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Bunnell Street Art Center offers an amazing array of outstanding programs due to the commitment of artists and sponsors like you! We recently had to cancel an important fundraiser. Help us recoup that $5000 loss and maintain a balanced budget this year.  Through 8/31/11 you can give to Bunnell Street Arts Center through Pick.Click.Give. Alaskans can still change pfd donations online at THANK YOU!


Sheryl Maree Reily, Sept 2-28th

Body of Evidence... social excavations, traces of plasticity, civic artifice and other expressions of ascension.  

Reily's installation and exhibition opens September 2 with a reception from 5 to 7 and Artist Talk at 6pm.


In this exhibition, Ester artist Sheryl Maree Reily boldly reveals the tense relationship between technology and survival. Using large-scale installations sculpted mostly from plastic, she turns  everyday material into a medium for exploring the relationship between technology and the environment.

Sheryl Maree Reily's exhibit is supported by a grant from the Alaska State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts

Andres poster
Chilean composer, Andres Condon performs with Navino Condon Sept. 2, 8 pm at Islands and Ocean Audioruium to images of this area's Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge by Mary Frische and Tom Collopy, with poetry by Rumi and sounds of nature. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to hear music and see images in harmony with nature as you journey thousands of miles around the extensive terrain of this region's Refuge. This concert sponsored by Bunnell Streeet Art Center and Friends of Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuges.
"Devil In A Box," by Sarah Jane Johnson at Pier One Sept. 11
Devil in a Box, at Pier One Theatre, Sept 11, 7:30pmSarah Jane Johnson's DEVIL IN A BOX is a one-woman performance about trauma and recovery. Assaulted while studying abroad in Paris, Johnson begins DEVIL IN A BOX with the story of a brutal victimization and loss of self, and through artful re-enactments of her courtroom trial, ultimately tells of her triumphant journey to reclaim her voice. It is a healing work, both for performer and audience. Told through a rich collage of monologue, movement, statistics, and poetry, DIAB is theatre at its best: educational, inspiring, and truly cathartic.
Alex photo
Alex Combs Award to grant $1500 this year.  
The Alex Combs Artist Award is a designated fund administrated by the Bunnell Street Arts Center for working artists to apply for up to $1500 to explore new techniques and ideas through workshops and symposiums.  The awards are based on the merit of the work presented. Awards will be given to artists working in ceramics, painting and sculpture. Artists are required to be an Alaskan resident. Proposals will be reviewed twice a year by the ACAA committee.  The deadline for proposals is be October 1. Artist are asked to submit the following by email to 
  • 10 digital images of work done in the last two years
  • Letter of intent for the Alex Combs Award 
  • Artist statement
  • Resume

Teaching Artist Training for Artist in Schools Sept. 16-18 
This weekend workshop is designed to train more artists to work for Artist in Schools, and to improve skills for those who have done so already. Artists will receive in-depth training emphasizing how to work effectively with students of all ages in varied settings as a Teaching Artist in Alaska. Each session features expert teachers, administrators and consultants who share knowledge, skills and techniques to equip you to work effectively in Homer classrooms and beyond. Artists will learn how to join Alaska Teaching Artist Roster of the Alaska State Council on the Arts and help with designing and writing lessons or a unit to be used in a Teaching Artist residency in a school in Homer or beyond.

The cost of this training is $40 including lunch. One 591 credit is available from the University of Alaska at an additional cost. A completed lesson and one additional meeting on October 6 is required. At the end of the series complete an Alaska Teaching Artist Application and become one of the Teaching Artists on Homer roster, for use by Alaskan schools as they plan for art residencies and workshops. (The local artist roster is on the Bunnell Street Art Center web pages), open the door to residencies in communities throughout Alaska. The workshop will be held at Homer Council on the Arts.  This workshop is limited to 30 people so REGISTER NOW.  at The Homer Teaching Artists Training Academy is made possible with support from Alaska State Council on the Arts and project partners: Bunnell Street Art Center, Homer Council on the Arts and Kenai Peninsula Borough School District.
Faces of Fishing in Homer
Inspired by street artist JR's INSIDE OUT PROJECT, winner of the 2011 TED Prize, community-based artist Lauryn Axelrod has created "The Faces of Fishing," a public photographic art project that seeks to humanize the complex fishing industry in Homer.
Using large scale black and white portraits of those whose livelihoods depend on the fishing industry in Homer - both commercial and sport - the "Faces of Fishing" hopes to create a more collaborative dialogue about South Central Alaskan fishing rights and responsibilities.
The project will be unveiled on September 10, 2011, in conjunction with TEDx Homer, with 34 large-scale portraits posted on public and private outdoor walls around town. Additional portraits will be added over the next few weeks and a public forum may be offered.
"The Faces of Fishing" is co-sponsored by TEDx Homer and Bunnell Street Gallery, with support from ACA and NPFA
For more information, please contact Lauryn Axelrod at or (802)779-7761.  

Bunnell Street Arts Center is a non-profit organization supported in part by grants from the City of Homer Grants Program through the Homer Foundation, the Ramuson Foundation, the Alaska State Council on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Homer Foundation, ASCA, Rasmuson,, NEA, City of Homer
The arts center is open Monday through Saturday 12 to 5pm.
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September 2011 Calendar
ANDRES CONDON Acoustic guitar and vocals concert listen

Sept 2, Islands & Ocean Auditorium


SHERYL MAREE REILY  "Body of Evidence" instalation

September 2 - 39



Sept 10, locations around Homer



Sept 11th, 7:30, $10 at Pier One Theatre



Sept 16-18  

at Homer Council on the Arts.


MARIAN BECK, Booksigning, Sept 18




October Exhibit 


sculpture installation 


CARESSA Concert October 8, 8 pm


HELEN, a comic play about Helen of Troy by Elizabeth Ware  wit Oct. 14


NICOLAS GALANIN  installation, Nov.



portraits, December






 Dave Welty

Amber Gauthier 






Quick Links

Bunnell's Board of Directors:

Rika Mouw, Pres.
Gaye Wolfe,Vice-pres.
Diane McBride, Sec.
Michele Miller, Treas.

Briana Allen
Carla Klinker Cope
Maura Drias
Sandy Gillespie  
Art Koeninger
Jo Michalski
Flo Larson
Aimee Sulczynski
Carol Swartz
Ann-M. Wimmerstedt

Pick.Click.Give Logo
Pick.Click.Give. is a great way to make an additional gift with your Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend. For those who may not have given to an Alaska nonprofit in the past, the program provides a safe and secure way to make a donation. For those Alaskans who already support their favorite nonprofits,

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Apply for your PFD January 1