'Our Business is Helping Your Business'

NEWSLETTER - September 2009

In This Issue
October's Chamber Luncheon
A Dose of Inspiration
Member Spotlight ComDoc
Member Feature Woodview
2009 Community & Business Expo
A Client Blows Their Own Horn
Save the Date!
Fire Station Luncheon Recap
Buzzoodle Wakes 'Em Up
Building a Prospecting Hierarchy

October  Chamber Luncheon

The October Networking Luncheon will be held Thursday October 14th at Twin Lakes Country Club.  Networking begins at 11:30am.  Lunch is served at noon.  Kent Credit Union will be sponsoring the event.  The speaker will be Jim Ahern from Sandler Training.
  Members are $15.00 and Prospective Members are $17.00.
Please RSVP to the Chamber to save your spot! 
Meet your Chamber Board Members
Executive Director
Meghan Urbon
Office Assistant
Dolores Kuhn 
Bill Griffith
Griffith Consulting
Immediate Past President
Bruce Felber  Felber & Felber Marketing
1st Vice President
Rick Shaffer Shaffer Design Works
2nd Vice President
Steve Schwartz HoneyBaked Ham
Cheryl DeCavitch HomeSavings Bank
Regular Board
David Christopher
Integrity Home Evaluation Services, LLC
Amy Wright Frankie & Dylan's Collision Center
Bobi Ryczek Western Southern Life
Natasha Squier
Third Federal Savings 
Greg Weigle Reach Local
Joe Snee Deluxe Corporation
Chief Richard Taiclet Streetsboro Police Dept.
Linda T. Keller Superintendent Streetsboro City Schools
A Little Dose of Inspiration...
"The Fence"
There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag full of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled down. He discovered that it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were now pulled.
The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said. "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like the nails have done. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one."
Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their heart to us.

lunch holiday
This Month's featured
 Chamber Member:
ComDoc was originally founded in Akron, Ohio by Walter G. Griffith on October 15th, 1955. The company was established as a business equipment sales/service organization.  In 1981 ComDoc's current name was coined, derived from the words "COMmunication" and "DOCumentation."  Over the last few decades, ComDoc experienced steady growth while sales broke record after record.  The acquisition of Information Works, led to the development of today's all-inclusive offerings, creating the ideal environment for ComDoc's PRINT responsibly methodology.  In February of 2009 ComDoc was purchased by Global Imaging Solutions, a Xerox Company, in order to service and sell superior products within the industry.   The merger of ComDoc and Global Imaging Solutions positions ComDoc to be at the forefront of their industry for many years to come by offering the same unique and award winning service combined with Xerox's product and technology innovation.
 Chamber Member Feature:
Woodview Commons Apartments
Woodview Commons Apartments is located at 1107 Frost Road in Streestboro.  With newly renovated, over-sized two bedroom apartments, you'll want to live here!  Winner of the Northeast Ohio Apartment Association's Silver Key Award in 2008 and 2009!  For information, call 866-399-2508 24/7, or email or call Wendy Stuart at 330-626-9711. 

Looking to find what events are happening with the Streetsboro City Schools?  Click
to view their 
Rockets Logo
What's happening around town? The calendar for the City of Streestboro can be viewed by clicking here.
nature shot
Meghan's Moment...
Meghan Urbon
Have you ever felt like you had a major "to do" list and even though you crossed everything off physically, you still felt like you should have done something more?  I'm almost five months into my chamber term, and as I watch fall arrive, I wonder where the summer went and rack my brain thinking "what did I accomplish?" And don't worry, I haven't been sitting around playing darts in my office, watching soap opera re-runs and eating s'mores. Ok, maybe one s'more, but my point is I came into a position where I wanted to "accomplish it all" and even though I'm making progress, I'm still feeling like there's so much more I could do!!  I think we all get overwhelmed in our jobs when we are assigned to projects and, let's be honest, our lives are still happening around us.  We end up getting so stressed along the journey that we cannot wait for a project to be over and when it is, it's easy to say, "that was OK I guess."  Everyone faces stress and extemporaneous factors that affect our everyday lives, but in the end, we still need to reflect on our accomplishments-it is only healthy!  I want everyone to try this, whether it be on a large scale or small scale project.  Think back to the most recent project or task and write down everything that went well-you can even throw in a compliment or two that people gave you.  Next, write down any sort of problem you had on the project or an idea to change for next time.  What I think you will find is a certain level of satisfaction in yourself that your hard work paid off.  We feel rejuvenated when we accomplish a trying feat.  We need to remember to congratulate ourselves for a job well done, to refuel and empower us for our next task and create a more healthy work life.  Now, there's always a chance we may look back and say, "Wow, I really dropped the ball on that one," but remember that's why pencils have erasers-we learn from our mistakes. 
Hoping everything "falls" into place as we enter this Autumn season!

2009 Community & Business Expo! 
Join us on October 3rd!
It is time once again for the Chamber's premier event, our 2009 Community & Business EXPO. This event will be a great place to engage the business and residential communities of Streetsboro! Enjoy face painting, art exhibits, local entertainment and demonstrations, a scavenger hunt and even shake hands with McGruff "the police dog."
10am to 2pm, at Streetsboro Middle School
1905 Annalane Drive Streetsboro, OH 44241
Main Sponsor: Soft-Lite Windows
Food Court: Teresa's Pizza assorted Italian Foods
Streetsboro Chamber Famous from the Grille Burgers and Hot Dogs
Featured Businesses: 
Mary Kay Cosmetics
Kent Credit Union
Maple Wood Care Centre
Home Savings & Loan
American Family Insurance
Akron Beacon Journal
Robinson Health Center at Streetsboro
Consumer Credit Counseling
Goodwill Industries
Ravenna VA Clinic
The Weekend College at Hiram College
Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County
Flu Prevention Education Committee
Snap Fitness
Key Bank of Streetsboro
Layman & Associates
Creative Impressions Embroidery
Woodview Commons
Settlers Landing
St. Thomas Lutheran
Felber & Felber Marketing
WNIR Bob Long
Grand Promotional Products
Church of Christ
Physicians Weightloss Center
Lewis Family Chiropractic
Rejoice Lutheran Church
City of Streetsboro/Senior Center
Geis Companies
Griffith Management & Consulting
Hattie Larlham
Mayor Art Scott
Streetsboro City Schools
PASS Levy Committee
Friends of the Library
Portage Park District
Portage Animal Protective League
Record Publishing Co./Gateway News
Arabica Coffeehouse
Elizabeth Tomasko Attorney at Law
Arby's Catering Services
Becky Doherty for Judge
American Red Cross of Portage County
Streetsboro Fire Dept.
Streetsboro Parks & Recreation
Soft-Lite Windows
Streetsboro Police Department
Streetsboro Fire Department
Mark your Calendar
for these upcoming Events... 
3rd - Community and Business Expo at Streetsboro Middle School, 10am-2pm
6th - Coffee 'n Contacts at Arabica, 8am
13th - Business After Hours with Hudson Chamber at Western Reserve Racquet & Fitness Club, 5-7pm 
14th - Monthly Networking Luncheon, Twin Lakes Country Club, 11:30am
20th - Coffee 'n Contacts at Arabica, 8am
30th -Trunk or Treat at Walmart Parking Lot
3rd - Coffee 'n Contacts at Arabica, 8am
5th - Annual Dinner Banquet (more details to come!)
12th - All-Chamber Business After Hours Event at Hattie Larlham 5:30-7pm 
17th- Coffee 'n Contacts at Arabica, 8am
A Client Who Blows Their Own Horn
By Bruce Felber 
It is not every day that I write about a client that loves to "blow their own horn." You might think that must be a conflict for a marketing/PR agency, but in this case that is not true.                       

Our client actually plays the French horn with Cleveland Brass Works, a brass quintet. I was thrilled to be at a benefit concert last night at the United Methodist Church in Chagrin Falls. This annual concert was a free benefit for the Cleveland Food Bank and featured jazz, Latin and a few show tunes.

Ok so what is so unusual about this? My client is a full-time general dentist. Marty Layman of Martin W. Layman DDS & Associates (see above photo!) operates a large dental practice in Streetsboro, Ohio where he, two other dentists and a full staff attend to the needs of a growing community. Prior to entering the field of dentistry, Marty studied horn performance at the Cleveland Institute of Music. Marty has played in the Ohio Chamber Orchestra, Heights Chamber Orchestra and the Chagrin Studio Orchestra. He can be seen in this video from February of this year.

Marty has been in the practice of dentistry since 1994. Prior to the evolution of Martin W. Layman DDS and Associates in 2009, Dr. Layman had been associated with its predecessor practice since 1995, and was instrumental in the development of the Streetsboro practice in 2005.

Felber & Felber Marketing recently re-branded this practice with new logo design, brochure, profile sheets and a brand new website.

When I asked Marty what does he like better music or dentistry he gave me this answer, "I love music and play whenever I can, but I really love the practice of dentistry and helping out others".

This is one multi-talented person who will make you smile through music or a visit.
Felber and Felber Marketing
(330) 963-3664
Save the Date! 
Our Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner to honor all of the efforts and accomplishments of our members will be held on November 5th!

Fire Station Luncheon Recap     

Our September Luncheon was one our Hottest Lunches yet!  The Luncheon was sponsored by Curtis Professional Group and was held at the Streetsboro Fire Department with over 70 guests in attendance!  Kara Dombroski of the American Red Cross of Portage County discussed Disaster Planning Techniques for Business and Families and also informed guests about the H1N1 flu virus and advised precautions. 
We want to greatly thank the Fire Fighters for giving their time and their station along with their amazing cooking skills to deliver such a delicious batch of chili!  We definitely could not have carried out the lunch without them, and are very appreciative of all of their community services!

Fire house lunch
Serving up great chili!
Fire house lunch crowd 
The crowd listens to Kara Dombrowski speak on behalf of the Red Cross
BuzzoodleCoffee 'n Contacts offers a Wake-Up Call on Social Networking!

Ron McDaniel, CEO of Buzzoodle recently spoke at one of our Tuesday morning Coffee 'n Contacts Sessions.  Ron is a dynamic speaker who travels around the United States discussing ways to create "buzz" for business with various marketing techniques, particularly through blogging and social networking. 
Ron educated an intimate crowd about the uses of various social networking websites such as: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.  He was able to answer many questions and give attendees a wealth of information on how to grow their business.
If you have an idea for a topic or know a good speaker for either a Coffee 'n Contacts session or Monthly Luncheon, please contact the chamber!
Speaking at October's Luncheon... 
"Just get me in front of a prospect and chances are, I will sell them".   Confidence like that will certainly pay dividends...but wait, are you getting in front of enough qualified prospects?  Prospecting is the lifeblood of sales growth and prosperity, and if you are only comfortable with one or two methods of prospecting...you may be missing opportunities.  Jim Ahern from Sandler Training at the Ruby Group will review various prospecting behaviors and how to build your prospecting hierarchy.

Member to Member Discounts
Enjoy the new offers provided by our members!
A benefit to being a member of the Streetsboro Area Chamber of Commerce is the discounts that our members offer to each other. If your business is not listed here, and you would like it to be, please contact the Chamber office with your details. (To be listed here, you must be a paid, up-to-date member of the SACC.)
Fairfield Inn by Marriott & Town Suites
Special rate for all chamber members: Both Hotels are currently being offered at $79.00/night.  Meeting rooms are $75.00 a day.
Felber and Felber Marketing
330-963-3664 ext. 2 
FREE 1 hour marketing review ($250 value)
Park View Federal
9305 Market Square Drive, Streetsboro
2.00% APY on a Savings Account
Physician's Weightloss Centers
9357 S.R. 43, Streetsboro
Free Body Composition Anaylsis
Sketch Studio of Kent
330.221.1274 - Geri Strange
25% discount on all portrait sessions
Aurora Farms Premium Outlet
330.562.2000 - Claude Hopkins
Free VIP Coupon Book ($5 retail value)
Great Lakes Hyundai
330.422.1212 - Bob Petris
Receive 1st year of oil changes free with the purchase of a new or used car.
Also receive a 10% discount on any service - bring a copy of this ad to receive discount.
Re/MAX Traditions
216.408.1513 - Cindy Mustafa
"Buy or sell your home with me, and your Home Warranty is Free."
Free extensive market analysis for your home
Teresa's Pizza
330.422.0050 - Billy Smith
20% off (excludes all other offers)

Classic Nissan of Streestboro
835 Classic Drive
1% over invoice on all new cars (except 370Z & GTR models)
Mr. Handyman
Dave DeCapito - ddecapito@neo.rr.com
25% off standard rates 
Professional Photography
330.554.4576 - Ann Harper
20% off any photo package
330.388.2771 - Barbara Kachenko
Your choice of carpet or house cleaning after moving out or before moving in if you buy/sell with us!
Settler's Landing Apartments
330.528.1336 - Traci Zemba
Offering a Layoff Proof Lease