SFF 23           

August 2012  




It's been an active season of continued travels and trade shows.  We attended ICES and saw lots of familiar friendly faces.  Kudos to Marsha and Roland Winbeckler for their work on the fantastic cake that was displayed at the at the show's entry.  The Sugar Arts Institute was officially launched and we wish Julie Bashore every success in this exciting endeavor.


I visited Israel and met with many customers, bake shops and cake artists who are inspired to see the growing interest in Satin Ice in their country.  Rolled fondant is somewhat new to the culture and it's been interesting to see the excitement that surrounds our products.  Thank you to David Goldberg of Bali Foods for the hospitality. 


Mexipan, Mexico's largest food show, was a phenomenal event and visitors marveled at the Satin Ice demonstrations.  We are pleased to be partnering with Rich Foods Mexico and they gave us a very warm welcome.  It was a good chance for our people to work together and get to know each other.  


As summer nears its end, we look forward to many new projects for the Fall season.  We have some exciting announcements coming in our September newsletter so don't miss it!


Best regards, 



Kevin O' Reilly, Founder and CEO 

Satin Fine Foods, Inc. 
Our Marketing Director, Paul McVeigh, with Marsha and Roland Winbeckler,
the creators of the entrance cake at ICES.  See the incredible detail work below!
 Cowboy Miner Dance Hall Girl


Mexico City August 22-25 


Mexico's largest food trade show was a flurry of activity.   Mercedes Strachwsky provided expert product demonstrations at the Rich Foods booth.  We're always pleased to see the excitement that is generated when people learn how the product is used.  Additional display cakes were created by Mary Carmen del Rio and Monica Azuara.  Thank you to Mercedes, Mary Carmen and Monica and the rest of the team!
The Satin Ice Team at Mexipan: From left to right, Monica Azuara, Mary Carmen del Rio, Mercedes Strachwsky, Kevin O'Reilly and Francisco Ramirez

Kevin O'Reilly with Julie Bashore of Sugar Arts Institute



Hi Friends,


I had the pleasure of working on a very special project for a non-profit called Icing Smiles.


They are a network of volunteers who contact confectionery artists like me to produce specialty birthday cakes for sick children and sometimes their siblings as well.  In my case, I was assigned the Malone Family who are here in NYC at the Ronald McDonald House from West Cork, Ireland.  Their youngest daughter Megan has brain cancer.  


I was asked to produce a cake for Dylan.  He is 7 years old and a fan of Mario Brothers and Angry Birds.  So yes, I Steven Ciccone, had to research video game characters!!!  Which is really funny considering the last time I played a video game I was probably Dylan's age.


The event was a smashing success! Some of my fellow chefs in NYC were able to pitch in and provide some treats to make the night extra special.  I encourage all of you to give your time and talent to support Icing Smiles if you aren't on the volunteer list already.  

Icing Smiles


Icing Smiles 

Icing Smiles is a nonprofit organization that provides custom celebration cakes to families impacted by the critical illness of a child.  






Kevin O'Reilly with David Goldberg of Bali Foods - Tel Aviv, Israel

 Israel Western Wall Kevin O'Reilly at the Western Wall in Jerusalem  



9/9 - 9/11 

All Things Baking 

All Things Baking is making an impact with progressive bakers, pastry chefs, cake artists, chocolatiers,restaurant managers, bakery directors and more. High-energy and idea-filled, this innovative retail trade event offers unmatched education, participatory demonstrations and the full scope of new products and services to help retail culinary professionals keep their businesses competitive, profitable and on top of the trends.


9/16 - 9/21 

IBA, Munich Germany 

The iba will once again demonstrate the innovations for the baking industry that will shape domestic and foreign markets over the next three years. Only at iba will you find a complete industry cross-section, exhibitors from 57 countries, a full and varied supporting program with seminars, forums, competitions and the iba summit - the conference for "decision-makers" from around the world


9/22 - 9/23 

Cake and Bake Show, UK 

A show with all the right ingredients. The perfect mix of live demonstrations, celebrity speakers, hands-on classes and workshops, hundreds of market stalls, live competitions and so much more.  The first live event dedicated to the world of cakes, breads and the art of baking.

10/5 - 10/6
Taart en Trends, Netherlands 
The 6th edition of Taart en Trends is the premier event for cake decoration and sugar hobbyists. They focus mainly on the Dutch market, but also participants from Belgium and other neighboring countries are welcome. The event has 6000 square meters of cake decoration, confectionery, workshops, demos, contests and plenty of free parking.

Courtesy of Ron Ben-Israel Cakes  
Ron Ben-Israel offers easy ideas for a fresh look.  This simple concept utilizes various fondant cutters to create intricate designs.

Until next month,

Your friends at Satin Fine Foods