Alumni News
Alumni eNews
Issue: 7
December 2010
Greetings from the Alumni Association Past Chair 
Baltej Dhillon
Baltej Dhillon
Baltej Dhillon
Dear Fellow Alumni,

The end of 2010 is nearing and just around the corner is a new year full of promise and, of course, the unknown. Since leaving university, I've noticed that with each passing year, the time seems to tumble by faster and faster. I guess it is because life has a way of filling up, getting busier and rushing us along. That is why I love this time of year. Everything slows down. We get a chance to breathe, to think about the year ahead and to reflect on the previous year's experiences.

For me, this past year has been filled with many wonderful opportunities, not the least of which has been my time as KUAA Chair. With my term complete, it is now time now to pass the torch on to our new chair, Ms. Kristan Ash. As a founding board member, Kristan's input, hard work and dedication has been instrumental in bringing KUAA to where it is today, and I know under her leadership, KUAA will not only continue to grow, but thrive.

In addition to this appointment, we welcome incoming directors Careema Sharma, Harpreet Bains, Kelsey Filion and Marc Bains, and we say goodbye to our wonderful outgoing directors Shane King, Sendip Gill, Jas Sandhu and Linsie Kolshuk. While I will miss their energy and valuable input, I am comforted by the words of C.S. Lewis: "When we lose one blessing, another is often, unexpectedly, given in its place."

To everyone, a sincere wish for a joyous holiday and all the best in 2011.

Baltej Dhillon
Criminology Graduate, Class of 1986
Past Chair, Kwantlen University Alumni Association
Resolutions be Gone! "Intentions" may be more effective in 2011
By Loretta A. Cella
Solutions Focused Coach, Level Connections Coaching and Consulting

According to a yearlong study on New Year's resolutions, completed by Professor Richard Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, only 12% of the 3000 participants actually succeeded in meeting their resolution. The findings weren't much of a surprise to many of us who, year after year, set resolutions that never come to fruition.

So why would people all over the world continue to set resolutions they aren't going to follow through on? MORE>>>
Walking the Talk: Kwantlen's Very Own Crown Jewel
Eliza Sam
Miss Chinese International Eliza Sam

When Eliza Sam began her Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources course, she didn't expect her grad year to roll out quite like this.

However, the 25-year-old beauty is grateful for the chance to learn more about herself, her culture and what makes her happy. MORE>>>
The Leadership Journey: KPU's Third Annual Leadership Conference
Learn valuable leadership skills through a variety of workshops and speaker events on topics including public speaking, risk taking, negotiation, project management, emotional intelligence and conflict resolution at KPU's third annual leadership conference taking place Jan. 29 at the Surrey Campus Conference Centre.

For more information and online ticket purchase ($20) visit the conference website:

In addition to great workshops and speakers, your ticket gives you access to the pre-conference event featuring speaker from Vancouver Board of Trade's Leaders of Tomorrow, and networking opportunities.
Business Corner with Kristan Ash
New Year's Goal Setting
Kristan Ash
Kristan Ash, BBA 2003, Entrepreneur and Lean Consultant
I always take the time on New Year's Day to reflect on my successes and challenges from the previous year. I review the goals I set for myself the year before and set the goals for the upcoming year. This is a tradition my whole family participates in -- including my children. We create goal posters and have some fun decorating them. We use a five-pillar approach to goal setting, which includes: Education/Career, Family, Health, Money and Fun. For each pillar, we set one goal and the three action items that will help us to achieve the goal. Last year my daughter learned that some goals end up being BHAGs (or Big Hairy Audacious Goals) that may not be achievable. But that is okay; if we achieve all of our goals, it means we are not setting them high enough. As a family, we have found that by sharing our goals, writing them down, reviewing them frequently and, simply, taking the time to think about them, we end up achieving more than we ever thought!

Here are a few great articles to help you get started with your own goals:

  1. Five goal setting activities from Time Management
  2. Six Important Reasons Why You Should Set Goals by Celestine Chua
  3. The Awesome Power of Goal Setting by Susan Heathfield

Good luck, make sure your goals are measurable and realistic!

Take part in this conference as an industry professional or as an alumnus/a interested in career opportunities in horticulture. Exhibitor opportunities are still available! For more information and to register, click here.
Find your Dream Job
Did you know hundreds of employers seeking talented Kwantlen alumni and students advertise job opportunities on Kwantlen's online job posting system? Register today!

This month's "Hot Job" Highlights:
  • Afterschool Program Team Leader, YMCA of Greater Vancouver
  • Research Assistant, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
  • Creative Technical Marketing Supervisor, Centra Construction Group
Click here for a complete list of job opportunities or, for more information, please contact a Career Services coordinator at or 604-599-3401.
Class Notes
Do you have an update, announcement or some news (awards, accomplishments, marriages, new position) that you would like to share with your fellow alumni? If so, we would like to hear from you. Please email us your news at
Tweets of the Month
  • @Ch8rming: imitation cheese is the sincerest form of fattery.
  • @PaulyPeligroso: Making $ is easy. Press shift+4.
  • @lolyazza: It's beginning to cost a lot like Christmas
  • @LittleLYGer #newYEARSresolutions are OVERRATED. Each new day is another opportunity to make a change and start anew. Why wait for a new year?
Kwantlen University Alumni Association
12666 72nd Avenue,
Surrey, BC V3W 2M8

KUAA welcomes story ideas and alumni written material. To submit a story or share your ideas, please email
In This Issue
Resolutions be Gone!
Alumni Highlight
Leadership Conference
Business Corner
Horticulture Information and Career Conference
Find your Dream Job
Tweets of the Month

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