'Our Business is Helping Your Business'

NEWSLETTER - November 2010

In This Issue
Ladies Night at Settler's
Food Drive!
December Luncheon Preview
VOTE NOW for Streetsboro Fire $10,000
Pepsi Refresh: Vote Now
Streetsboro City School Events
City of Streetsboro Calendar
Welcome New Members
December Luncheon Promo
Dear Community...
Portage Pointe Re-Grand Opening
United Way Seeks Community Support
Deluxe Foundations Donates to Red Cross
Meet your 2010 Chamber Board Members
Executive Director
Meghan Urbon
Rick Shaffer
Shaffer Design Works
Immediate Past President
Bill Griffith 
 Griffith Consulting

1st Vice President
Steve Schwartz
HoneyBaked Ham & Cafe 

2nd Vice President
 Integrity Home Evaluation Services, LLC
Natasha Squier 
Third Federal Savings

Bruce Felber
Felber & Felber Marketing 

Cheryl DeCavitch 
Home Savings & Loan

Amy Wright
Action Auto Body

Cathy Lance United Way of Portage County

Kathy Hammond

Mark W. Boslett
Mark W. Boslett, Inc.

Michael Levick
Inn &TownePlace Suites by Marriott

Chief Richard Taiclet Streetsboro Police Dept.

Linda T. Keller Superintendent Streetsboro City Schools

Ladies Night at Settlers Landing

ladies night 
What: Ladies Night

Settler's Landing Apartments (725 Bridgeport Ave. Streetsboro)
When: Wednesday November 17th 6-8pm

About: Come enjoy Partylite, Pampered Chef, Purses, mini manicures, mini massages, refreshments and more! Fun shopping for the holidays!
For more information, contact Traci Zemba at 330-528-1336 
Food Drive!


What: Home Savings Food Drive in partnership with Streetsboro Christian Cupboard 

When: November 1st-November 20th 

Location: 1130 S.R. 303 Streetsboro, OH

About: Any type of non-perishable food item is welcome.  Most needed items include: canned vegetables, tuna fish, canned meats, peanut butter, cereal, instant mashed potatoes, boxed stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy mix.


For more information about the event, contact Cheryl DeCavitch at 330-626-5362.

 Luncheon Preview
first merit
Lisa Ryan, Founder of Appreciation Strategies
Topic: 3 Simple Strategies to Harness the Power of Gratitude in Your Business & Your Life
The Hampton Inn & Suites in Streetsboro
800 Mondial Pkwy.

Cost: Members-$15, Non-members-$20
Date/Time: Wed. December
 8th Networking begins at 11:30am
VOTE NOW  Help Streetsboro Fire Dept. earn $10,000 this Fall!
Liberty Mutual's Be Fire Smart Fire Safety Pledge program will be giving away ten $10,000 grants to fire departments across the U.S. that display a commitment to Fire Safety. 
Let's help our Streetsboro Fire Dept!
*Be sure to select "Streetsboro" on the pull-down menu
 Vote Fast for the Path
Help Streetsboro Parks & Rec and the City of Streetsboro receive funding for a new 2 mile walking trail!  You must vote every day! 

Looking to find what events are happening with the Streetsboro City Schools?  Click
to view their 
Rockets Logo
What's happening around town? The calendar for the City of Streestboro can be viewed by clicking here.
nature shot
Join Us in Welcoming New Members!
Day-Ketterer Ltd. Attorneys at Law
Stuart Larsen

Ohio Tuition Trust Authority 
Candice McDonald
December Luncheon Promo

Appreciation Strategies:  Three Simple Strategies to Harness the Power of Gratitude in your Business and in your Life


lisa ryan
Lisa Ryan, December Luncheon Speaker

Did you know that 68 percent of clients say they stop doing business with a company because of what they perceive as a lack of appreciation?


Lisa Ryan will show you three simple strategies for

incorporating gratitude into your business and into your life.


  You will learn how showing appreciation to the customers you already have will help you attract more.  Your clients will stay longer, your relationships will grow stronger, and your business will thrive. Stop spending so much time, money and effort generating new business and take care of the clients that are already your biggest fans.  You will leave this session with an action plan that will produce dramatic and positive changes in your business and in all of your relationships.


Harness the power of gratitude and prepare yourself and your clients for your best year yet! 



Lisa Ryan is the Founder of Appreciation Strategies, a multifaceted company which promotes the benefits of gratitude.  With over 20 years experience in sales, marketing and training, Lisa harnesses these principles in her own life and now shares her strategies with others in her dynamic and interactive programs. 
Mark your Calendar 
for these upcoming Events... 


25th & 26th-Chamber Office Closed

17th-Membership meeting (all welcome) 3pm at
SAVE THE DATE: 2011 Night at the Races

Join Us for our 2nd Annual Kent Area and Streetsboro Area Chamber Night at the Races January 22nd at The Rusty Nail!

horse race

Letter to the CommunityHoliday gift

Dear Community,


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making Christmas 2009 a memorable one for the families with children in Streetsboro and invite you to come together as a community again this year and participate in "Community Christmas."  "Community Christmas", is a program that provides support to our families in Streetsboro who find it financially difficult to provide gifts for their children at Christmas.


Our goal is to fulfill the holiday wishes of children and families who might otherwise be without gifts this year.  "Community Christmas" is now in its seventh year!  The program began in 2004 and provided Christmas for 96 children, 124 in 2005; 178 in 2006; 210 in 2007; 250 in 2008; and 350 in 2009! 


"Community Christmas" would love to have your support and participation this year.  There are many ways that local business can help.  One suggestion would be to set up a "Giving Tree."  Decorate the tree with tags stating age and sex of a child.  A tag is selected; a gift is purchased and returned to be placed under the tree unwrapped.  (Families will be "shopping" for their children on Dec. 16th)


Our largest need is for our teen population, ages 13 - 18 (in 2008 we served 57 teens and in 2009 we served 91 teens.  We anticipate that the need will increase this year as well.



We would also like to invite businesses to help setup on December 15th and/or help parents shop on December 16th.  The shopping will take place at St. Joan of Arc Hall (Father Stenson Center).


To volunteer, make a donation, or with any questions, please call 330-626-4251.


                                                With thanks and anticipation,


                                    Pam Danner, Program facilitator


Portage Pointe Apartments Re-Grand Opening

Friends, Family and Community Members gathered a couple of weeks ago to celebrate the re-grand opening of Portage Pointe Apartments.
Portage Pointe 1
Portage Pointe staff enjoys networking with guests at reception.

Portage Pointe 2
City officials, Mayor Scott and Chief Taiclet, gather with Portage Pointe staff to celebrate.
  United Way Seeks Community Support 
United Way Logo 

The United Way is seeking your support for this year's campaign. The demand for services has continued to increase over the last two years with a large jump in call volume to its 24/7 211 Portage line (aka First Call For Help). Since 2007, United Way 211 Portage has seen an increase of 61.2 % in requests for assistance locating services, from 12,742  in 2007 to 20,544 in 2009.  In the first nine (9) months of 2010, 211 Portage has had 15,478 requests for assistance locating services.  Many of those calls were for basic needs; food, housing, material goods, temporary financial assistance, and transportation.  In 2007, 7,398, or 48.6% of the services requested were for these basic needs.  In 2009, that number rose to 12,378, or 53.3%.  In the first nine (9) months of 2010, 9,160, or 53.5% of all requests are for assistance locating basic needs.


" A small donation can go along way to helping people in need this year" said Steve Kleiber, President & CEO of United Way of Portage County. "These programs help those in need only because of community support" said Steve Kleiber.


The United Way of Portage County is in the middle of its 2010 annual campaign.  

The campaign funds more than 40 local health & human service programs in our community.  The community wide campaign is composed of workplace drives, corporate donations and community members that participate by sending a donation directly to United Way.


"This will be a crucial year for our local United Way"  said Steve Kleiber, we are struggling to maintain donations from a smaller base yet the needs are creating increased demand for services"


If you would like to help those in need this year you can do so by giving at www.uwportage.org or by mail to P.O. Box 845 Ravenna, OH 44266 or call United Way at 330.297.1424 ext. 112 or 113

  Deluxe Corp Foundation Gives $4000 to Red Cross Stay Safe Youth Programs 
deluxe to red cross
Pictured are L-F: Donna Kral, Bob Wright, Kara Dombroski and Andrea Brady. They are members of the Deluxe Corp. Foundation committee who made the decision to give $4000 to support the Red Cross Stay Safe Youth programs in Portage Cty. These health and safety classes are focused on underserved youth and youth at risk. They offer everything from Scrubby Bear (preschool handwashing program) to Cool Kids (fire safety), FACT (First Aid for Children Today, water safety/swimmming lessons, severe weather awareness and disaster preparedness, Safe on my Own/Safe in the City and babysitter's training.

Member to Member


Enjoy the offers provided by our members!
A benefit to being a member of the Streetsboro Area Chamber of Commerce is the discounts that our members offer to each other. If your business is not listed here, and you would like it to be, please contact the Chamber office with your details. (To be listed here, you must be a paid, up-to-date member of the SACC.)
Aurora Farms Premium Outlets
330.562.2000 - Lisa Kusner
Free VIP Coupon Book ($5 retail value)
Classic Nissan of Streestboro
835 Classic Drive
1% over invoice on all new cars (except 370Z & GTR models)
Fairfield Inn & Suites and TownePlace Suites by Marriott
Special rate for all chamber members: Both Hotels are currently being offered at $79.00/night.  Meeting rooms are $75.00 a day.
Felber and Felber Marketing
A Felber "One on One" is offered to any chamber member. In a 1 hour session, a select Felber & Felber Marketing Executive will meet and answer your questions about publicity, marketing and advertising.
Great Lakes Hyundai
330.422.1212 - Bob Petris
Receive 1st year of oil changes free with the purchase of a new or used car.
Also receive a 10% discount on any service - bring a copy of this ad to receive discount.
Mark W. Boslett Inc. CPA
Offering $30 discount for all Chamber members or referrals for tax preparation services.
330.388.2771 - Barbara Kachenko
Your choice of carpet or house cleaning after moving out or before moving in if you buy/sell with us!
Settler's Landing Apartments
330.528.1336 - Traci Zemba
Offering a Layoff Proof Lease
Teresa's Pizza
330.422.0050 - Billy Smith
20% off (excludes all other offers)