Thanks for Attending the Seminar: Plan to be Engaging in 2012!
With the New Year upon us, my hope is that you've maintained momentum from last week's seminar to engage your customers this year! 2012 can be a banner year for your business - there are so many great tools to use and with planning and commitment, you can succeed!
Thanks so much for attending the Constant Contact seminar at Ring's End last week and as promised, click here to download the presentation Engagement Rules! If You Plan Accordingly!
Additionally, please find a SMART goals worksheet to aid you in writing goals down so you can get it done. Click here to print out the SMART Goals worksheet.
I recently read a great quote from Lori Deschene, author of Tiny Buddha that said "One of the most common misconceptions in life is that what we did yesterday has to somehow dictate what we can do or be today." Don't let yesterday get in the way of today. Start anew this month, this year and commit yourself to success. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish! Don't wait to get started! That New Years Eve ball will be dropping again before you know it. Be confident that you will look back at 2012 as the year you made a difference for your business. ![New Year's Eve ball]( If you are considering making a difference with email marketing this year and would like My NewsGirl to assist you in the process, please feel free to call 203-938-3252 to schedule an appointment. And as mentioned at the seminar, you'll only be receiving this one email from me but if you'd like to receive hints and tips on email marketing campaigns from time to time, please click here to sign up for My NewsGirl's newsletter. All the best in 2012! Sincerely,
Cathy Ann Drury
My NewsGirl