'Our Business is Helping Your Business'

NEWSLETTER - July 2010

In This Issue
Women in Business Coming Up!
American Red Cross Opportunity
Vote for Employee of Distinction
Need Your Business Brochures
Streetsboro Maps Are In
City of Streetsboro Calendar
Streetsboro City School Events
Golf, Golf, Golf!
Welcome New Members!
Consumer Credit Counseling
Kudos to KCU!
Get to Know Home Depot
June Lunch Recap
Meet your 2010 Chamber Board Members
Executive Director
Meghan Urbon
Rick Shaffer
Shaffer Design Works
Immediate Past President
Bill Griffith 
 Griffith Consulting
1st Vice President
Steve Schwartz
 HoneyBaked Ham
2nd Vice President
 Integrity Home Evaluation Services, LLC
Natasha Squier 
Third Federal Savings
Regular Board
Bruce Felber
Felber & Felber Marketing 
Cheryl DeCavitch 
Home Savings & Loan
Amy Wright Action Auto Body
Cathy Lance United Way of Portage County
Kathy Hammond
Kent Credit Union
Mark W. Boslett
Mark W. Boslett, Inc.
Chief Richard Taiclet Streetsboro Police Dept.
Linda T. Keller Superintendent Streetsboro City Schools

 in Business
 Chamber Luncheon

KCU new logo 
Women in Leadership and Utilizing Dynamic Qualities

Speaker: Lt. Diana Woolf of Streetsboro Fire Department
When: Wednesday July 14th
St. Joan of Arc Fr. Stenson Center (8894 S.R. 14 Streetsboro, OH 44241)
Kent Credit Union
 Networking begins at 11:30am.
Please call or email the Chamber by July 12th if you are interested in attending!

American Red Cross Bloodmobile Donation Opportunity!

Where: Chamber Office Parking Lot (43 Office Center: 9205 S.R. 43)
When: Monday July 19th 12pm-4pm
Who: You! 
Hope you can join us! 
For questions, please contact Jennifer Natale at 330-606-2290
Vote for Your Employee of Distinction Now!
goodwill employee

The elements most often missing from an employer's compensation package are recognition and appreciation. Goodwill Industries is offering employers in Summit, Medina, Portage, Ashland and Richland Counties an opportunity to give their stellar employees the recognition and appreciation deserved through the Employee of Distinction Award Luncheon hosted by Goodwill Industries. Employers can nominate - AT NO COST - the employees they would like to publicly recognize. Every nominee is acknowledged at the event, listed in the commemorative program, and in the running for the Employee of Distinction Awards. All nominees will also receive two free tickets to a performance at Akron's historic Civic Theater.

 A panel of judges comprised of members from the Akron Area Society for Human Resource Management will select the top five employees. The winners will be announced at the event and will be given a special gift from Shulan's Jewelers. The deadline to nominate employees is July 30, 2010. Goodwill is offering a special incentive for early-bird nominations - a free business card sized ad in the commemorative program, limited to one ad per company, for those nominations submitted by July 15, 2010.

 Last year, 58 individuals were recognized throughout Summit, Portage and Medina Counties. Employers can nominate as many employees as they wish, and there is no fee for nominations. However, each ticket at the event, including nominees, will be $25. Advertising and sponsorship opportunities that deliver high-impact exposure in a cost-effective way are also available for the event.

 Employers can download the Nomination Form, RSVP for the luncheon, and learn about sponsorship and advertising for the event online at www.goodwillakron.org. Questions about the Employee of Distinction Luncheon can be directed to Tracy Keenan at 330-786-2573 or tkeenan@goodwillakron.org. 

 Event Details

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 @ 11:30AM @ Guy's Party Centre, 500 E. Waterloo Road, Akron, $25, RSVP at www.goodwillakron.org  

Need Your Busines
 Brochures and/or Marketing Materials!
For those of you who do not know, we have a display rack in our chamber office of our members' marketing materials.
We use these in relocation packets for new residents and the general public when they stop in.  Please contact the office to drop off business cards, brochures, etc.  This is your chance to market yourself and your business!
Streetsboro Map
Did your business advertise in the 2010 community map?  If you have not received your copies, please contact the chamber office to arrange a timely pick-up.
What's happening around town? The calendar for the City of Streestboro can be viewed by clicking here.
nature shot
Looking to find what events are happening with the Streetsboro City Schools?  Click
to view their 
Rockets Logo
Meghan's Moment...
Meghan-newAnother Opportunity-How Are We Doing?
Of course no organization is ever perfect, but what is important is working to constantly improve.  Your feedback governs many of our future steps.  So, how are we doing? Do you have suggestions for future luncheons?  What else would you like to see in our newsletter?  Is our communication sufficient enough for your business needs?  I'd encourage everyone to continue staying involved in the chamber as much as possible or getting more involved if you currently are not.  We pride our organization on our membership, and want to make sure we are meeting everyone's business needs to the best of our ability.  This newsletter is packed with upcoming events and ways to get more involved.  Please take a minute to read through it and submit any feedback if you have any.  Wishing everyone a safe and happy rest of the Summer! 
 coevolveProblem Solve,
                            Get Involved,
                            We'll Co-evolve!
There's only 2 weeks left!
Yup, you may be hearing the buzz around town, and the rumors are true!  This year you still have the opportunity to sponsor a hole for $100 and have your name on the sign, but for only $50 more, you receive a sign on the hole AND the green, plus you can have a table set up with a rep from your business to meet and greet and pass out promos all day.  A rep is not required, but it's a great way to get business exposure, especially if you are not a golfer.  Contact the chamber today sign up for your hole and green sponsorship for only $150!  Remember, only 18 spots available!
The 12th Annual Chamber Golf Outing to be held Friday July 23rd at Raccoon Hill Golf Club! To download registration and sponsorship form, visit www.streetsborochamber.org.
Event Sponsored By:

Sponsors must be in by July 15th
Golfers must be registered by July 21st
Still seeking donations for door prizes!
Mark your Calendar 
for these upcoming Events... 
14th-Women in Business Networking Luncheon
19th- Red Cross Blood Drive in Chamber Office Parking lot 12pm-4pm
20th- Coffee 'n Contacts at 8am at Arabica in Liberty Corners Plaza
23rd- Annual Chamber Golf Outing at Racoon Hill Golf Club.  Registration at 8:30am. Shotgun start at 10am.
28th-Membership meeting (all welcome) 3pm at Kent Credit Union
30th-Aug 1st-Streetsboro Family Days 
Join Us in Welcoming New Members!
Primary Care Associates of NEO 
Dr. Hugh O'Neill
Dr. Nathan Lucardie
Premiere Medical Partners
Dr. Sherri Barr
Telcon Incorporated
Kevin Kummerlen
American Red Cross
Jennifer Natale
Edward Jones
Jeremy Baynes
Consider amfamConsumer Credit Counseling

Midwest Credit Counseling, a division of Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS), has been helping clients in local communities since 1955.  We are members of the National Foundation Credit Counseling (NFCC) and the Better Business Bureau.  All of our counselors are certified through the NFCC, and maintain certification with ongoing education every two years.  We are licensed in 43 states to provide credit counseling and our national branding identity is Apprisen Financial Advocates. 

We have many services that are offered, but the most requested is our debt managed program, a structured repayment program to reduce and eliminate debt by reducing interest charges and fees that would otherwise be charged to the consumer.  We work with each client to provide an affordable repayment of creditors and help the client reach financial goals through income and expense management.  The client is provided an action plan that outlines those steps a client can take in reaching financial goals and improving personal financial management while becoming debt free.  There is no fee for our counseling sessions.  CCCS also provides housing counseling and is a HUD approved housing counseling agency that help clients that may be past due on mortgage payments or facing foreclosure.  We also assist with providing clients information on how to prepare for the purchase of home, a financial goal that most individuals would like to achieve.  There is no fee for this service as well.  We are also certified by the Unites States Federal Trustees office to provide bankruptcy counseling that would enable a client to obtain a pre filing certificate that is required by Federal law prior to filing bankruptcy.  We also provide the two hour financial management course that is required before an individual can be discharged from a bankruptcy filing. 

Unlike Debt Settlement Agencies, CCCS provides an affordable repayment to creditors that over time will improve your credit and ensure that creditors are repaid in full, although at a lower interest rate.  Debt Settlement will affect your credit negatively and the fees can be very high.  There may be tax implications with the debt that is "forgiven" as well.  There is no "bailout" for the credit card holders, there will be negative ramifications of using a debt settlement agency to reduce debt. 

You can call for an appointment with one of our certified counselors in Streetsboro, Akron, Medina, and Warren by calling 1-800-355-2227.  You can visit our website, www.apprisen.com , and review our agency and all the services provided.  We also have 24/7 virtual counseling available through our Webvisor session.  Our local location in Streetsboro is located at 9205 State Route 43 Suite 104 Streetsboro, Ohio 44241.  Fred Green is our certified counselor at this location.  We look forward to hearing from you and providing assistance if needed!

Kent Credit Union Receives National Awards for Outstanding Marketing Achievements
KCU Diamond AwardKent Credit Union received a Diamond Award, the industry's highest honor, for its entry in the Branding/Corporate Identity category.  Kent Credit Union's objectives and strategy in re-branding their credit union was based on feedback from members, the board of directors, and the staff.  Kathy Hammond, Vice President of Marketing & Business Development, stated, "The input we received was extremely valuable in developing new branding that is iconic, focused and contemporary, linking our credit union to its roots in the community".  CEO Joe Crawfis added, "Our branding reflects stability and growth and differentiates us by suggesting our cooperative nature and exceptional personal service."  The credit union was also recognized with an Award of Merit for its entry in the Logos category.  

Kent Credit Union was recently honored with two national awards recognizing outstanding marketing and business development achievements in the credit union industry.   The awards were presented by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Marketing and Business Development Council, a national network comprised of nearly 1,000 credit union marketing and business development professionals.

"The Diamond Awards recognize the best-of-the-best in credit union marketing, advertising, and business development," said Anne Legg, council chair and vice president of marketing for Cabrillo Credit Union in San Diego, Calif. "It takes hard work, imagination, and perseverance to be selected as a Diamond Award winner from among nearly 1,000 entries."

Award winners were recognized at the council's 17th annual conference at a gala award presentation held recently in Washington, DC.

For more information about Kent Credit Union, please visit www.kentcu.com .

Get to Know Home Depot
home depot logoThe Home Depot has been an active part of the Streetsboro community for the past ten years- offering both full and part time employment to approximately 100 local citizens. Many of our associates are students at local universities - and great effort is made to insure their work schedules coincide with their class and study agendas. We also offer part time employment to many trades people and retired persons requiring access to benefits and flexible work hours. Our full time opportunities offer our associates endless avenues to achieve their personal goals. Weview diversity as an opportunity to expand our horizons.

As a corporation - The Home Depot ascribes  to  a  set of  "core values"  that place  'doing  the right thing'  and  'excellent customer service'   at the head of the  list. We remain  an ongoing  training and product knowledge  schedule that assures our customers  that our associates are some of the most knowledgeable in the industry. The Home Depot also takes great pride in being a fun place to work.  A 'fun card'  is loaded monthly by our home office to ensure funds are available for employee cookouts, Fun Friday treats and other incentives for our associates. 

As a neighbor - The Home Depot is committed to being an active part of our community and will strive to rise to any occasion that presents itself. Our Kids Workshops offer a free constructive project once a month for parents to participate in with their kids encouraging interaction and instilling a sense of accomplishment in their children.  Volunteer  members of Team Depot  from the Streetsboro store have given hundreds hours over the last ten years  building playgrounds, decorating Children's Hospitals, and working on community rehab projects in the extended Cleveland market. Our livelihood comes from this community, and we are proud to serve it in any way we can.  We appreciate your business. We fully intend to maintain our position of "Employer of Choice, Neighbor of Choice and Retailer of Choice."


June Luncheon in Review

Sponsored by Primary Care Associates of NEO
Terissa Miller of Primary Care Associates introduces Dr. Lucardie and Dr. O'Neill
Terissa Miller
On Wednesday June 9th, chamber members and guests gathered at the Rusty Nail to learn about employee health benefits and tips to keep a trim waistline.  More importantly, they were educated on ways to provide wellness education and opportunities to fellow employees.  The event was sponsored by Primary Care Associates of Northeast Ohio.  The next monthly luncheon will be the Women in Business luncheon on Wednesday July 14th at St. Joan of Arc Parish.  Networking begins at 11:30am.  Speaker: Lt. Diana Woolf of the Streetsboro Fire Department.  Sponsor: Kent Credit Union.  Members are $15.  Non-members are $20. RSVP by July 12th at 330.626.4769.
Members enjoyed a buffet lunch at the Nail
June group shot
Member to Member


Enjoy the offers provided by our members!
A benefit to being a member of the Streetsboro Area Chamber of Commerce is the discounts that our members offer to each other. If your business is not listed here, and you would like it to be, please contact the Chamber office with your details. (To be listed here, you must be a paid, up-to-date member of the SACC.)
Aurora Farms Premium Outlets
330.562.2000 - Claude Hopkins
Free VIP Coupon Book ($5 retail value)
Classic Nissan of Streestboro
835 Classic Drive
1% over invoice on all new cars (except 370Z & GTR models)
Fairfield Inn & Suites and TownePlace Suites by Marriott
Special rate for all chamber members: Both Hotels are currently being offered at $79.00/night.  Meeting rooms are $75.00 a day.
Felber and Felber Marketing
Experience the Latest in Mobile Marketing! TEXT Felber to 91011 for access to exclusive events, specials and prizes. (No more than a few text messages a month)
Mark W. Boslett Inc. CPA
Offering $30 discount for all Chamber members or referrals for tax preparation services.
Park View Federal
9305 Market Square Drive, Streetsboro
2.00% APY on a Savings Account
330.388.2771 - Barbara Kachenko
Your choice of carpet or house cleaning after moving out or before moving in if you buy/sell with us!
Settler's Landing Apartments
330.528.1336 - Traci Zemba
Offering a Layoff Proof Lease
Teresa's Pizza
330.422.0050 - Billy Smith
20% off (excludes all other offers)