Energy Disclosure Legislation Comes to Philadelphia
Adding Value to Property
 Owners' Local Portfolios

In this Issue:

  • SSC Unveils New Website
  • Energy Disclosure Legislation



SSC has rolled out its new Philly Benchmarking service in response to recent Energy Disclosure Legislation passed in Philadelphia. This service is part of our Sustainable Buildings and Operations services portfolio and builds on SSC's experience with similar legislation in NYC and Washington D.C. Below is pertinent information on the new legislation, known as Bill #120428:


What is Bill #120428?

On May 17, 2012, Philadelphia's City Council passed legislation known as Bill #120428. This legislation requires all buildings in Philadelphia that are 50,000 square feet or larger to be benchmarked and disclose energy and water consumption data.

Do my buildings need to comply with Bill #120428?

The following buildings apply:

  • Any commercial building with indoor floor space of 50,000 square feet or more
  • All commercial portions of any mixed-use building where a total of at least 50,000 square feet of indoor floor space is devoted to any commercial use

What is the deadline for compliance?

The law will take effect in 2013, and calendar year 2012 data must be sumbitted no later than June 30, 2013. Buildings that fail to disclose their energy and water data are subject to a $300 fine the first month their data is late, and a $100/day penalty following the initial 30 days.

Should I hire a consultant to assist with compliance?

Yes, over 80% of all properties in NYC used a consultant to comply with Local Law 84 (similar energy disclosure legislation enacted in 2011). Philly Benchmarking, a service of Sustainable Solutions Corporation, provides a comprehensive solution to ensure compliance with Bill #120428 at a manageable cost. The SSC Team works to:

  • Eliminate risk of non-compliance and associated fees
  • Ensure a consistent approach throughout your portfolio
  • Leverage compliance as an opportunity to improve overall portfolio performance and reduce costs, utilizing SSC's deep experience with high performance buildings
  • Apply for ENERGY STAR Certification, for eligible buildings, as part of the compliance service
Jeremy Kuhre is leading the Philly Benchmarking Compliance Service Team.  "As the manager of our Sustainable Buildings and Operations business segment, Jeremy has been integral in developing our Philly Benchmarking service and has become our in-house expert on Energy Disclosure," says Tad Radzinski, President.  


Jeremy graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Management from Brigham Young University. He is a LEED Accredited Professional with a concentration in Building Design and Construction and nine years of diversified experience.  


Jeremy's Approach -- "We treat Energy Disclosure Legislation as an opportunity for property owners to better understand their energy usage and to identify areas for improvement. Don't just settle for compliance."


To learn more about SSC's Philly Benchmarking or Sustainable Buildings and Operations Services, contact Jeremy Kuhre at or 

(610) 569-1047.




The SSC Team

Issue: 7

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Phone:  610 - 569 - 1047



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