The News!
History of Paint in America
Mario has been collecting paint memorabilia for more than twenty years and, in the process, has become somewhat of a custodian for the history of the paint industry in the United States. Twice this year, Mario has given a lecture on the "History of Paint in America". The first one was given in March to the Chicago Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. The second was given in September, at a conference of painting contractors held in Chicago. In February, Mario will be giving the same presentation in Las Vegas at the PDCA national convention.
Your Questions Answered!
When my windows look like this, what can be done to save them?
This is a very common problem with ten to twenty-five year old windows. The wood used to fabricate these windows was fast- grown, young and soft. It is, therefore, more susceptible to rotting. Additionally, design flaws occasionally create moisture traps that cause the sills and the lower portions of the brick moldings to decay prematurely. The good news is that epoxy restoration, coupled with periodic maintenance, can not only arrest further decay, but restore health to your window investment. For more information, click here.
Please send me your question(s) via my e-mail at
Dear Abby On Pet Safety
Keeping your pets safe during the winter months Dear Abby, I am a totally white cat and my name is Nova. I love to roam outside and check out the neighborhood. What can you tell my owner about ways to keep me safe during the winter months, while I keep up my roaming ways? Dear Nova, I have short hair like you do and I also like to spend time outside. On the coldest days, it is best that you limit your roaming activities. It is a good idea to have your owner get you a plastic food and water dish instead of a metal one so your tongue won't stick to the metal. A warm car engine can also be attractive warming spot for you. Your owner should bang on the hood before starting the car to tell you that something is about to happen that you will not like. Your owner should also look for pet-friendly ice melts. Also make sure your owner knows to wipe off any spills of antifreeze as it is a deadly poison but sweet tasting.