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SCDA August Egram
July 31, 2009

As you know, due to the efforts of the ADA to reverse the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) decision on the Red Flag Rules, the FTC issued a 90 day delay in the enforcement.  The rules would have gone into effect May 1, but now have been delayed to at least August 1.  The FTC announced recently that it had issued another 90-day delay until November 1, 2009.  Please click here to read more about the update.
SCDA Blue LogoThe SCDA invites you to volunteer your time and services for 2 events, both being held on Friday, August 7, 2009.
1st Event: Tom Joyner's Back to School event at the State Farirgounds at the  Americraft Cantey Building from 6am to 2pm.  The Colgate van will be coming.  We need your help for dental screenings.  We need at least 12 volunteers working in 4 shifts of 2 hours each, 3 per shift.
1st Shift    6am - 8am
2nd Shift    8am-10am
3rd Shift    10am-12pm
4th Shift    12pm-2pm
2nd Event: Countdown to Kindergarten Program at EdVenture Children's Museum in Columbia, 5pm - 8pm.
We need at least 12-14 volunteers working in 2 shifts of 90 minutes each.
1st Shift 5pm-6:30pm
2nd Shift 6:30pm-8:00pm
3rd Event - Saturday, August 15th: South Carolina Primary Healthcare Association's "Healthy Children Healthy Lifestyles" event at the Drew Wellness Center, 2101 Walker Solomon Way (corner of Harden and Calhoun), Columbia, SC from 10am - 2pm.   
We need at least 10 volunteers working in 2 shifts of 2 hours each, 5 per shift.
1st  Shift      10am - 12pm
2nd Shift      12pm -   2pm
All you have to do is show up and bring a colleague, if you like.
The SCDA will have all the necessary supplies on hand such as pen lights, tongue suppressors, mirrors, gloves, screening sheets and "goodie bags" for the children.  Feel free to bring your own tools if you like.
Please contact Christy at the SCDA ( if you would like to assist.

Thanks in advance for your willingness to help in these projects !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dad logo 
For months now you have been reading about SCDA's first DAD (Dental Access Days) project set for August 27-29 in North Charleston.  If you plan on volunteering and haven't done so already, please do so immediately.  Final plans are being made for this worthwhile event.  You can visit the SCDA website to see a video of a similar event held by the NC Dental Society plus other information that may be helpful.  Please access the volunteer form and sign up today.  Plan a trip to the beach and help our state get healthier at the same time! 
Phil Latham
SCDA Executive Director