
Ways Through the Maze: A Tax Guide for Indies

#7: Self-employment as Tax Shelter
January 2009
June Walker
Consultant to Indies

June's Blog

Tax Solutions for Creatives

Tax Solutions for Creatives: An Audio CD
Basics for the Visual Artist
An Audio CD
June Walker

1. Introduction
2. Self-employed in Business 
3. Three Ways to Deductions
4. Expenses in General
5. Office-in-the-Home
6. Auto & Transportation
7. Travel or Transportation
8. Meals & Entertainment
9. Income
10. Taxes  
11. Recordkeeping
12. A Final Caution

"Only suckers pay taxes."
Tax season is upon us and we are again inundated with books that advocate going into an indie business as a terrific way to pay no tax. 

Promotions for these worse than worthless and wrongheaded books are all over the web and at supermarket check-outs.

The epitome of this approach to self-employment is a self-appointed money guru who glibly promises that "you can magically turn personal expenses into tax deductions."  His on-line bag-of-tricks invariably shows that outsmarting the IRS is a piece of cake and that any taxpayer armed with his book and some wit can't lose.
Writers and pluggers of these books are more interested in tax consequences than in an indie business. That's putting the cart before the horse, at best. At worst it may suggest to gullible readers that they can set up a sham business to cut taxes -- a move that could be a big mistake.
These books advocate self-employment solely as a tax-avoidance device -- promising that with a little ingenuity one can reduce taxes down to zero. 

In more than one book the author's contrivances usually feature a W-2 person who creates a self-employed sideline that allows him to convert personal expenses into business write-offs. As an alternative scenario he has one spouse with a W-2 job and the other spouse fabricates the self-employed job. "Which spouse should create the deductions?" is one of the questions the author asks, exclusively from the point of view of which spouse can generate higher deductions.
In real life, decisions about self-employment are not made that way - one spouse may have a W-2 job for the sake of regular and steady income or health insurance coverage while the other tries a hand at the riskier and more irregular income of self-employment. Don't get me wrong -- I'm for taking every deduction legally possible, but going into business for that purpose is not what made America great or made any business succeed. Do you think Bill Gates or Oprah got started in business in order to deduct their personal expenses?
It's the glib but muddled counsel of the tax shelter promoters that gets the IRS breathing down our necks and gives us legitimate self-employeds a bad name. Remember, for the IRS to consider your activity a business you must have a profit motive not a tax reduction motive!
If you want to learn more, here are some related posts from my blog.

Exotic Dancer and more ...

And while we're on the subject of books, here's something to consider
Wishing you much success with your genuine indie business,
June Walker


The Why of Ways Through the Maze

  • To guide indies to a more simple and secure tax life. 
  • To promote indie-business self-confidence.  
  • To humanize tax issues with glimpses into the lives and concerns of self-employed people. 
  • Each issue will include one or more Q&As that come out of real-life situations of indies who have visited my blog or my website. 
  • From time to time I'll also announce indie happenings of interest to you.

Ways Through the Maze

Will bring you clear and simple solutions to complicated situations about
                                                                     indie pensions
                                                                     beiing self-employed
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