Join us March 7th at the Streetsboro High School at 6:00pm. Contact Dolores at the Chamber Office for tickets. Adults
Students/Seniors $3
Kids under 3 free |
Meet your Chamber Board Members |
Bill Griffith
Griffith Consulting
Immediate Past President
Bruce Felber Felber & Felber Marketing 1st Vice President
Rick Shaffer Shaffer Design Works
2nd Vice President
Steve Schwartz HoneyBaked Ham
Cheryl DeCavitch HomeSavings Bank
Regular Board
David Christopher Integrity Home Evaluation Services, LLC
Amy Wright Frankie & Dylan's Collision Center
Bobi Ryczek Western Southern Life
Natasha Squier
Third Federal Savings Greg Weigle Reach Local
Joe Snee Deluxe Corporation
Chief Richard Taiclet Streetsboro Police Dept.
Linda T. Keller Superintendent Streetsboro City Schools
Mayor's Speech |
Over 50 people attended the February chamber luncheon featuring Streetsboro Mayor Thomas Wagner. The mayor had opening statements on the state of the city, how they are responding to the economic status and what the city would like to do to move forward. The mayor spoke about the need to pass the city income tax that will be on the May ballot. He explained why residents must pass both the tax credit and the tax increase for the increase to pass. About 60% of the residents would actually see a tax reduction and the city would get another 1%. The hopes were to keep our safety forces strong and start repairing roads in the city. Mr. Wagner also took questions from the floor.
Advertise with Us! |
Chamber Member Pricing: |
Business Card sized-ads,
full color
3 months-$105
6 months-$190
Speaking in March... |
Increasing Productivity: How to Do More with Less in a Down Economy
Deborah Carney, CPO� (Certified Professional Organizer�), and founder of New Order Organizers LLC, will illustrate how we can all stay on top of our tasks and be more productive and why this is more important this year more than in previous years. The luncheon will be March 11th, at Twin Lakes Country Club. Networking opportunities begin at 11:30am followed by lunch and our featured presentation. Cost is $15.00 for chamber members and $17.00 for non-members. To register please email or call the Streetsboro Chamber office at 330-626-4769. Reservations are required in advance. |
Looking to find what events are happening with the Streetsboro City Schools? Click
to view their
Calendar. |
This month's featured Chamber Member:
Action Auto Body |
Action Auto Body is located at
8895 State Rt. 14 in Streetsboro. They repair collision damaged vehicles for the insurance industry. They are open Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm. Mark Thompson and Ralph Shaffer say that their Chamber membership has offered their business increased exposure. They have met many new local business people and try to do more business with them as well! You can give them a call at 330-626-3116. |
"Hats Off to Hattie" Charity Fundraiser
(for the benefit of Hattie Larlham)
Liberty Corners Plaza - Streetsboro
(corner of Rt. 43 & Market Square Drive by the clock tower)
Saturday, June 6, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us!
Visit their website or call 330-274-2272 for more details!
What's happening around town?The calendar for the City of Streestboro can be viewed by clicking here. |
Let Julie know! Email by clicking her name or by calling her at 440-759-5327.
Special Thanks |
We would like to thank Jennifer Cales, of Automated Packaging, for the hard work she put into editing pieces that went into this newsletter.
From the President As we look forward to the spring weather we also look forward to an exciting time for the Chamber and the members representing it.
The Board represents the city, the schools, the residents and the business owners and operators. I want to extend a thank you to the Board Members for their involvement in the community and commitment to the Streetsboro area.
We are moving forward with the process of filling the vacant Executive Director position. We are in the middle of the selection process and hope to have someone selected and in place soon.
The Streetsboro Chamber Health Fair has been scheduled for April 23rd at St. Joan of Arc Church from 2pm-6pm. This event was one of our best attended events last year and we hope it will be again this year. Please join us!
Coffee and Contacts has been increasing in popularity so much that we have scheduled it for every other Tuesday at the Arabica Coffee on State Route 43 and Market Square Drive from 8am to 9am. Mark your calendar for the next dates; March 3rd & March 17th. The event is free to members of the Streetsboro Chamber. The discussion is relaxed and informative. The coffee is warming and the atmosphere is perfect! The forum gives the Members of the Chamber a chance to promote their services, and discuss future business opportunities.
Membership is one of the keys to the success of the Chamber. Our next membership committee meeting will be held at the Eat' n Park Restaurant, on March 18th at 9a.m. Businesses interested in finding out what the Streetsboro Chamber is all about are welcome to attend. Members that want to help us grow, please come and share your thoughts and expertise.
This is going to be an exciting but challenging year for the Streetsboro Chamber. Let's work together for success!
'Believe you can and you can. Belief is one of the most powerful of all problem dissolvers. When you believe that a difficulty can be overcome, you are more than halfway to victory over it already.' -Norman Vincent Peale 1898-1993
Bill Griffith
Opportunities at the Chamber
By Julie Dvornicky, Simplex-IT
I recently embarked on a dual-fold professional decision...leave the world of IT recruiting to return to marketing, and venture out of my community to work in very unfamiliar Hudson. In December, I joined up with Bob Coppedge and Simplex-IT, a Managed Services firm. We provide an IT department when your company can't or doesn't want to employ a full-time staff. We efficiently and effectively manage and maintain your network, prevent downtime and provide tech support. And, we work with you to plan future directives and initiatives in a time when economics are worse for wear. I work with a group of the most talented (and certified) IT professionals I've ever met and am proud to support and represent a company that provides so much in technology and is so passionate about what they do. My networking ventures in this new position include reaching out to area Chambers of Commerce. I appreciate the atmosphere where people help one another and genuinely want to see fellow businesses succeed. Times are tough and reputations are everything. If we join forces and are able to speak up on the behalf of others, why not? I was first introduced to the Streetsboro Chamber of Commerce via an email between my boss and Dolores Kuhn. Even in the written word, her welcoming smile came through. I joined the group for 'Coffee and Contacts' at Arabica and was immediately comfortable. The round table discussions led by Bill Griffith and the genuine involvement and interest were fantastic! I decided to again meet up with members at the January luncheon. Twin Lakes Country Club provided the perfect snowy day setting for great conversation, a fabulous speaker and all around fun camaraderie. I left that day feeling involved, informed and ready to tackle the rest of the work day...and my new venture at Simplex-IT. We often underestimate the power of networking - of engaging in casual conversation to better acquaint, with the possibility of opening doors to so many other opportunities. In a given day, we also forget to take a moment to slow down, catch our breaths and step out of the norm to enjoy a lunch or networking session, or a cup of coffee with business partners. I truly appreciate the hospitality that the Streetsboro Chamber has extended to me. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Bob and his team at Simplex-IT and I truly hope to meet more of you, and be able to continue the wonderful network that we're building, and support the city in its efforts to bring us all together.
Click here for Julie's Biography |
Member Benefits 
How We Help You Advertise Your Business -Free listing on our website in the Members Section with links to your website -Getting referred by the Chamber when inquiries are received for services and products by advertising in our monthly newsletter -Email blasts to all members promoting events and announcements -Ribbon cutting ceremonies -Sponsorship opportunities at special events -Member-to-Member discounts How your Membership Can Make a Difference and Impact the Community
Our strong Chamber has enabled us to partner with North Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce (NOACC) to bring our members great savings on: Health Insurance, Workers Compensation and Group Rated Programs, Credit Card Processing, and Much More -Through support of the local schools by mentoring students and sharing 21st Century skills with children -The Chamber represents the business community on city issues directly impacting businesses -The awarding of a yearly Chamber Scholarship to a graduating high school senior -Annual Dinner and Awards to honor businesses and individuals who have contributed to the community
How Your Membership Helps You Get New Clients, Customers, Vendors, and Employees, While Showcasing Your Business -Regular networking events: Business After Hours, Lunches, Coffees, Golf Outings, Health Fair, Reverse Raffle, and Silent Auction -Community Showcase & Business EXPO -Listing in the Portage Chamber Directory and other Chamber publications -All Portage County Chamber Events like Super Networking Breakfasts and Lunches
-Job Fairs -Free Seminars provided by Akron Score and Small Business Development Center at KSU
-Representation in Relocation Packets to new residents and businesses -Brochure and Business Card display
Guest Contributor...
Sales Gospel According to Joseph - You Can't Solve World Peace with a Dress and Tiara
By Jason Joseph Tarr Resolution (according to Webster's): Determination, strong will. To resolve or make a firm resolution to do something. Every year during the month of January I make it a point to get to the gym every day extra early (usually before 5:30am) to beat the Resolution Crowd (as I call them). These are the people who have vowed to "get in shape" as part of their New Year's "promise" to themselves. It is in fact the best month at gyms and fitness centers in terms of new enrollment and attendance (followed second by spring break). I'll admit it is sometimes a struggle and my body is often weaker later on in the day but it is a sacrifice that I only need to make for one month. You see, 80% of those that join the gym for these reasons never return after January (stats from Gold's Gym). They give up. So much for Webster's determination and strong will. The #1 reason that resolutions fail is not on the side of execution (although that is very important) but on the side of preparation. The majority public makes a New Year's Resolution with no second thought blindly saying "I'm going to lose weight, I'm going to be a better person, I'm going to save more money, etc." Why not just join the ranks of pageantry and say "I'm going to solve world peace." All of these can be achieved, but not without a well thought, detailed plan. For example, let's say your New Year's Resolution is to Increase your sales and become a World Class Performer (I know, far fetched). To achieve this, you may have detailed out the following plan:
Review the past: Take a detailed, honest look at your efforts last year and assess what worked and what didn't. Can you change your pitch or approach? Can you better maximize your time? Did you effectively cross sell? Did you listen more than you were talking?
Make your sales effort a priority: Clearly define and set daily goals in terms of the number of prospects and clients that you will approach each day. Set clear goals for the number of sales you will make each day, month, quarter, year. Part of this process includes setting aside uninterrupted time dedicated to selling activities. The Harvard Business School estimates that sales people only spend 28% of their day actually selling (interviewing/presenting) to prospects/clients. Don't get bogged down in emails, conversations, or non-selling activities that can be done early morning or late evening.
Increase your knowledge (product and sales): Make a plan to become the expert in your market or your industry! Know your products. Know your competitors products. Know how you are superior to the competition, where you fall short, and how you can overcome those shortfalls. Listen to motivating and sales training CDs/Mp3s. Read, Read, Read, and then read some more! Instead of watching American Idol, read books on sales skills, creativity, motivation, and presentation skills. If you spend just an hour a day reading, you can get through at least 15 books a year.
Unify and utilize your team: They are called sales teams and business partners for a reason. USE THEM! Be proactive and maintain regular meetings with everyone on your team. Stay informed of each others pipeline. Understand their sales model and how they are paid. Who is their ideal client? How can you work together smarter? Finally, utilize your senior partners (ie: Regional Mgr, Director, etc) to help you not only win business but also to help critique your sales skills and call approaches. Or if you want to disregard the above: Get William Shatner as a host. Throw on a sequined dress. Strap on some high heels and a tiara. And hope for world peace. You decide. Jason Joseph Tarr JosephBurke
Click here for Jason's biography... |
Help Our Students go to
Washington D.C.
Can we assist in any way with this important trip for our future leaders?
February 5, 2009
Dear Chamber Members,
This spring, May 27-29, about 120 of our 8th grade students will be going on a trip to Washington DC. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to relate much of what they have been learning in school to the real world. During the trip the students will have the opportunity to visit the The White House, The Capitol Building, The WWII Memorial, The WWI Memorial, The Vietnam Memorial, The Korean Memorial, The Ford's Theatre, The Kennedy Center, The Smithsonian Institute, The Lincoln Memorial, The FDR Memorial, The Jefferson Memorial and other historical sites. For many of our students this may be a once and a lifetime opportunity.
The trip will cost between $395 and $420 depending on the number of students attending. The trip is paid for by families. Our 8th grade teachers have put together a number of fundraisers to try and lower the cost per student. However, because of the current economics there are some families that cannot afford this opportunity for their son or daughter. There are perhaps 2 -3 students that are in this situation. Our hope is that no student will be denied this wonderful opportunity due to finances.
With this in mind we are reaching out to the Chamber of Commerce with the hope that a local business would sponsor a student in need so that they can take advantage of this trip. Steve Hatch
Principal, Streetsboro Middle School |
The Streetsboro Area Chamber of Commerce Proudly Presents Its Second Annual Health Fair
Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 at St.Joan of Arc Hall in Streetsboro
from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
We are seeking the following to participate: Dentists Chiropractors Opticians Pharmacies Weight Loss Centers Fitness Centers Podiatrists Pediatricians Dermatologists General Practitioners Insurance Companies
Assisted Living & Rehab/Nursing Facilities (And anyone who is in the healthcare field) This is a great way to gain new clients and educate the public on good health practices. Cost for a table is $75.00 for registration by March 13th After March 13th table cost is $100 -------------------------------- Please email, fax or mail the Business name, contact person and phone number to:
Streetsboro Chamber of Commerce
9205 State Route 43, Suite 202
Streetsboro, Ohio 44241
Fax: 330-422-1118
Friendly Faces at Chamber Events...
| |
Member to Member Discounts A benefit to being a member of the Streetsboro Area Chamber of Commerce is the discounts that our members offer to each other. If your business is not listed here, and you would like for it to be, please contact the Chamber office with your details. (To be listed here, you must be a paid, up-to-date member of the SACC.) Member Discount
Aurora Farms Premium Outlet Free VIP Coupon
Claude Hopkins Book
(330) 562-2000 ($5 retail value)
Great Lakes Hyundai Receive 1st year
Bob Petris of oil changes free
(330) 422-1212 with the purchase
of a new or used
Also receive a 10% discount on any service.
Bring a copy of this ad to receive this discount.
Re/MAX Traditions Free extensive
Cindy Mustafa market analysis for
(216) 408-1513 your home
"Buy or sell your home with
me, and your Home Warranty is Free".
Teresa's Pizza 20% off. Excludes all Billy Smith other offers. 330-422-0050
Classic Nissan of 1% over invoice on
Streetsboro all new cars (except
835 Classic Drive 370Z & GTR models).
Cara Wilson
330-422-7300 or