Spring 2011Vol 3, Issue 1
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Go Virtual!
We're in the Business of Being Successful! 


There are so many distractions that arise in a day that it is easy to get off course from our daily tasks.  Whether it is co-workers, social media sites or even our loved ones at home, there are a plethora of things that can momentarily make us lose sight of our short- and long-term goals.


While we can't always prevent things from coming up at the office, we can control how we approach those distractions. We can be determined to take action on tasks everyday (regardless of how we feel), we can use helpful tips on staying focused and we can take a five minute break to remind ourselves of our dreams and what we are working towards. 

One thing is for sure, that we never know what each day will bring but we can help equip ourselves to keep on track and get one step closer to our goals!
Tara W. Knowles
Editor, Owner
NOLA Virtual Solutions, LLC

In This Issue
Get Physical!
Away We Grow!
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-NOLA Virtual Solutions

Get Physical!

You probably think I'm going to talk about working out. Working on your body is important but I'd like to talk about working on your business. Now that's a hot topic!


WeightsAre you doing the work? Are you taking action? 99% of success is showing up. It's time to "get physical" in your business.


If you're a creative right-brain entrepreneur it's easy to get stuck too long in the thinking and planning phase. You can sit around writing a "to do list", listing your goals, penciling things in your calendar but if you don't eventually get into action, you're wasting your time.


Take action, implement and execute... 3 of my favorite words in business. It's the reason most stay stuck. They don't take action. They refuse to implement and have no clue how to execute.


How bad do you want a "Hot Business"? Just in case you're wondering what a hot business looks like, it's a business that's successful and open for expansion.


Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and "get physical"? The first step is to take action consistently. You should be doing something every day that's going to make you stronger and your bank account "fat."


You know what athletic company said "Just Do It"!

I remember the first time I heard Paralysis, Analysis. If you get bogged down in the details, want it to be perfect before anything gets done, you could very well suffer from this. It's not cute because nothing ever gets done then you wonder, "Why am I stuck?"


Trust me when you take action daily, no matter how small or large, you're leaping forward. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. Remember successful people fail more than unsuccessful people anyway. Risk brings rewards; your efforts will create momentum and always catapult you.


Have you ever noticed that sometimes you can do more in one day than you can in a week? It might sound wild, but that's because you were focused. Your focus inevitably leads to action. There have been days where I've done more in a week than most would even want to do in a month. Why is this? Because I was focused.


How to stay focused?

  • Plan your day; write down the important things you have to do.
  • Schedule it; everything should be on the calendar (checking emails, making phone calls, client appointments, writing, studying, research, networking etc.
  • Organization indeed; keep a sales journal, file folders for paperwork.
  • Don't look at your emails every 15 minutes. Check them maybe once or twice a day at most.
  • DO NOT open Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube or any other social/sharing websites.
  • Make sure you are comfortable & you have a lovely environment. This is pivotal to your focus.
  • Stay on track. Distractions can ruin your chances of being focused.
  • Listen to uplifting music. I play a prosperity CD and it definitely enhances my productivity.

You see, when you make a decision to do something - whether it's something as big as losing 20 pounds, or making 20 sales calls, that decision carries a certain unspoken level of commitment with it. When you decide "I'm going to do this no matter what", you've got a burning desire to accomplish your goal but then there's that voice that says "you can't do that", your subconscious mind strives to pull you back to your comfort zone. In this moment, you must push through and avoid distractions.


Distractions won't keep you in action!

Take this article for example. I've committed to write four articles per month, no matter what. Today I've got to finish this article. It's important to me, because my newsletter is directly linked to my jaw dropping leaps. No matter what, I sit down at the computer and "my fingers get to typing". Yes it gets done and by keeping my eye on my goals, distractions can pop up but they don't stand a chance.


So, if you're truly ready to stay focused. I'm going to list three things you should do every day as part of your "business workout routine".

  1. Follow up, make sales calls, ask for the sale
  2. Promote your business, market yourself online/offline, network
  3. Expand, do something to better yourself and build your brand recognition

If you go to the gym, you have to stay focused. Same thing goes for your business.

Focus + Action = Success

If you stay focused and take inspired action, you'll be successful.


When you take action everyday, you will reap the benefits of your hard work!


After spending 10+ years in Hollywood as an Actress/Dancer/Body Double Ungenita Katrina Prevost learned how to Perfect Her Potential™. Today she is the World's First Beauty Empowerment Author & Speaker & named "The Tony Robbins of Beauty". She helps female entrepreneurs bring structure back into their businesses and balance back into their lives by going from "Frazzled To Fabulous", a simple, easy to implement system that gets results, ultimately improving their lives and businesses. http://www.thebilliondollarbeauty.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ungenita_Katrina_Prevost


Away We Grow! Small Business Feature of the Month
Karah Lindbergh 
Each month we highlight one small business owner to share his or her experience and thoughts on starting and maintaining a small business.
This month we highlight Karah Lindbergh of FuelCoach, LLC.
Please give a brief description of your business. 

FuelCoach, LLC is a nutrition consulting company focused on nutrition for an active lifestyle and weight management. FuelCoach provides you with the expertise of a Registered Dietitian and the tools to help you meet your fueling and fitness goals.

How did you get started and how long have you been in business?
I have been a registered, licensed dietitian for almost 8 years and have worked in a variety of settings, including hospitals, health clubs, research, and most recently dialysis.  An area that I am passionate about is nutrition for endurance sports and for adults seeking weight loss.  I always wanted to do consulting on the side and while I will still be working in dialysis part-time, I have moved forward with this new business venture early this year.
What are some benefits that your clients receive from your services?
We offer MedGem� testing of resting metabolic rate to aid in individualizing a calorie budget that is based on your unique metabolism. The cutting edge technology of the MedGem� enables us to establish an accurate calorie budget specifically for YOU so you can successfully achieve your fitness and weight loss goals. The MedGem� RMR testing device is an FDA-cleared device that scientifically measures resting metabolism, or the number of calories a person burns at rest each day. This device was used on Biggest Loser participants to measure their calorie needs while participating in the Biggest Loser. 
Metabolism can vary significantly from person to person and whether an individual's goals are weight loss, improved fitness, or even weight maintenance, an accurate metabolism reading is the key to success. The metabolism reading will help to determine how many calories you should be eating each day to maintain, gain or lose weight. In the future, we will offer nutrition consulting and "Fuel Plans" for endurance sports, such as running, cycling, and triathlons, as well as for those aspiring-to-be-fit individuals who may just be beginning their journey to a fit lifestyle. Be assured that your FuelCoach Dietitian "walks the talk" by living an active lifestyle and eating healthfully as well.

Do you have any advice/tips for others looking to start their own business?
No matter how long you take to start-up your business, never settle for doing something that you are not passionate about and never let go of your dream.  You may need to start out slow and it may not be what you hope for in the initial stages, but keep the dream alive and keep working towards your goals until you see your dreams come alive!

Exclusively for our 'Go Virtual!' readers, Karah is offering a 10% discount on services provided.   

FuelCoach Logo

Karah Lindbergh Hancock, LDN.RD



Facebook Fan Page to be released May 1st, 2011

Contact NOLA Virtual Solutions today and see how we can help your business grow!
Tara W. Knowles
NOLA Virtual Solutions, LLC