Take Charge of Your Transition"
Of course, the best time to begin planning for your next job transition is when you're still employed and receiving a paycheck! Our new product offerings, including our Transition Roadmap, will help you whether you're preparing for your future or are already in transition to your next great position. See clips from our recent workshops, "Soft Landing - Take Charge of Your Transition! For Effective Interviews, know your own Leadership Style! How can you recognize the style of your interviewer? How can you flex your style to the interviewer, in order to be most effective? Take our $25 DISC Individual Style Assessment and receive your 18-page confidential report.
Is your resume getting you interviews? Is it getting you return phone calls? Is your networking effectively getting you leads and contacts? Are you dazzling your interviewers and prospective bosses? If the answer to these questions is no, we can help you get you attention you need in today's market! For One-on-One Transition Coaching and to book our workshop for your organization, click here! |
The Boom in Business Coaching!
Do YOU want to become a coach?
We believe in learning through experience. In this course, you will choose your own pro-bono client and practice your newly-learned coaching skills right from the start.
Welcome to our Newsletter! We will be providing you with many provocative articles and some free tips to help you succeed in your role, grow to your next level, and even find your next great position! |
Does Your Team Need a Tune-up or an Overhaul?
If your teams are not performing as needed, what do you do about it?
Here's a quick primer on how to begin...
First of all, you need to diagnose the problem. Here are some symptoms that might help you figure out which solution is best for you.
-Do the team members understand their behavioral style, and how they relate to others? -Is the company and the team achieving its strategic goals? -Are members able to have difficult conversations when necessary and resolve issues in a positive way? -Is the emphasis on meeting the strategic plans and goals vs. the day-to-day work ?
If the answer to these questions is "YES", then your team probably just needs a tune-up. Otherwise, an overhaul might be needed.
Secondly, you need to understand the issues behind the non-performance. We usually recommend an assessment of the group or teams. Assessments can be as simple as face-to-face interviews to ferret out the problems and challenges. Assessments can also be done online with questionnaires sent to all teams in the department. The methods we use depend on the scope of the initiative and the culture of the organization.
Thirdly, you need a plan to remedy the problems, and motivate/ inspire the employees to achieve the goals of the company and the department. This usually starts with a clarification of the company and department strategy, goals and missions. Once the strategy is defined, it must be communicated to all levels of the organization. The leadership team can help translate the strategy and drill it down into individual and team goals for the departments and individuals. Performance against these goals needs to be measured, tracked and rewarded, or everyone will gravitate to doing what is already in their comfort zone, ie. handling the day-to-day crises and forgetting about the longer term, where the real money is!
Lastly, the people issues and the change management challenges, need to be addressed. This is done via individual and team coaching, learning to engage in difficult conversations, motivating, growing and developing your organization, sticking to the strategic objectives, delegating the details, planning and tracking projects and finally, bragging about successes and accomplishments!
Give our methods a try! Good Luck!
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Coming up in our next issue - Adaptive Leadership - Get To Your Next Level! |
Dianne Landau
President & CEO