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Hindsight is Always 20/20


Would have, could have, should have. Have you ever said these phrases to yourself? I can recall times of regret using these words, all in hindsight. In particular, I remember when my husband and I built our house. The reality was, we had only been renters, never home owners. So, planning the functionality of our home wasn't easy.  As I reflect with that 20/20 hindsight, I can say for certain, there are things we should have included eyechartin those blueprints: a mudroom, a bigger garage and more closets, to name a few!  Hindsight is 20/20 but foresight can be just as sharp with a little planning.


Building a business is no different. Your business blueprint for marketing is the plan that illustrates how you'll reach your customers and how frequently. As a business owner, at times we find ourselves discouraged, learning the hardest lessons through hindsight. Those regretful phrases creep into our vocabulary when we are reactive instead of proactive. Time is precious and when we only focus on current business instead of nurturing those past and recurring relationships we've built over the years, we're bound to lose customers.

At My NewsGirl, we often sense frustration when our clients come to us because they've lost business to their competition for that simple reason - they've fallen off the radar. Or, clients feel anxious because they just don't have the time or know-how to begin the task of reaching their customers regularly. Implementing a sustained email marketing campaign can improve your success rate and increase sales. A recent study by the Aberdeen Group, a market research company, surveyed  270 executives from various size organizations for The 2011 Marketer's Agenda.  The study revealed that 74% of those surveyed organizations are using email marketing campaigns as a fundamental part of their marketing programs.  

To read the Aberdeen Group research brief on email marketing and see how Constant Contact performs as an email provider, click here.  

Don't say would have, could have, should have and continue to let hindsight dictate missed opportunities. If you are interested in how a sustained email marketing campaign can add to the success of your business, call My NewsGirl at 203-938-3252 or visit us at 


Successful businesses are built on relationships and we'd like to help you connect to your customers one letter @ a time.




Cathy Ann Drury

My NewsGirl 

My NewsGirl Partnership with Constant Contact 


June 16, 2011  

Cathy Ann Drury photo

Cathy Ann Drury

o: (203) 938-3252
c: (203) 512-4067





Thinking about a newsletter for your business?  Email me to find out how signing up with Constant Contact can put $50 in your pocket! I'll send you the promotion code to get started!   

50 Offer 

Offer ends June 30, 2011



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