Did You Know?
Golf offers a nice workout! |
Playing a round of Golf, and riding in a golf cart between holes burns an average of 250 calories per hour.
Playing golf, pushing a bag cart (with wheels) and walking between holes - 300 calories per hour.
Playing golf, lugging your own clubs around at a fast pace, walking between holes - 370 calories per hour.
Join us for our Golf Outing and work out while you have fun!
Meet your Chamber Board Members |
Executive Director
Meghan Urbon
Office Assistant
Dolores Kuhn President
Bill Griffith
Griffith Consulting
Immediate Past President
Bruce Felber Felber & Felber Marketing 1st Vice President
Rick Shaffer Shaffer Design Works
2nd Vice President
Steve Schwartz HoneyBaked Ham
Cheryl DeCavitch HomeSavings Bank
Regular Board
David Christopher Integrity Home Evaluation Services, LLC
Amy Wright Frankie & Dylan's Collision Center
Bobi Ryczek Western Southern Life
Natasha Squier
Third Federal Savings Greg Weigle Reach Local
Joe Snee Deluxe Corporation
Chief Richard Taiclet Streetsboro Police Dept.
Linda T. Keller Superintendent Streetsboro City Schools
Leah Babb
of Mary Kay Cosmetics |
Leah Babb is an Independent Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics.
Leah explains "Joining the Streetsboro Chamber of Commerce was definitely a smart business move. As a new member, I have significantly increased my business and have begun to build meaningful, long-lasting relationships with new customers in only a few months! The networking and training events sponsored by the Chamber have been essential to helping me improve my business and provide excellent customer service." You can reach Leah by calling her:
(330) 618-4122 (cell) (330) 626-1041
This Month's featured
Chamber Member:
Custom Impressions Embroidery
Margaret Swauger, owns Custom Impressions Embroidery. They can machine embroider everything from t-shirts and baseball caps to greeting cards. They are open by appointment, from 10-4, Monday through Friday.
Margaret explains that attending the Chamber events, such as Coffee 'n Contacts has given her more confidence to take her marekting to a different level. She has had great success at networking events and will be launching a website soon!
You can contact Custom Impressions Embroidery by calling 330-673-6799 or emailing them.
The Davey Tree
Expert Company and the United Way of Portage County are teaming up to help the residents of Portage County. The 6th annual Davey Tree 5K/10K Race in support of United Way of Portage County will take place on Saturday, July 4, as part of the annual
Kent Heritage Festival in downtown Kent.
Each year, more than 300 people participate by walking or running the different distances of the event. Registered runners are eligible for awards and raffle prizes. Several opportunities are available to support the race at any sponsorship level.
for more details. To register for the race and get more information, visit the race website. The run and fun walk is a fundraiser and raises
dollars that impact the lives of thousands in Portage County. |
Computer Donations Appreciated!
The Streetsboro Senior Center is in need of older laptop or desktop computers you are not using and would like to donate. They need to be no older than 5 years.
The Center wants to hold computer classes for the seniors and teach them how to use computers as well as give them the computers for use in their homes.
Please call or email the chamber if you are able to help.
Maple Wood Care Centre's Annual Car Show |
Food, Drink, Music and Raffles!
Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles!
July 25, 2009 Gates Open 11am
Shows run
1pm - 5pm
Winners announced at 4pm
Day of Show: $9
Email or call Robert for more information:
Maple Wood Care Centre is located at
1645 Maplewood Drive,
Streetsboro. |
Let Julie know! Email by clicking her name or by calling her at 440-759-5327.
What's happening around town? The calendar for the City of Streestboro can be viewed by clicking here. |
Looking to find what events are happening with the Streetsboro City Schools? Click
to view their
Calendar. |
Advertise with Us! |
Chamber Member Pricing: |
Business Card sized-ads,
full color
3 months-$105
6 months-$190
Email or call for details
| |
Meg's Moment...
"Fore" your information, golf outings are one of the best networking events to get to know fellow businesses and build relationships. I know, I know, it was a tough sell for me at first too, especially as a self-proclaimed "non-golfer". Actually, I refused to even attempt to swing a club until last year. And let's just say my new goal was redirected from hitting the ball really far to actually making contact with the ball at least once out of 50 swings. I easily got discouraged, and it seemed I would try any other sport except golf from that point forward. And to be honest, I hadn't attempted golf until the past year because of the fear of the unknown and assuming it just wasn't for me. I'm proud to say, however, I went to the driving range last week and surprised myself. I hit 50 balls...yes, 50! (I'm not saying they were all wonderful, but I'm progressing and most importantly, I tried.) Now, for those of you feeling like you're in a similar spot as I was before, a golf outing may seem like just that, "another golf outing". But have you attended one before? In the scramble setup, the foursomes play the best shots and putts to use in their scoring so you don't have to be the best golfer. And really in the end, it's all for fun anyway. It's a day away from work, on the course, interacting with others and enjoying the relaxation. If you don't want to be on a foursome team, perhaps you would like to treat the day as a marketing opportunity. A hole and green sponsorship allows you to have your business info displayed on a table at a hole and you can choose to relax there for the day and interact with the golfers as they pass through. You also have the options to volunteer for the day or just attend the dinner in the afternoon. But I definitely think it's worth a shot, and we've tried to create many ways for all of our members to get involved this year! For others who are golfers and look forward to these outings, enjoy the day and make a point to get your name and business out there while on the course and throughout the event. Everyone is in a laid back comfortable atmosphere, and this is a great time to build relationships. We are looking forward to a delicious dinner at the end of the day with many great raffle prizes to give away. I'm so excited for this outing, and it's not too late for you to get involved too! See you on the course, and if you find the day to be less than what you expected, I may have to use my mulligan on that one...but I have a feeling it will at least make par!
Mark your Calendar
for these upcoming Events...
June 30th, Coffee 'n Contacts, Arabica, 8:00am
"Networking 101" Session July
14th, Coffee 'n Contacts at Arabica, 8am
15th, Membership meeting at Eat 'n Park, 9am
24th, Golf Outing at Raccoon Hill
28th, Coffee 'n Contacts at Arabica, 8am
29th, Women in Business, Hampton Inn, 11:30am
11th, Coffee 'n Contacts at Arabica, 8am 13th, Chamber Luncheon at Hattie Larlham. Representatives of Hattie Larlham will be our speakers and will provide tours after the lunch. Networking begins at 11:30am.
19th, Membership meeting at Eat 'n Park, 9am 19th, BBQ After-hours Event at Simplex-IT, Hudson, 4pm-8pm
25th, Coffee 'n Contacts at Arabica, 8am |
By Chief Richard Taiclet How quickly your company can get back to business after a fire, tornado or other disaster depends on emergency planning today. While recognizing that each situation is unique, your organization can be better prepared if it plans carefully, puts emergency procedures in place, and practices for all kinds of emergencies. A commitment to planning today will help support employees, customers, the community, the local economy and even the country. It also protects your business investment and gives your company a better chance for survival. PLAN TO STAY IN BUSINESS by considering the following points: Continuity Planning: Identify operations critical to survival and recovery. Assess your functions to determine which staff, materials, procedures and equipment are absolutely necessary to keep the business operating. Identify key suppliers, shippers, resources and other businesses you must interact with on a daily basis. A disaster that shuts down a key supplier can be devastating to your business. Also, plan what you will do if your building, plant or store is not accessible. Emergency Planning for Employees: Your employees are your business' most valuable asset. Communication is vital before, during and after a disaster. Include emergency information in newsletters, emails, etc, and keep your employees informed and updated on procedures. Provide an out of town contact number in the event the employee cannot contact the company or you cannot contact them. Emergency Supplies: Make up one or more basic emergency supply kits to have on hand. At a minimum, this should include water, food, battery-powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries, first aid kit, whistle, wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, and moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation. Keep copies of important records such as building plans, insurance policies, employee contact and identification information, bank account records, suppliers and shipping contact lists, computer backups and other priority documents in a waterproof, fireproof portable container. Store a second set of records at an off-site location. Planning to Stay or Go: Depending on your circumstances and the nature of the disaster, the first important decision after an incident occurs is whether to shelter-in-place or evacuate. You should understand and plan for both possibilities in advance by (1) making an evacuation plan, and (2) making a shelter-in-place plan. Other Matters to Consider: Practice plans with co-workers Promote family and individual preparedness Write a crisis communication plan Support employee health after a disaster Review insurance coverage Prepare for utility disruptions Secure facilities. buildings, and plants Improve cyber security These elements only outline common sense measures business owners and managers can take to start getting ready. You should plan in advance to manage any emergency. Be prepared to assess the situation, use common sense and available resources to take care of yourself, your co-workers and your business' recovery. Besides, preparing makes good business sense! |
2009 Annual Golf Outing
Friday July 24th
Raccoon Hill Golf Course Join us for one of our biggest events of the year! New prices & Sponsorships
$75- individual golfer
$300- foursome team
$400- foursome team + hole sponsorship
$500- foursome team + hole sponsorship + green sponsorship
Sponsorship Opportunities:
$100- hole sponsorship
$200- hole + green sponsorship
$200- beverage cart sponsorship
$150- cart sponsorship (business name on 15 carts)
$25- table sponsorship (showcase your business in the center of a dinner table)
Please contact the chamber if you would like to sponsor the entire outing for this year! All RSVP's can be made by contacting the Chamber. Phone: 330-626-4769 Fax: 330-422-1118 www.streetsborochamber.org
Hole-in-One Contest Sponsored by:
Classic Nissan of Streetsboro |
June Joint Chamber Luncheon Recap
Dr. John Miller gives a riveting presentation...
The June All Portage County Chamber luncheon was held at Twin Lakes Country Club and had 116 attendees from all of our Portage County Chambers. Professor Emeritus, John Miller was the featured speaker who focused his message on "It's not about what you have, it's what you do with what you have." Many guests were very receptive to the message and said they had an enjoyable time. The chambers would like to continue to do more collaborative events in the future to increase the networking opportunities for members and provide more benefits to their business efforts. Thanks to all who attended!
Event Wrap-Up...
This year was the 3rd Annual Hats Off to Hattie Event Fundraiser held at Liberty Corners Plaza. The event raised a record high $8,000 to donate to The Hattie Larlham Foundation. Among the events of the day, the Police and Fire Departments were present with the DARE program, K-9 Unit and Smokehouse vehicle. The Boardwines and Homewreckers were the musical entertainment of the day receiving many great reviews. Former Globetrotter, Derek Polk was present to show kids some basketball skills, and many clubs and businesses donated their time, efforts and prizes to help the cause. The event will look to continue next year-thanks for all of the community support!
Coffee 'n Contacts in Review...  They say.... "In business it's not what you know, but who you know that counts!" And, we've all heard that people do business with people they know, like and trust. So how do you leverage both of these sayings to your benefit? Well, one great way is to regularly attend the Coffee & Contacts get-together, at Arabica, every other Tuesday. It's free, no networking group fees, and you also get to enjoy a great cup of coffee - courtesy of Arabica! Use this time to foster a network of people who your prospects already know, like and trust. They'll walk you in the front door, right past the gatekeeper to Mr. or Ms. Right. The good news is these get-togethers should be fun. If you get all nervous, or have had a bad experience, maybe your approach needs to be different...remember these events are about developing relationships with others in business, they're not about selling. And because the meetings are about relationships, don't expect to show-up once every other month, and wonder why no one is referring you to their network! Become a regular attendee. Use each get-together to get to know someone and what their business is about, beyond their 30-second commercial. Most lasting relationships are developed before and after the official meeting. Arrive early, stay a little late. Some of the best referrals I've received come from individuals that are the least likely to need my service directly. Never presume to know whom others know! Personally, I can directly attribute 4 clients I currently serve, to relationships formed at the Streetsboro Coffee & Contacts, just in the past 3 months. I look forward to seeing you at the next Coffee & Contacts, grab a cup of coffee and please say hello...I'm looking forward to hearing more about you and your business! Respectfully, Keith Blain Owner & CEO The Growth Coach
| |
Member to Member Discounts
Enjoy the new offers provided by our members!
A benefit to being a member of the Streetsboro Area Chamber of Commerce is the discounts that our members offer to each other. If your business is not listed here, and you would like for it to be, please contact the Chamber office with your details. (To be listed here, you must be a paid, up-to-date member of the SACC.) Member Discount
Park View Federal 2.00% APY on a 9305 Market Square Dr. Statement
Streetsboro Savings Account
Physician's Weightloss Centers Lose up to 20 lbs. in
9357 S.R. 43 in 4 weeks, only
330-626-4444 $200 (enroll by 6/27)
Free Body Composition Analysis
Sketch Studio of Kent 25% discount on all
330-221-1274 portrait sessions
Aurora Farms Premium Outlet Free VIP Coupon
Claude Hopkins Book
(330) 562-2000 ($5 retail value)
Great Lakes Hyundai Receive 1st year
Bob Petris of oil changes free
(330) 422-1212 with the purchase
of a new or used
Also receive a 10% discount on any service.
Bring a copy of this ad to receive this discount.
Re/MAX Traditions Free extensive
Cindy Mustafa market analysis for
(216) 408-1513 your home
"Buy or sell your home with
me, and your Home Warranty is Free". Teresa's Pizza 20% off. Excludes all Billy Smith other offers. 330-422-0050
Classic Nissan of 1% over invoice on
Streetsboro all new cars (except
835 Classic Drive 370Z & GTR models).
Mr. Handyman 25% off standard
Dave DeCapito rates
Professional Photography 20% off any photo
Ann Harper package
ReMax/Haven Your choice of
Barbara Kachenko carpet or house
(330) 388-2771 cleaning after
before moving in if
you buy/sell with us |