The Client Testimonial of the Season
"I hope our building will be an inspiration for others to make the extra effort to celebrate the unique architectural character and history of our community"
- Jennifer Van Blargan
Our Promise to You
Peace of Mind
Pride in Finished Work
...No matter who is doing the work!
Painting in Partnership Affiliations
FREE Exterior Paint Inspection
Exterior Paint Maintenance Makes Sense and Saves Money!
Chicago weather conspires to undermine the paint finishes on your house. At Painting in Partnership, we believe that an ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of correction. In that spirit, we offer you a FREE INSPECTION of the caulking and coating film on your house, as well as an inspection of the wood surfaces, to detect if any failure or rotting is beginning to occur. After our inspection, we will email you our assessment, along with any corrective action we recommend, if any.
There is still time to act, while the weather is favorable to painting. If you are interested in accepting our offer, simply send us an email using this link:
The News
Mario Exhibited Paint Memorabilia at the American Coatings Show in Indianapolis
Mario has been collecting American paint memorabilia for over twenty years. To help celebrate its 125th Anniversary, the Chicago Paint and Coatings Association asked Mario to exhibit a portion of his collection at a reception held on May 8th at the American Coatings Show in Indianapolis. The exhibit included numerous antique tools, paint cans, signs, catalogs, photos, magazines, etc. In all, the exhibit covered about one hundred square feet of space. Hundreds of people went through the exhibit, reminiscing about the painting industry's past. Mission accomplished!
The Coolest Projects
Getting the Old Barn Ready for Resale
Getting this old barn ready for resale required a serious dose of restoration to its cedar siding and its coating. Our client called on us to help her in getting her 9-acre property ready for resale. Having now raised her family and lost her husband several years earlier, she was now ready to let go of her beloved property in the rolling terrain of Barrington Hills. For the rest of the story, click here.

Your Questions Answered!
Why is Caulk so Important to an Exterior Paint Job?
The elements undermine the integrity of the caulking, paint film and wood components. The most vulnerable areas are the wood joints and the areas where the wood elements meet other surfaces. If the caulk or paint film breaks, moisture will be allowed to enter the joints and wreak havoc with the paint film and the wood. The picture depicts such a break in the caulking. Such a minimal failure, if corrected early, can be repaired at little expense. For the rest of the article, please click here.
Please send me your question(s) via my e-mail at
Dear Abby On Pet Safety
Tips to Keep your Pets Safe During Summertime
Dear Abby, I love the outdoors during summer months. What kind of advice do you have for my owner to keep me safe at this time of year? Lady Dear Lady: Summertime is a lot of fun, but some precautions are in order. Sunscreen is important to pets, as it is for humans, especially for short hair, white fur or pink-skin pets. Pay special attention to ears and nose. Your vet can recommend specific products. Preventing heatstroke is also important. Pets with short or pushed-in faces, as well as puppies and elderly dogs are especially vulnerable. Early morning or evening time during hot days is best. Make sure you provide plenty of water and even ice cubes. Also, make sure to keep pesticides and fertilizers in a secure area. Spills of antifreeze from an overheated car can be life-threatening to pets. Make sure to clean up any spills.