@BattlementMesaColorado.com. And, while you're writing, we'd like to know what you think about the updated website. Tell us what you like and don't like about the site.
Welcome aboard Battlement Mesa! Our newsletter journey has begun.
About Us
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Nestled on a mesa in the picturesque Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains, Battlement Mesa, Colorado is an unincorporated 3,200 acre, residential community with approximately 5,000 residents. Situated on a mesa above the Colorado River with high desert mountain views of The Battlements and The Roan Plateau, Battlement Mesa offers a unique community with magnificent scenery and a quiet, peaceful, healthy lifestyle.Battlement Mesa, Colorado....
A Great place to Visit, to Work, to Live or to Retire!
P. O. Box 6006
401 Arroyo Drive
Battlement Mesa, CO 81636
For additional information about Battlement Mesa visit us online at