Rasamaya Yoga Homepage

There is so much happening in the world of Rasamaya - we have expanded our teaching throughout New England area this year, recently added Prenatal Yoga & Pilates, and created a new form of Rasamaya focused around strengthening the center of your body called poetically enough  "Rasamaya Core" which we are running our first teacher training for this summer. 

In the world of teacher training in addition to our new Core and Aerial Fabric Teacher Trainings, we have finally launched our 600 hour advanced Structural Therapist program, which is now being offered on a very small mentorship basis. Next enrollment date begins in September, and there are only a few spots left. In addition to receiving their 500hr Yoga Alliance Certificate, graduates will be considered Rasamaya Structural Therapists and be certified to teach Meridian Yoga, as well as fully prepared to teach a Level I Pilates Apparatus Course anywhere. Information is still forthcoming for the website, and if you are interested in attending please contact me directly.
For past graduates of the teacher trainings, please keep me in the loop as to where you are teaching Rasamaya courses so we can make sure to add them to our new and improved website which will launch in the next week.

And to everyone, I hope you have an absolutely delicious late spring and early summer. Go Play.

love. love. love.

Rasamaya Aerial Yoga Workshop with Carrie Tyler & Crissy Trayner
Sunday, May 23, 2010 and June 20, 2010, 10am - 12noon
Tristar Gym, Dover, NH
Register at

Rasamaya Prenatal Yoga with Darcy Sauers and Amy Willenbrock
June 1 - June 29, Tuesday 7:30 - 9pm and Sunday evenings, 6pm - 7:30pm
Dover Yoga & Pilates, Dover, NH
Register at www.doveryoga.com

Rasamaya CORE: Prenatal Pilates with Carrie Tyler
June 9 - 30, Wednesdays, 5:15pm - 6pm
Dover Yoga & Pilates, Dover, NH
Register at www.doveryoga.com

Beginner Yoga Series with Carrie Tyler
June 21, 23, 28, 30, Mondays & Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:30pm
Dover Yoga & Pilates, Dover, NH
Register at

 Rasamaya Worskhops
8Hr, 40HR & 200HR

Rasamaya 40hr Yoga Teacher Training with Carrie Tyler & Sarah Brecknock
Weeknight & Sunday Training at Dover Yoga & Pilates
June 6 - 16, 2010

Prenatal / Postnatal Yoga Training with Avantika Waleryszak
Saturday, June 12, 2010, 10am - 7pm
Dover Yoga & Pilates, Dover, NH
Register at

Rasamaya 40hr CORE Level I Teacher Training with Carrie Tyler
Weeknight & Sunday Training at Dover Yoga & Pilates
July 12 - 25, 2010

Rasamaya 40hr Flying Aerial Yoga Level I Teacher Training with Carrie Tyler & Crissy Trayner
Weekend Training at TriStar Gymnastics School
July 31 - August 8, 2010

Rasamaya 200hr Yoga Teacher Training
Weeknight Program Locations
Dover Yoga & Pilates, Dover, NH
Self Awakening Yoga Studio, Salem, NH
Bhava Yoga Center, Brattleboro, VT
August - December 2010

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