Are You Targeting the 85% Who are Watching?
Watching videos, that is! Did you know that "85% of Americans watch videos online, and they watch a lot of them too-- over 1.3 billion (yes, billion) videos a day." I find that number quoted on astounding, don't you? And what makes this statistic compelling for business owners is the following sentence that states "Studies show far higher levels of engagement and customer conversion among brands that use video on their websites." Isn't that why we are all in business? To be engaged with our customers and yield high customer conversion rates? I think the answer is unequivocally yes but if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed thinking you cannot possibly add the task of Movie Director to your long list of to do's, you are not alone. In many instances, I see clients who feel the same way. However, watch this video clip to learn three reasons why you should take a seat in the director's chair. As mentioned in the clip, you can do it yourself using an iPhone or flip camera. Or, you can do a simple google search for corporate video companies that will help you create low budget videos that can be easily uploaded to common sites such as YouTube or Vimeo. Or, if your budget allows, you can call on an expert. There are many capable full service companies available to produce professional level videos to meet your needs. If you still feel apprehensive about getting in front of that camera, you can always search for videos that are relevant to your topic and produced by someone else. Once you've added video to your email campaign, be sure to archive your newsletters and add them to your website. This helps increase your search engine optimization (SEO) and increase your inbound marketing. For more technical information on how and why video can increase your SEO, check out this great blog from HubSpot.
So now that you know why you should add video, and a little bit about how to do it, rest assured that to begin, there are many resources available. To learn more on how to use video to drive email engagement, click on the image below. If you're thinking about adding video to your email marketing campaign, contact My NewsGirl at 203-938-3252 so we can assist you in the process. Wouldn't you like to reap the benefits of a trend that is here to stay? We look forward to helping you connect to your customers, one letter @ a time. Sincerely, Cathy Ann Drury My NewsGirl |